
June 30, 2021

The Looming Stagflationary Debt Crisis

2021.06.30 An article by Nouriel Roubini
June 28, 2021

For industrial metals exploration, it’s game on

2021.06.28 As countries continue to vaccinate their populations, and infections drop due to […]
June 25, 2021
EV and lithium battery markets to experience significant growth

Electrification and decarbonization won’t happen without these 4 metals

2021.06.25 The new “green economy” rejects dirty sources of energy and transportation, namely […]
June 24, 2021

Freegold continues to report high-grade assays from Golden Summit, Alaska

2021.06.24 At Freegold Ventures’ (TSX:FVL) flagship Golden Summit property in Alaska, a drill […]
June 24, 2021
silver bars

Mountain Boy details 2021 exploration plans for multi-element Theia project

2021.06.24 Following an earlier update on the company’s exploration plans in the prolific […]
June 24, 2021

Zinc prices to rebound in second half — IZSG

2021.06.24 Zinc prices may have softened after hitting a 3-year high in May, […]
June 23, 2021

First US graphite processing plant approved

2021.06.22 After decades of neglect, allowing China to monopolize world graphite production, the […]
June 22, 2021
one ounce palladium

Palladium One drills into $1,300 rock at Tyko nickel-copper-PGE project in Ontario

Palladium One continues to outline a high-grade nickel system at its Tyko Ni-Cu-PGE project in Ontario, where a second-phase drill program started in April.
June 21, 2021

Magna Gold enters next phase of growth with exploration planned on multiple properties in Mexico

One junior mining company looking to grow into Mexico’s next precious metals producer is Magna Gold Corp. (TSXV: MGR, OTCQB: MGLQF), which recently secured a C$10 million funding for its exploration activities across various projects this year.
June 19, 2021

Lithium hydroxide and nickel sulfate producers will rule the EV battery roost

The lithium-ion battery has evolved over the years, incorporating new chemistries for different applications and increased performance.
June 19, 2021

Automakers seeking greater control over EV battery raw materials like graphite, lithium

The auto industry is bleeding from a dearth of semiconductors, used for example in heads-up displays, sensors, cell phone integration, and to enhance engine performance.
June 17, 2021

Dolly Varden准备一期钻探,着眼于Torbrit资源扩张和新发现

June 17, 2021 随着夏季勘探季节的临近,Dolly Varden Silver Corp. (TSXV:DV)(OTC:DOLLF) 本月早些时候宣布已开始对该公司位于不列颠哥伦比亚省西北部潮水附近的同名白银项目进行实地活动。 2021年勘探计划 今年的勘探是一个为期两年的计划的第一阶段,主要目标是积极扩大和升级托布里特 (Torbrit)银矿床和多个富银卫星区,最终把该项目推进成为BC省的下一个高品位银矿。 此外,公司的地质团队已在整个地区发掘出多个具有前景的目标。除了为地下通道和勘探工作做准备的道路和场地升级之外,公司还设想了一个 […]
June 17, 2021

Dolly Varden readies Phase 1 drilling with sights set on Torbrit resource expansion and new discoveries

With the summer exploration season looming, Dolly Varden Silver Corp. (TSXV: DV) (OTC:DOLLF) announced earlier in the month it has initiated field activities on the company’s namesake silver project located near tidewater in northwest British Columbia.
June 17, 2021

Entheon acquires Lobo Genetics, enabling cannabis genetic testing protocol

Entheon Biomedical appears to be well on its way to developing a safe and effective solution for treating addiction and substance-use disorders, potentially changing the way society approaches drug addiction.

In April the company launched the industry’s first psychedelics genetic test kit, setting it on a path to creating more value out of data and technology to serve its customers.
June 16, 2021

Marvel Discovery Corp: First sample assays at Black Fly contain high-grade and visible gold

Just two weeks into 2021 exploration at its Black Fly gold project near Atikokan, Ontario, Marvel Discovery Corp (TSXV:MARV, FSE: O4T1, IMTFF:OTC PINKS) has already found success in a collection of sample assays reporting high-grade gold and in one batch, visible gold that assayed an impressive 24.3 grams per tonne Au (gold).
June 16, 2021

Falcon Gold poised to drill Central Canada project, Ontario

I expect plenty of new flow from FG, including geophysical interpretations, drill results and even a maiden resource estimate at the Central Canada gold property.
June 15, 2021

Magna Gold完成San Francisco矿山收购

2021.05.09 麦格纳黄金 (Magna Gold) (TSXV:MGR, OTCQB: MGLQF) 本周对其收购墨西哥的San Francisco金矿的计划进行了最后的修改。 为了将San Francisco重建成一个盈利的矿山,麦格纳在2020年春天同意以公司近20%的股本收购这个位于索诺拉州的项目,并在12个月后支付现金。 本周五,公司宣布成了收购协议的后半部分,即向供应商Argonaut Gold(TSX:AR) […]
June 15, 2021

Who got copper?

Vancouver-based Max Resource Corp. (TSXV:MXR, OTC: MXROF, FSE:M1D2) continues to make significant progress at its flagship CESAR project, situated along the world-famous Andean Copper Belt.
June 12, 2021

ZincX Resources commences 2021 drill program at Akie property

Following weeks of planning and preparation, ZincX Resources Corp. (TSXV: ZNX) this week announced that it has finally commenced the 2021 summer drill program on its flagship Akie property in BC.

This 2,000-metre diamond drilling program will focus on the Cardiac Creek deposit - ZincX’s primary asset - and build on the positive and robust results from the 2018 preliminary economic assessment (PEA).
June 11, 2021

‘Greenwashing’ is tainting the rush to electrification

What’s the point of making supposedly “green” battery components when the refining process is so dirty?
June 10, 2021

Norden Crown全力开发“破碎山型”矿山项目,以受益于投资者向基本金属ETF注入数十亿美元资金

May 12, 2021 伴随着近几年的大麻股、比特币、科技股,到2020年的黄金和白银的投资热潮,基本金属一直遭受着投资者们的忽视。而如今由于铜、铁矿石、锌和铅的价格的不断上涨,资本也逐渐开始涌向了基本金属。 下面的图表说明了一切。中国是全球最大的大宗商品消费国,其需求火爆,加上近年来国家关闭了一些锌矿等供应紧张因素,这些金属正在蓬勃发展。 铜也是如此; 该金属大部分来源于南美洲,而为了防止冠状病毒在的传播,那里的许多铜矿在去年被迫关闭。 初级矿业公司历来是大宗商品价格上涨的最佳杠杆。而在支持矿业的管辖区拥有优质贱金属矿床的企业将从中受益。 弗雷德里克森矿 Norden Crown (诺登皇冠金属公司) (TSXV:NOCR,OTC:NOCRF,Frankfurt:03E) […]
June 10, 2021

Mountain Boy Minerals unveils exploration plans for BC’s prolific Golden Triangle

One junior mining company that has set sights on extracting more value out of its precious/metals projects during this auspicious period is Mountain Boy Minerals Ltd. (TSX.V: MTB; OTCQB: MBYMF; Frankfurt: M9UA), which has six active projects spanning 604 square kilometres (60,398 hectares) in the prolific Golden Triangle of northern British Columbia.
June 10, 2021

Investors beat central banks and jewelry, as having the most influence on gold prices

Our research shows that most retail investors, who are the main drivers of gold’s price, trust gold more than fiat (paper) currencies to preserve their purchasing power. When debt soars, when real interest rates go negative, when cash becomes trash, gold shines brightest.
June 8, 2021

Dolly Varden目标在不列颠哥伦比亚省著名金三角开发银区

2021.05.09 多利瓦尔登公司(Dolly Varden) (TSX.V:DV, OTC:DOLLF) 旗下的白银资产由两个过去生产的银矿床Dolly Varden和Torbrit组成。它们曾是不列颠哥伦比亚省(或卑诗省)悠久的采矿历史的一部分,在1919至1959年间产出2000万盎司白银,测定出每吨矿石的白银含量高达2200盎司(超过72千克)。 实际上,Dolly Varden/North Star矿曾经是大英帝国最富的银矿之一,在 1919 年至 1921 […]
June 8, 2021

‘Fully green’ Palladium One advancing sulfide nickel deposit in Ontario, palladium project in Finland

Though rare, there are companies that have nickel sulfide deposits under development. Palladium One’s (TSXV:PDM, FSE: 7N11, OTC:NKORF) Tyko project is located in northwestern Ontario’s Mid-Continent Rift Nickel Province, where previous and current work indicates strong potential for Voisey’s-style (referring to the huge Voisey’s Bay nickel mine in Newfoundland, re-opened in 2020 by Vale) feeder dyke nickel-copper-platinum group element (PGE) mineralization.
June 5, 2021

Exploits nearly doubles land position in Central Newfoundland area play with PB Hill acquisition

Exploits Discovery Corp (CSE:NFLD, FSE:634-FF) is moving forward with its 2021 exploration program involving up to 13,500m of drilling at five targets — all of which are very prospective. Three of five host visible gold at surface with impressive grades up to 194 g/t Au.

The largest landholder in the Exploits Subzone of Central Newfoundland now has even more real estate, upping its chances of a major gold discovery as 2021 drilling begins. this week announced it has acquired the PB Hill property through a 50-50 staking agreement with Crest Resources (CSE:CRES).
June 5, 2021


2021.05.25 现货银在2020年8月跃升至每盎司28.32美元,创下了七年来的最佳表现。尽管价格在去年秋天有所回落,但今年全年仍上涨了47%,比黄金22%的涨幅翻了一番还多。 而在一月下旬,自网友们在Reddit的WallStreetBets论坛发贴触发买入通知后,白银价格再一次上涨。在一系列的购买中,白银价格一度冲破了28美元,并曾触及31美元,然后回落。自3月份以来,这种白色金属的交易价格一直在26美元至28美元之间的一个相当窄的区间内浮动。 然而,由于货币和工业需求的强劲驱动,白银市场的前景极其乐观。 根据白银协会(Silver Institute)发布的2021年世界白银调查报告,今年全球白银需求量预计将超过供应量7%(供应量增加8%,需求量增加15%)。 全球需求将由对工业和投资级实物白银的投资主导。这是全球经济复苏的结果,也是基于2020年良好的硬币和银条购买量。因此,白银协会预计今年的白银价格将大幅上涨至33% 事实上,通过分析市场的供给和需求,我们可以进一步理解对白银的乐观叙述。在这样做的同时,我们更有信心称之为采银业的巅峰。 采银业的巅峰 大多数读者和投资者应该对峰值资源的概念有所耳闻;它所指的是产量年复一年不再增长的那一点。该资源在这一点达到一个巅峰,随即下降。 注意,我们并没有说“白银的巅峰”。在AOTH,我们区分了总银供应量(即回收银与开采银的结块)和矿山供应量。 在计算银需求与供应的真实情况时,我们不计算银回收(大多数回收银是工业级的)。我们更想知道的并真正关心的是每年开采的银的供应量是否满足每年对银的需求。而答案明显是没有! 举例说明: […]
June 4, 2021

Manning kickstarts 2021 exploration at Lac Simone, Hope Lake iron ore projects, Quebec

Manning Ventures Inc. (CSE:MANN, FSE:1H5) will soon have boots on the ground at its two iron ore projects in Quebec, collecting samples and mapping in preparation for an upcoming drill program.
June 4, 2021

The future of Canada’s nickel supply isn’t Indonesia

China says it has found a way to make “green” nickel chemical for EV batteries from nickel laterite deposits in Indonesia that could help to alleviate the coming supply deficit in the metal that is essential to electric vehicle batteries.

Don’t be fooled. The process itself is extremely polluting, and ‘ocean tailings ponds’ are anything but green. Thankfully car companies aren’t buying it.

Future nickel supply for battery-making is therefore unlikely to come from Indonesia or anywhere else where nickel laterites are mined.
June 4, 2021

Drilling starts at Getchell Gold’s flagship Fondaway Canyon, Nevada

Getchell Gold’s (CSE:GTCH, OTCQB:GGLDF) Fondaway Canyon is an advanced-stage gold property located in Churchill County, Nevada. The project has been the subject of multiple exploration campaigns in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
June 3, 2021

Cashed-up Graphite One advancing Alaska project to prefeasibility with 2021 drill program and new hire

The global supply chain for graphite is severely vulnerable to disruptions due to the near monopolistic nature of the market.

Currently nearly all graphite processing takes place in China because of the ready availability of graphite there, weak environmental standards, and low costs.

Located on the Seward Peninsula in western Alaska, Graphite One’s (TSXV:GPH, OTCQB:GPHOF) Graphite Creek property hosts America’s highest-grade large flake deposit.
June 2, 2021

The future of Canada’s nickel supply is NOT Indonesia

AOTH’s favorite nickel junior is Renforth Resources (CSE:RFR, OTC:RFHRF, WKN:A2H9TN), whose Surimeau nickel sulphide project covers an area of about 260 square kilometers south of the Cadillac Break in Quebec, among current and former producing mines.
June 1, 2021

Canada’s EV ambitions

The supply-demand imbalance for graphite has meant a rising price environment for the mineral since 2017. Roskill analysts believe prices will likely remain high with resilient demand for EV raw materials, major suppliers getting hit by covid-19, and environmental crackdowns in China.

This is great news for companies exploring for graphite. Our Canadian favorite is Lomiko Metals (TSX.V:LMR, OTC:LMRMF, FSE:DH8C), hunting for the grayish-black mineral in the Canadian province of Quebec.
May 31, 2021

Copper roars past $4.60 as resource nationalism grips market

A number of happenings in the copper market conspired to elevate the spot price beyond $4.60 a pound on Thursday, confirming Ahead of the Herd’s suspicions that a new wave of resource nationalism in some of the largest copper-producing nations is washing over the sector.
May 30, 2021

Cypress Development moves closer to advancing Clayton Valley lithium project towards feasibility

One company committed to developing America’s next lithium supply is Cypress Development Corp. (TSX-V: CYP) (OTCQB: CYDVF) (Frankfurt: C1Z1), which presently holds a 100% interest in the Clayton Valley lithium project in southwest Nevada.
May 28, 2021

The future of US lithium supply

“The world’s future energy course is being charted today because of the ramifications of peak oil and a need to reduce our carbon footprints.

A whole new industry – a global wide automotive and industrial lithium-ion battery industry – is going to be built.” April 17th 2010, Richard Mills,
May 27, 2021

Marvel Discovery kicks off 2021 exploration program at Blackfly gold project in Ontario

Fresh off a company rebrand earlier in 2021 and a recent asset spin-off, Marvel Discovery Corp. (TSX-V: MARV) (Frankfurt: O4T1) (IMTFF: OTC PINKS) is now ready to move forward with this year’s exploration plans, beginning with one of the most promising gold projects in Ontario.
May 27, 2021

‘Not hard to dig a hole’ anti-mining Democrats say

Joe Biden’s position on mining has always been murky.

Publicly the veteran Senator turned US President says all the right things to show mine workers he is on their side. Away from the cameras Biden is listening to the anti-mining left wing of his Democratic Party controlled by liberal progressives and environmentalists, doing whatever he can to scupper new mining projects and oil pipelines.
May 25, 2021

If you remember the ’60s, you weren’t there

The US Federal Reserve is insisting that recent increases in the price of food, construction materials, used cars, personal health products, gasoline, and appliances reflect transitory factors that will quickly fade with post-pandemic normalization. But what if they are a harbinger, not a "noisy" deviation?
May 25, 2021

Peak mined silver reached

According to Sprott Insights, the three areas of growing demand — solar, 5G and automotive — potentially account for greater than 125 million ounces, annually, in 10 years. Where is this new silver supply going to come from?

Their conclusion? “We do not see enough supply growth to offset the demand growth,” with mine supply falling since 2016 and “we do not see enough projects in development to generate the kind of production levels in question, at least not at current silver prices.”
May 24, 2021

Max’s exploration success at CESAR project comes right as copper enters “super bull” territory

Energy and precious metals explorer Max Resource Corp. (TSX.V: MXR; OTC: MXROF; Frankfurt: M1D2) continues to make significant progress at its flagship CESAR project in northeastern Colombia, along what is considered to be the world’s largest copper-producing belt in the Andean.
May 23, 2021

Country risk: the best and worst places to mine

Resource nationalism is the tendency of people and governments to assert control, for strategic and economic reasons, over natural resources located on their territory. It has been identified as one of the key risks for investors in the natural resources sector.

Miners are easy targets because mining is a long-term investment and one that is especially capital intensive. Mines are also immobile, so mining companies are at the mercy of the countries in which they operate. Outright seizure of assets happens using the twin excuses of historical injustice and environmental or contractual misdeeds. There is no compensation offered and no recourse.
May 22, 2021

Renforth continues to report high grades from Parbec drilling ahead of upcoming resource update

With a new resource estimate on its Parbec project in Quebec imminent, Renforth Resources Inc. (CSE: RFR) (OTCQB: RFHRF) (FSE: 9RR) has kept on delivering exciting results from the second phase of drilling completed during winter 2021.
May 21, 2021

Copper con

If you needed upwards of 50 million tonnes of copper over the next five years, and had very little production of your own, what would you do?

I’m thinking you would manipulate the market like crazy trying to get everyone to believe there is a huge surplus instead of a major deficit.
May 20, 2021

Getchell Gold poised to sink drills into Nevada projects Fondaway Canyon and Star

As an asset/ development stage junior, Getchell believes the deposit, the asset, is large and rich enough to start down a development path. An asset/development stage company is, in the opinion of management, and likely stockholders who are following the story, likely to become a mine. The risk has been greatly reduced, the wait time for a discovery non-existent, and the reward can be very nice, considering the much lower amount of risk, compared to an exploration-stage junior.
May 18, 2021

Running on MT — peak copper

In a previous article we proved peak gold; in this piece, a deep dive into copper supply depletion, we ultimately reach the same conclusion, ie., that we have reached peak copper.
May 17, 2021

Gold historically follows inflation higher. Will it do so again?

According to the World Gold Council, gold is the third most consistently bought investment (46%), behind savings accounts (78%) and life insurance (56%).

According to the World Gold Council, gold is the third most consistently bought investment (46%), behind savings accounts (78%) and life insurance (56%).

Precious metals are among the best places to park your money in times of economic or political distress.
May 16, 2021

Drilling underway at Victory Resources’ Loner property as it looks to unlock value of Nevada assets

One international mining company that is committed to exploring Nevada’s mineral-rich regions is Victory Resources Corp. (CSE: VR) (FWB: VR61) (OTC: VRCFF), which has been actively looking at precious metals opportunities in the state and recently expanded its focus to battery metals.
May 15, 2021

New Found Gold, Eric Sprott show confidence in Exploits with $8M upsized private placement

Shareholders in Exploits Development Corp (CSE:NFLD, FSE:634-FF) were rewarded this week with an explosive move in the stock price following an announced $8 million financing.
May 15, 2021

Codebase Ventures的Arcology平台向公共测试网更近了一步

2021.05.15 加密货币市场的增长在2021年丝毫没有缓慢的迹象。 尽管比特币的价格在最近几周停滞不前,但随着更多资金涌入类似的投资产品,其他数字货币仍在飙升至新高,并有望能获得与四年前加密热潮类似的巨额收益。 全球十大加密货币中已有五种在过去一周创下了新高。 截至周一午夜,全球加密市场的市值创下了略高于2.5万亿美元的纪录。尽管占市场近一半的比特币下跌了1%,但整个市场的价值在此期间仍然增加了超过2000亿美元。 以太坊打破纪录 其中最大的赢家是以太币,是仅次于比特币的全球第二大加密货币。以太币在本周一突破了4000美元的关口,创下新高。 作为以太坊区块链的数字代币,以太币最近出现了抛物线式上涨,随着更多的投资者在寻求从比特币以外的加密货币获中得更大的回报。自4月初以来,以太币的市值已经上涨了40%,而这期间以太坊的市值增加了1300亿美元。 包括摩根大通(JPMorgan)在内的专家将以太坊的优势归因于机构和零售交易人士对其日益增长的兴趣。比特币的支持者认为它是一种类似黄金的价值存储,而以太坊则不同于比特币;以太坊是一种分散式互联网的基础设施,而不是由中央当局维护。 它构成了当今流行的“去中心化金融” (DeFi,或Decentralized Finance)加密趋势的基础;DeFi所指的是一种促进传统银行机构之外借贷的点对点平台。 欧盟贷款机构欧洲投资银行(European […]
May 15, 2021

Codebase Ventures’ Arcology platform moves one step closer to public testnet

One company that aims to address the common problems faced by blockchain networks is Arcology, a blockchain company 30% owned by Codebase Ventures Inc. (CSE: CODE) (FSE: C5B) (OTCQB: BKLLF).

Inspired by the challenges associated with ethereum's mass adoption, the Arcology team is developing a radically new blockchain ecosystem designed to scale at unprecedented speed by reducing costs and increasing enterprise capabilities.
May 14, 2021

Global iron ore sector has robust dynamics

Iron ore prices recently broke a new record amid a sustained rally in commodities prices as demand from top consumer China remains as robust as ever.

At the center of the latest rally is rising steel prices, from Asia to North America. Steel demand remains strong as economies - China in particular - continue their massive investments in steel-intensive infrastructure.
May 14, 2021

Rising food prices threaten world’s most vulnerable

Continuing the US (and Canadian) economic recovery is obviously important but it should not come on the backs of the poor who bear the most weight of inflation, particularly increases in food prices.

Government officials need to be aware of how their monetary and fiscal policies are impacting the most vulnerable in society.
May 12, 2021

Norden Crown developing Broken Hill Type ‘look-alike’ as investors pump billions into silver & base metals ETFs

As base metals prices continue to attract investor interest, I’m keeping a close eye on juniors like Norden Crown, whose Fredriksson Gruva target, and its resemblance to a Broken Hill Type deposit, appears to have the scale, the grades and the consistency of mineralization to interest a major.
May 11, 2021

Manning Ventures positioned to capitalize on the robust dynamics of global iron ore sector

One up-and-coming miner looking to capitalize on this supercharged commodity cycle is Canada’s Manning Ventures Inc. (CSE: MANN) (CNSX: MANN.CN) (Frankfurt: 1H5). The junior’s business approach is to acquire and explore a diversified set of projects across the country’s mineral-rich regions, with the aim of finding impactful resource discoveries.
May 11, 2021

Lomiko sharpens focus on green metals with lithium property acquisition

I’m looking forward to seeing what Lomiko has planned for its lithium and graphite properties in Quebec and upcoming shareholder catalysts.
May 9, 2021

Dolly Varden aiming to develop silver district in British Columbia’s famed Golden Triangle

Dolly Varden Silver finds itself in the rare position of being a pure-play silver explorer, in a space where most silver production comes from lead-zinc deposits or is a by-product of gold mining.
May 9, 2021

Magna Gold completes San Francisco mine acquisition

On Friday Magna announced the second half of the arrangement, a US$5 million payment to vendor Argonaut Gold (TSX:AR), and promised to pay the remaining working capital balance of US$2.675 million in four monthly installments between July and October, 2021.

“We are very pleased to be fulfilling our obligations to Argonaut. With this payment behind us we are looking forward to reaching a steady rate of production at the San Francisco Mine and strengthening our balance sheet primarily through the cash flow generated by the operations,” said Magna’s President and CEO Arturo Bonillas, in the May 7 news release.
May 8, 2021

Dark side of green

What’s the point of making supposedly “green” battery components when the refining process is so dirty?
May 7, 2021

Falcon Gold ramps up acquisitions, eyes maiden resource estimate at Central Canada gold project

Falcon Gold (TSXV:FG, Frankfurt:3FA.G, OTC:FGLDF) continues to make excellent progress at its flagship Central Canada gold project, located 21 km east of Atitokan, and 160 km west of Thunder Bay, Ontario. In addition, the company has acquired a gold-silver-copper property in Argentina, and a trio of mineral claims in central British Columbia near the town of Clinton.
May 6, 2021

Graphite prices stay high as America continues its push to win the global EV market

Demand for graphite used in EV batteries is set to increase by 15 times over the next decade, rising from 200,000 to 3 million tonnes annually. On the other side of the equation, global graphite supply is expected to remain tight for the foreseeable future. Last year, the world’s total output came to 952,600 tonnes, a staggering 15% decline over 2019.

With an intensifying national focus surrounding EV raw materials, it’s no surprise that high-priority designation was given earlier this year to Graphite One Inc. (TSX-V:GPH) (OTCQB:GPHOF) to develop what is possibly the largest known graphite resource in the US.
May 5, 2021

Palladium One links sulfide conductors at Tyko, continues to intersect significant widths at Kaukua South

The demand for “green” metals is pinned on bets that more aggressive climate pledges will accelerate the proliferation of solar panels, wind turbines and electric cars. Beyond electrification and decarbonization, the need is being driven by something more immediate — a worldwide economic recovery from the pandemic.
May 5, 2021

Dr. Copper’s inflation diagnosis shows the patient is already sick

Copper’s broad use in various industrial sectors including construction, transportation and telecommunications, makes it a reliable early indicator of economic activity.

In fact, “Dr. Copper’s” ability to predict which way the global economy will go, has earned it a PhD in economics.
May 3, 2021

Gold to benefit from mounting US debt pile

Climbing yields, as investors rotate funds out of bonds into stocks, on increasing confidence in the economy, is the primary reason why the prices of precious metals gold and silver have pulled back in recent weeks. For now.
May 3, 2021

Death by resource depletion

Look up the word sustainable in the Oxford English dictionary and you get the following definition: “avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.”

Unfortunately the world’s ecological balance has not been right for a very long time. As a society, we are consuming resources far more quickly than we are replacing them, which is the very definition of unsustainable.
May 2, 2021

Tinka Resources: New tin discovery spells new heights for Ayawilca amid chronic supply squeeze

Tin currently has the highest value of the major base metals, three times the value of copper and nine times the value of zinc.

Chances are the value of zinc could stay high for a while. This is because the global tin market is in the midst of a historic squeeze (or one might call a “super squeeze”).

One potential source of tin that we should be looking at lies in the Pasco region of central Peru. This is where we find Tinka Resources (TSXV:TK, OTCP:TKRFF) and its flagship Ayawilca project.
April 29, 2021

Under the Spotlight – Freegold Ventures Limited

2021.04.29 Freegold – part 1 Freegold – part 2 Richard (Rick) Millsaheadoftheherd.comsubscribe to […]
April 29, 2021

Gold, silver, inflation and Quantifornication ‘out the wazoo’

While precious metals have somewhat been subdued over recent weeks, there’s a storm brewing that could set gold, and by extension silver, on an upward trajectory once again.
April 29, 2021

Silver to hit $30 on expected 8-year-high demand

According to the Silver Institute, global demand for silver will rise to 1.025 billion ounces in 2021, the highest in eight years, led by investments in industrial and investment-grade physical silver, ie., bars and coins.

“The outlook for the silver price in 2021 remains exceptionally encouraging, with the annual average price projected to rise by 46 percent to … $30,” it said in a statement.
April 28, 2021

Bullish copper narrative continues to build

New chapters of the copper success story that started in 2020 are being written as the tawny-colored metal basks in the glory of global climate pledges, and an economic recovery from the pandemic underpinned by strengthened industrial demand.
April 27, 2021

The case for green economy metals and the companies exploring for them

The United States is back in the fold of countries pledging to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and that is helping to drive demand for an assemblage of metals that a global push to decarbonize and electrify is expected to require.
April 24, 2021

Biden’s Green New Deal

Joe Biden came to power as the 46th US president expecting to spend more on green energy and clean technology. Just how much more is starting to be revealed.
April 23, 2021

Max Resource宣布CESAR北部目标有另一项重大铜矿发现

温哥华矿业公司Max Resource Corp. (TSXV:MXR) (OTC:MXROF) (Frankfurt: M1D2) 在今年位于哥伦比亚的CESAR项目勘探中再次证实了该矿的巨大开发潜力,进一步确立了该项目应属于一个地区规模的沉积物构造的铜银矿系统。
April 23, 2021

Exploits gearing up to drill 5 targets in Newfoundland

As the dominant landholder in Central Newfoundland exploring over 200 km of deep regional fault structures known to host significant gold discoveries, Exploits Discovery Corp. (CSE: NFLD, OTCQB:RNRRF, FSE:634-FF) continues to generate buzz in what is one of the world’s most exciting gold area plays.
April 21, 2021

Gold’s perfect storm

There’s an old saying on Wall Street: “Six percent interest will draw money from the moon.” And it’s true, but what is also true is, 1/ As long as real interest rates are below 2% gold is in a bull market and 2/ Real interest rates below 2% draw investors to gold.

Central banks know this, so do educated gold buyers.

With Treasury notes paying such low net yields, gold becomes an attractive investment.
April 19, 2021

Renforth delivers more promising results from Parbec, Surimeau drill programs

Renforth Resources Inc. (CSE: RFR) (OTCQB: RFHRF) (FSE: 9RR) continues to deliver good news for shareholders, this week announcing new assay results for the 2020 drill program on its wholly owned Parbec open-pit constrained gold deposit in Quebec.

Meanwhile, Renforth has also been making significant progress at its Surimeau District property (nickel, copper, zinc), a brownfield project covering an area of 215km2 south of the Cadillac Break among current and former producing mines.
April 17, 2021

Under the Spotlight – Getchell Gold Corp

2021.04.17 New Videos showing expanded Geological Model of Gold Zones: Fondaway Canyon, Nevada […]
April 17, 2021

Mined gold supply still not keeping up with demand

With gold prices rising 22% in 2020, a pertinent question is whether the world can produce enough of the precious metal to meet rising demand — especially considering we are entering what could be a particularly ugly period of inflation
April 17, 2021

Copper: the linchpin of ancient and modern society we need to find a lot more of

The big question is, will there be enough copper for future electrification needs, globally? Plus all the other modern-day uses of copper?

The short answer is no, not without a massive acceleration of copper production worldwide.

Global leaders have set strict decarbonization targets that require green-focused infrastructure built with copper. This, combined with a massive rise in government expenditures and years of underinvestment, has investment bank Goldman Sachs predicting that another commodity super-cycle is on the horizon.

April 17, 2021

Zinc: Impending commodity Supercycle to be beneficial

By David Duval As with other base metals, zinc prices were impacted negatively […]
April 15, 2021

Max Resource reports another significant copper discovery at CESAR North target zone

As the first company ever to explore all of the copper and silver-rich areas covered by the CESAR property, Max has so far identified multiple copper-silver target zones, all with significant potential to expand further, demonstrating the presence of a widespread highly prospective copper-silver district.
April 15, 2021

Tinka makes tin discovery at Ayawilca project, Peru

Tinka Resources’ (TSX.V:TK, OTCQB:TKRFF) Ayawilca polymetallic project in Peru just got a whole lot more interesting with the discovery of a new tin zone, that is expected to add significant value to what is already the largest zinc development project in Latin America and one of the biggest zinc resources held by a junior explorer.
April 14, 2021

Inflation, real interest rates revisited

Gold prices ticked higher on Tuesday after inflation data showed US consumer prices rose in March for the fourth straight month and inflation hit its highest level in 2.5 years.

The US Federal Reserve, whose dual mandate is to keep inflation in the “Goldilocks zone” of around 2% and to control unemployment, has been downplaying inflation, telling the public that even if prices rise, it will only be temporary.
April 13, 2021

ESG seen as biggest risk to mining industry

ESG was a dominant theme running through this year’s AME Roundup conference in Vancouver.

Ross Beaty, chairman of Pan American Silver and Equinox Gold, said “It’s just critical. Every single meeting you have with investors, it’s number one on the topic (list).”
April 11, 2021

The mounting obstacles to battery/ energy metals supply parity

“The adage of ‘if it can’t be grown it must be mined’ serves as a reminder that electric vehicles, transitional energy, and a green economy start with metals. The supply chain for batteries, wind turbines, solar panels, electric motors, transmission lines, 5G — everything that is needed for a Green Economy starts with metals and mining. Demand for these metals, principally lithium, nickel and cobalt on the battery side and copper, uranium and rare earth elements on the energy side is expected to rise rapidly.”
April 10, 2021

Entheon Biomedical commercializes industry’s first psychedelics genetic test kit

As pioneers of a leading-edge addiction recovery solution based on psychedelic medicine, Entheon Biomedical Corp. (CSE: ENBI) (FSE: 1XU1) has been actively expanding its business over the past weeks. The culmination of that work is the release of a potentially groundbreaking product in the field of psychedelic therapy, which would also represent the company’s first revenue stream.
April 10, 2021

Magna Gold fast-tracking million-ounce former gold mine in Mexico towards production

Among those actively exploring the mineral-rich regions of Mexico, one miner that is on a fast track to achieving intermediate status is Canada’s Magna Gold Corp. (TSXV: MGR, OTCQB: MGLQF), which has been actively acquiring and developing quality precious metals properties in Mexico.

The company’s flagship project is the past-producing San Francisco mine, located 150 km north of Hermosillo, Sonora’s state capital. The 47,395-hectare property consists of two previously mined open pits (San Francisco and Chicharra) — which Magna plans to reopen soon — and associated heap leaching facilities located close to the San Francisco pit.
April 9, 2021

Under the Spotlight – Dolly Varden Silver Corp

Dolly Varden’s goal is to try and extend Torbrit through some step-out drill holes, and to get into the high-grade, 500g to 1kg material. There are early indications of other Torbrit “look-alikes” along a 4.5-km trend. Through drilling, Dolly Varden wants to prove up another Torbrit and drastically increase the size of the resource which in all categories is about 44Moz at an average grade of 300 g/t. A key part of the exploration thesis is the fact that the rocks hosting the mineralization on the property are the same age as some of the other large deposits found in the Golden Triangle including Eskay Creek.
April 9, 2021

America’s Suez

Amid bombastic statements that scared US consular officials and alienated allies, like calling North Korea’s Kim Jong-un “rocket man”, rejecting the Iran nuclear deal and declaring that the US embassy would be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, former President Trump occasionally had flashes of brilliance.

One such instance was said to have occurred regarding Taiwan.

According to John Bolton’s memoir, Trump liked to point to the tip of a Sharpy and say, “This is Taiwan,” then motion to the desk in his Oval Office and say “This is China. Taiwan is like two feet from China, we are 8,000 miles away. If they invade there isn’t a f&%*ing thing we can do about it.”
April 6, 2021

Under the Spotlight – Exploits Discovery Corp.

Exploits Discovery Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition and development of mineral projects in Newfoundland, Canada. The Company holds the Middle Ridge, True Grit, Great Bend, Mt. Peyton, Jonathans Pond, and Gazeebow projects, which cumulatively cover an area over 2,000 km². All projects within Exploits’ portfolio lie within the Exploits Subzone and Gander River Ultramafic Belt (GRUB) of the Dunnage Zone, which contain the majority of Newfoundland’s gold mineral occurrences and exploration efforts, including New Found Gold’s 2019 discovery of 92.86 g/t Au over 19.0 meters near surface. The Exploits Subzone has been the focus of major staking and financing throughout 2020, with increased exploration activities forecasted in the area moving into 2021.
April 5, 2021

The US has a metals problem

Years of neglecting its critical metal supplies is catching up with the United States, as demand for the raw materials needed to build a new green economy that rejects fossil fuels gears up.
April 4, 2021

Freegold Ventures: New assays continue to show resource expansion potential of Golden Summit project

With the market for gold deals heating up and miners still hungry for high-upside projects, one gold developer that could garner attention is the Alaska-focused Freegold Ventures Ltd. (TSX:FVL), which currently holds an advanced-stage gold asset in a highly mineralized district near Fairbanks.
April 2, 2021

Renforth continues to unlock huge VMS/ sulfide nickel system at Surimeau, Quebec

Though early stage, the possibility of widespread sulfide nickel mineralization at Surimeau looks promising. The grades and rock value given here are conservative; the 0.224% Ni used to calculate the rock value of US$41.83 per tonne is based on only three intercepts from three holes drilled at Surimeau, less than 200m. Highlights from summer 2020 grab sampling show grades up to 0.495% Ni. If those grades start showing up in drill core, Renforth could really be onto something.
April 2, 2021

Victory Resources names new CEO as it expands exploration focus to battery metals

As Victory Resources Corp. (CSE: VR) (FWB: VR61) (OTC: VRCFF) continues to scale up mining operations on multiple properties across North America, the company has made a significant management change to reflect its broadening exploration focus that now includes battery metals.
March 31, 2021

We are drowning in plastic

As the fight against the coronavirus continues to take center stage, an insidious environmental problem is getting worse: plastic pollution.

The global health crisis has prompted a rush for single-use plastic just as governments around the world were taking steps to curtail or ban its usage. Demand has surged for everything from face shields and gloves to takeaway food containers and bubble wrap for online shopping — most of which cannot be recycled and is ending up as waste.
March 30, 2021

Rick Mills Podcast: Copper Will Be the Key Commodity for Green Energy Push

Mainstream media and the large mining companies are finally catching on to what we at AOTH have been saying for the past two years: the copper market is heading for a severe supply shortage due to a perfect storm of under-exploration/ lack of discovery of new deposits, clashing with a huge increase in demand due to electrification and decarbonization.
March 27, 2021

Graphite One: America’s climate plan comes down to building domestic critical mineral supply

The common denominator for each countries climate action plan is electric vehicles; that’s easy to identify. But whether economies can acquire sufficient raw materials to reach “full electrification” is another story — it's a problem that has yet to be solved.

For years, the US has been heavily reliant on foreign supply of minerals required for key areas such as national defense, electronics and medical equipment, and its EV sector is no different.

Under Trump’s executive order (September 2020), graphite was identified as one of four minerals considered essential to the nation’s “national security, foreign policy and economy.”
March 25, 2021

Max’s success at CESAR points to rich copper-silver district in Colombia

Max Resource Corp (TSXV:MXR, OTC:MXROF, Frankfurt: M1D2) continues to make good progress at its CESAR copper-silver project in Colombia, this week announcing high-grade results from the CONEJO discovery at CESAR North

Highlight assays greater than 9% copper and 50 grams per tonne (g/t) silver included 12.5% copper + 83.5 g/t silver over 5X5 meters; 10.4% copper + 95 g/t silver over 5 meters by 5 meters; 10.5% copper + 50.1 g/t silver over 3X2 meters; and 9.5% copper + 120 g/t silver over 1 meter by 1 meter.
March 25, 2021

ZincX Resources: Critical state of zinc mineral supply places Akie project in spotlight

Unsurprisingly, many of the base metals, which are invaluable to many sectors of the global economy, are found within Canada’s critical minerals list. Among them is zinc, an essential ingredient used to build our roads, bridges, buildings, and cars.

The Akie property is an advanced exploration project with drill indicated resources owned by Vancouver’s ZincX Resources Corp. (TSXV: ZNX).
March 25, 2021

Wage slaves vs gold owners

According to Pew Research the real average wage, which Pew defines as “the wage after accounting for inflation” has roughly the same purchasing power as it did 43 years ago.

In real terms average hourly earnings peaked more than 45 years ago: The $4.03-an-hour rate recorded in January 1973 had the same purchasing power that $23.68 would today