March 11, 2025

Freeport sees $500 million annual boost if Trump declares copper as critical

By Ernest Scheyder – Freeport-McMoRan (NYSE: FCX) hopes U.S. President Donald Trump […]
February 6, 2025

Essential graphite and G1’s Soon-to-be-Released Feasibility Study – Richard Mills

2025.01.24 China is by far the biggest graphite producer at about 80% of […]
February 4, 2025

B.C. critical minerals being diverted away from United States: David Eby

From CTV News British Columbia’s premier says major companies in the province are […]
January 27, 2025

The coming critical minerals trade war – Richard Mills

2025.01.16 Critical minerals have become the new frontline of the rivalry between the […]
January 20, 2025

Electrification Visualizing China’s Cobalt Supply Dominance by 2030

By Bruno Venditti – Visual Capitalist Elements Chinese dominance over critical minerals used in […]
December 19, 2024

Column: Critical metals will be a key battleground in US-China trade war

From It’s clear that critical minerals will be China’s weapon of choice […]
December 16, 2024

Military Uses of Graphite – Richard Mills

2024.12.06 The energy transition and digitalization have made critical minerals top of mind […]
November 23, 2024

British Columbia creates new mining ministry to tackle critical minerals amid doubts over capacity

By Henry Lazenby – British Columbia Premier David Eby on Monday split […]
October 29, 2024

China’s critical mineral dominance puts Washington’s supply chain hopes at risk

From Yahoo Finance Beijing’s dominance in the resource-rich central African nation Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) […]
June 30, 2024

REE Stockpile

By Kelsey Baker – Yahoo News US stockpiles of the rare earth minerals […]
June 25, 2024

Is Now Time To Buy This Graphite Stock?

From Streetwise Reports Technical Analyst Clive Maund examines Graphite One Inc.’s charts to […]
June 3, 2024

Graphite One could benefit from tariff hike on Chinese EVs, battery parts – Richard Mills

2024.05.29 North American graphite producers got a boost earlier this month, with President […]
June 3, 2024

Graphite One CEO and President, Anthony Huston, Invited by President Biden to White House Investment and Job Creation Session; White House Sets 25% Tariff on Chinese Graphite

May 15, 2024 CEO to President Biden:  “Projects like Graphite One’s are important […]
May 19, 2024

US runs out of copper – Richard Mills

2024-05-19 AOTH has been warning for 2 years this was going to happen […]
May 19, 2024

The world has a critical minerals problem

By Andrew Freedman – Axios The IEA examines the nitty gritty details of […]
May 15, 2024

Graphite and Critical Mineral Mining Boosted by $72B Fund

From Stockhouse The Biden administration has clarified that mining projects focused on extracting […]
April 5, 2024

Graphite’s war-fighting capabilities – Richard Mills

2024.04.04 The energy transition and digitalization have made critical minerals top of mind […]
April 1, 2024

Dwindling U.S. Stockpiles of Minerals for Military Use Should Be a Cause for Concern

By Jim Constantopoulos – Real Clear Energy It seems implausible that now, with China […]
March 20, 2024

China copper nudges 3-year high as supply cuts bite – Richard Mills

2024.03.16 A tightening copper market is raising prices and shining a spotlight on […]
January 2, 2024

Beyond Batteries: What’s Really Driving the Energy Transition?

By ZeroHedge The world is becoming increasingly electric and connected, transitioning towards a future powered […]
November 23, 2023

Exposing the copper surplus myth – Richard Mills

2023.11.22 Commodity analysts predictions are usually wrong about copper supply, often predicting a […]
November 13, 2023

How Canada – and Bay Street – squandered the chance to finance the critical minerals revolution

By Tim Kiladze The financing taps for critical minerals companies are all but […]
October 26, 2023

Why Copper Is Critical for Data Centers

By Elements Visual Capitalist Data centers are computer server hubs that collect, store, […]
September 27, 2023

We need China’s critical minerals technology, not their metals – Richard Mills

2023.09.27 North America relies heavily on foreign supplies of critical minerals — the […]
September 23, 2023

Copper Road intersects broad zones of visible copper mineralization at its namesake project in Ontario – Richard Mills

2023.09.23 Copper Road Resources Inc. (TSXV: CRD) is encountering promising geology at its Copper […]
August 25, 2023

Copper now classified as US critical mineral, and rightly so – Richard Mills

2023.08.25 Before we realize it, the global copper market is approaching an inflection […]
August 25, 2023


2023.08.25 在我们意识到之前,全球的铜市场正接近一个拐点。 一方面,作为地球上使用最广泛的金属之一,铜的需求一直稳步增长,与经济的增长步伐相匹配。现在,由于电气化需求的增加,铜的需求更加迫切。 这是因为铜具有出色的电导性能,因此成为可再生能源设施(如风能、太阳能、水能和热能)以及电动汽车建设的关键组成部分。 另一方面,供应问题已经成为普遍关注的焦点,因为能源基础设施对铜的需求增加,使全球生产商不得不赶上迅速增长的需求。 很有可能,我们很快将会看到铜供应不足的情况,这将严重影响全球减碳努力。事实上,一些世界上最大的矿业公司和金属交易商已经警告,供应短缺可能会在2025年甚至更早出现。 铜在电气化中的需求 这一预测的基础是未曾见过的、可观的铜需求在未来几年中的预期增长。 除了铜在建筑电线、管道、交通运输、电力传输和通信等传统应用领域外,现在还有额外的电气化需求。 为了推动能源转型,据估计,将需要数百万英尺的铜电线来强化全球电力网,还需要数百万吨的铜来建设风能和太阳能发电场。 根据铜发展协会 (CDA) 的数据,一个 […]
August 25, 2023

Headwinds mount in quest for stable copper supplies

By Henry Lazenby In an era of energy transitions and economic shifts, global […]
August 7, 2023

US Department of Energy adds copper to critical minerals list

By The US Department of Energy (DOE) this week officially added copper […]
July 14, 2023

Critical minerals supply diversification remains a daunting task – Richard Mills

2023.07.14 When it comes to the diversity and reliability of critical mineral supplies, […]
July 14, 2023


2023.07.14 就关键矿产供应的多样性和可靠性而言,西方经济体似乎还有很多地方需要弥补。 国际能源署 (IEA) 表示,尽管美国和欧洲努力实现多元化并减少对中国的依赖,但 2022 年一些关键矿产的供应集中度仍将加剧。 正如 IEA 2023 年版《关键矿产市场评论》所强调的那样,有问题的矿物包括镍和钴,它们是电动汽车电池的关键成分,其供应来源高度集中。 全球近 70% […]
June 17, 2023

US DOE draft report reaffirms urgent status of six critical minerals including graphite – Richard Mills

2023.06.17 With the clean energy transition moving along rapidly, critical minerals are now […]
June 17, 2023


2023.06.17 随着清洁能源转型的快速推进,关键矿物现在处于国际讨论的前沿,因为它们是我们许多现代技术的基石,对国家安全和经济繁荣至关重要。 对于世界领先的经济体美国而言,确保这些矿产的可靠供应尤为重要,这不仅可以维持其主导地位,还可以摆脱对中国等主要竞争对手的供应依赖。 因此,该国一直忙于与其主要盟友联系,以加强关键矿物的供应并使其多样化。今年到目前为止,美国已与日本和澳大利亚签署了合作协议,以确保其拥有稳健的供应链和最新能源技术的专业知识。 日本的协议也有望成为备受期待的与欧盟达成协议的框架,该协议仍在谈判中。 早在 2022 年 6 月,在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰之后,美国及其七国集团伙伴已经启动了全球基础设施和投资伙伴关系 (PGII),以建立清洁能源供应链。他们还签署了矿产安全合作伙伴关系,以生产、加工和回收关键矿产。 这些举措标志着一种通常被称为“联合产业政策”的现象的出现,即各国在国际层面协调其产业战略并共同建立供应链。 约翰霍普金斯大学的一项研究发现,民主国家之间的伙伴关系将能够生产足够的矿物 […]
March 11, 2023

Graphite One’s Graphite Creek deposit a generational graphite resource USGS says among largest in the world – Richard Mills

2023.03.11 Modeling by the International Agency shows that global EV adoption must surpass […]
February 25, 2023

The Golden Age of critical materials – Richard Mills

2023.02.25 The electrification of the global transportation system and the move to decarbonize […]
February 23, 2023

Critical Materials Start 2023 With a Bang

By Paul Wong and Jacob White As 2022 ended, most of the main […]
February 17, 2023

Renforth’s polymetallic Surimeau Project has battery, critical and precious metals – Richard Mills

2023.02.17 The Surimeau mineral deposit in Quebec being developed by Renforth Resources (CSE:RFR, […]
December 13, 2022

China controls world’s supply of most critical metals – Richard Mills

2022.12.13 Despite keeping a lower profile when it comes to commodities consumption than […]
November 10, 2022

5 reasons the West needs a secure supply of critical minerals – Richard Mills

2022.11.10 Critical minerals are defined as non-fuel materials that are vital to the […]
November 8, 2022

China’s near-complete dominance of ‘green economy’ metals – Richard Mills

2022.11.08 The “green economy” rejects dirty sources of energy and transportation, namely coal, […]
September 21, 2022

Even the so-called experts are wrong about critical metals supply – Richard Mills

2022.09.21 The move away from fossil-fuel-powered vehicles to EVs run on batteries is […]
June 25, 2022

Core Assets: Drilling at Laverdiere intersects extensive iron-copper skarn and copper-porphyry mineralization; assay results pending

2022.06.25 Only two weeks into drilling its Laverdiere Skarn-Porphyry Project, Core Assets (CSE:CC) […]
May 11, 2022

NOCR: Geophysical survey results provide further evidence of BHT mineralization at Fredriksson Gruvan, Sweden

2022.05.11 Norden Crown Metals (TSXV:NOCR, OTC:NOCRF, Frankfurt:03E) is searching for high-grade silver and zinc […]
April 21, 2022

8 Escondidas needed over the next eight years

2022.04.21 Speaking at the 2022 World Copper Conference in Santiago, Chile, CRU’s Erik […]
April 15, 2022

Core Assets identifies new copper outcrop at Laverdiere Cu-Fe skarn-porphyry target

2022.04.15 BC-focused explorer Core Assets (CSE:CC, OTC.QB: CCOOF, Frankfurt: 5RJ),currently advancing the province’s most […]
April 12, 2022

Norden Crown-Boliden JV posts high-grade copper results at Burfjord IOCG project, Norway

2022.04.12 Norden Crown Metals (TSXV:NOCR, OTC:BORMF, Frankfurt:03E) is focused on discovering silver, zinc, […]
April 9, 2022

Metal prices remain elevated on global shortages

2022.04.09 Bloomberg reported on Thursday that inventories across London Metal Exchange warehouses have […]
March 12, 2022

USGS confirms Graphite Creek’s status as America’s largest graphite source

2022.03.12 For years, North America’s supply of critical minerals — the very foundational […]
March 12, 2022

美国地质勘探局证实Graphite Creek为美国最大的石墨来源地

2022.03.12 多年来,北美关键矿产的供应,即清洁能源转型的基础部分,一直是决策者和企业关注的焦点。 一方面,未来几年对用于制造电动汽车和储能应用的原材料的需求将激增。 彭博社新能源金融公司(Bloomberg New Energy Finance)估计,到2030年,锂和镍等矿物的消费量将至少是当前水平的五倍(参见下图)。 这种预测对这些材料的供应提出了巨大的疑问。标准普尔全球(S&P Global)12月的一份报告预计,由于使用量超过了产量,消耗了库存,锂材料将在2022年出现短缺。 虽然锂等金属的供应正在增长,但即使是两位数的增长率(如去年所见),也可能不足以满足我们的汽车电气化需求。 在北美,情况更为严峻,因为美国和加拿大的大部分电动汽车原材料都依赖进口。两国多年来一直忽视着针对电池矿产的勘探与矿山的建造。而考虑到世界政治的动荡程度,这是一种冒险的赌注。 在最终意识到美国供应链的脆弱性后,美国政府于2018年制定了一份清单,列出了35种被认为对其国家和经济安全至关重要的矿物。而如今,这一名单已增至近50种矿物,其中70%仍由其两个主要竞争对手 (俄罗斯和中国)供应。 […]
March 2, 2022

Critical minerals in the crosshairs

2022.03.02 North America relies heavily on foreign supplies of critical minerals — the […]
November 2, 2021

Lomiko hires management team, pursuing acquisitions strategy in Quebec

2021.11.02 A transition within the top positions at Lomiko Metals (TSXV:LMR, OTC:LMRMF, FSE:DH8C) […]
October 13, 2021

Falcon Gold has two advanced stage projects ready to generate cash flow

2021.10.13 It is unusual for a junior gold company to have as many […]
September 25, 2021

Industry-government graphite collaboration bodes well for US critical minerals supply

2021.09.27 The global lithium-ion battery industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of […]
September 25, 2021

Victory Resources well-positioned to benefit from resurgent lithium market as it looks to advance Smokey project

2021.09.25 The global lithium market has seen a resurgence this year as governments […]
July 31, 2021

Lomiko puts out strong PEA as demand for battery-grade graphite expected to challenge supply

2021.07.31 Lomiko Metals (TSXV:LMR, OTC:LMRMF, Frankfurt:DH8C) is exploring for lithium and graphite in […]
July 29, 2021

Graphite One gets drilling underway at Graphite Creek ahead of PFS later this year

2021.07.29 All cashed up from a recent financing that will see the company […]
July 14, 2021

Getchell Gold preparing two-front drill campaign at Fondaway Canyon and Star, Nevada properties

2021.07.14 Getchell Gold (CSE:GTCH, OTCQB:GGLDF) just doubled its chances of making a discovery this […]
June 30, 2021

Commodity boom puts world’s copper supply to the test

According to business leaders who participated in this week’s Qatar Economic Forum, commodities like copper are likely to become more expensive as the rally resumes.
June 22, 2021
one ounce palladium

Palladium One drills into $1,300 rock at Tyko nickel-copper-PGE project in Ontario

Palladium One continues to outline a high-grade nickel system at its Tyko Ni-Cu-PGE project in Ontario, where a second-phase drill program started in April.
June 16, 2021

Falcon Gold poised to drill Central Canada project, Ontario

I expect plenty of new flow from FG, including geophysical interpretations, drill results and even a maiden resource estimate at the Central Canada gold property.
June 15, 2021

Who got copper?

Vancouver-based Max Resource Corp. (TSXV:MXR, OTC: MXROF, FSE:M1D2) continues to make significant progress at its flagship CESAR project, situated along the world-famous Andean Copper Belt.
June 12, 2021

ZincX Resources commences 2021 drill program at Akie property

Following weeks of planning and preparation, ZincX Resources Corp. (TSXV: ZNX) this week announced that it has finally commenced the 2021 summer drill program on its flagship Akie property in BC.

This 2,000-metre diamond drilling program will focus on the Cardiac Creek deposit - ZincX’s primary asset - and build on the positive and robust results from the 2018 preliminary economic assessment (PEA).
June 3, 2021

Cashed-up Graphite One advancing Alaska project to prefeasibility with 2021 drill program and new hire

The global supply chain for graphite is severely vulnerable to disruptions due to the near monopolistic nature of the market.

Currently nearly all graphite processing takes place in China because of the ready availability of graphite there, weak environmental standards, and low costs.

Located on the Seward Peninsula in western Alaska, Graphite One’s (TSXV:GPH, OTCQB:GPHOF) Graphite Creek property hosts America’s highest-grade large flake deposit.
June 1, 2021

Canada’s EV ambitions

The supply-demand imbalance for graphite has meant a rising price environment for the mineral since 2017. Roskill analysts believe prices will likely remain high with resilient demand for EV raw materials, major suppliers getting hit by covid-19, and environmental crackdowns in China.

This is great news for companies exploring for graphite. Our Canadian favorite is Lomiko Metals (TSX.V:LMR, OTC:LMRMF, FSE:DH8C), hunting for the grayish-black mineral in the Canadian province of Quebec.
May 31, 2021

Copper roars past $4.60 as resource nationalism grips market

A number of happenings in the copper market conspired to elevate the spot price beyond $4.60 a pound on Thursday, confirming Ahead of the Herd’s suspicions that a new wave of resource nationalism in some of the largest copper-producing nations is washing over the sector.
May 30, 2021

Cypress Development moves closer to advancing Clayton Valley lithium project towards feasibility

One company committed to developing America’s next lithium supply is Cypress Development Corp. (TSX-V: CYP) (OTCQB: CYDVF) (Frankfurt: C1Z1), which presently holds a 100% interest in the Clayton Valley lithium project in southwest Nevada.
May 22, 2021

Renforth continues to report high grades from Parbec drilling ahead of upcoming resource update

With a new resource estimate on its Parbec project in Quebec imminent, Renforth Resources Inc. (CSE: RFR) (OTCQB: RFHRF) (FSE: 9RR) has kept on delivering exciting results from the second phase of drilling completed during winter 2021.
May 21, 2021

Copper con

If you needed upwards of 50 million tonnes of copper over the next five years, and had very little production of your own, what would you do?

I’m thinking you would manipulate the market like crazy trying to get everyone to believe there is a huge surplus instead of a major deficit.
May 18, 2021

Running on MT — peak copper

In a previous article we proved peak gold; in this piece, a deep dive into copper supply depletion, we ultimately reach the same conclusion, ie., that we have reached peak copper.
May 14, 2021

Global iron ore sector has robust dynamics

Iron ore prices recently broke a new record amid a sustained rally in commodities prices as demand from top consumer China remains as robust as ever.

At the center of the latest rally is rising steel prices, from Asia to North America. Steel demand remains strong as economies - China in particular - continue their massive investments in steel-intensive infrastructure.
May 12, 2021

Norden Crown developing Broken Hill Type ‘look-alike’ as investors pump billions into silver & base metals ETFs

As base metals prices continue to attract investor interest, I’m keeping a close eye on juniors like Norden Crown, whose Fredriksson Gruva target, and its resemblance to a Broken Hill Type deposit, appears to have the scale, the grades and the consistency of mineralization to interest a major.
May 11, 2021

Lomiko sharpens focus on green metals with lithium property acquisition

I’m looking forward to seeing what Lomiko has planned for its lithium and graphite properties in Quebec and upcoming shareholder catalysts.
May 8, 2021

Dark side of green

What’s the point of making supposedly “green” battery components when the refining process is so dirty?
May 6, 2021

Graphite prices stay high as America continues its push to win the global EV market

Demand for graphite used in EV batteries is set to increase by 15 times over the next decade, rising from 200,000 to 3 million tonnes annually. On the other side of the equation, global graphite supply is expected to remain tight for the foreseeable future. Last year, the world’s total output came to 952,600 tonnes, a staggering 15% decline over 2019.

With an intensifying national focus surrounding EV raw materials, it’s no surprise that high-priority designation was given earlier this year to Graphite One Inc. (TSX-V:GPH) (OTCQB:GPHOF) to develop what is possibly the largest known graphite resource in the US.
May 2, 2021

Tinka Resources: New tin discovery spells new heights for Ayawilca amid chronic supply squeeze

Tin currently has the highest value of the major base metals, three times the value of copper and nine times the value of zinc.

Chances are the value of zinc could stay high for a while. This is because the global tin market is in the midst of a historic squeeze (or one might call a “super squeeze”).

One potential source of tin that we should be looking at lies in the Pasco region of central Peru. This is where we find Tinka Resources (TSXV:TK, OTCP:TKRFF) and its flagship Ayawilca project.
April 28, 2021

Bullish copper narrative continues to build

New chapters of the copper success story that started in 2020 are being written as the tawny-colored metal basks in the glory of global climate pledges, and an economic recovery from the pandemic underpinned by strengthened industrial demand.
April 27, 2021

The case for green economy metals and the companies exploring for them

The United States is back in the fold of countries pledging to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and that is helping to drive demand for an assemblage of metals that a global push to decarbonize and electrify is expected to require.
April 24, 2021

Biden’s Green New Deal

Joe Biden came to power as the 46th US president expecting to spend more on green energy and clean technology. Just how much more is starting to be revealed.
April 19, 2021

Renforth delivers more promising results from Parbec, Surimeau drill programs

Renforth Resources Inc. (CSE: RFR) (OTCQB: RFHRF) (FSE: 9RR) continues to deliver good news for shareholders, this week announcing new assay results for the 2020 drill program on its wholly owned Parbec open-pit constrained gold deposit in Quebec.

Meanwhile, Renforth has also been making significant progress at its Surimeau District property (nickel, copper, zinc), a brownfield project covering an area of 215km2 south of the Cadillac Break among current and former producing mines.
April 17, 2021

Copper: the linchpin of ancient and modern society we need to find a lot more of

The big question is, will there be enough copper for future electrification needs, globally? Plus all the other modern-day uses of copper?

The short answer is no, not without a massive acceleration of copper production worldwide.

Global leaders have set strict decarbonization targets that require green-focused infrastructure built with copper. This, combined with a massive rise in government expenditures and years of underinvestment, has investment bank Goldman Sachs predicting that another commodity super-cycle is on the horizon.

April 15, 2021

Max Resource reports another significant copper discovery at CESAR North target zone

As the first company ever to explore all of the copper and silver-rich areas covered by the CESAR property, Max has so far identified multiple copper-silver target zones, all with significant potential to expand further, demonstrating the presence of a widespread highly prospective copper-silver district.
April 15, 2021

Tinka makes tin discovery at Ayawilca project, Peru

Tinka Resources’ (TSX.V:TK, OTCQB:TKRFF) Ayawilca polymetallic project in Peru just got a whole lot more interesting with the discovery of a new tin zone, that is expected to add significant value to what is already the largest zinc development project in Latin America and one of the biggest zinc resources held by a junior explorer.
April 11, 2021

The mounting obstacles to battery/ energy metals supply parity

“The adage of ‘if it can’t be grown it must be mined’ serves as a reminder that electric vehicles, transitional energy, and a green economy start with metals. The supply chain for batteries, wind turbines, solar panels, electric motors, transmission lines, 5G — everything that is needed for a Green Economy starts with metals and mining. Demand for these metals, principally lithium, nickel and cobalt on the battery side and copper, uranium and rare earth elements on the energy side is expected to rise rapidly.”
April 5, 2021

The US has a metals problem

Years of neglecting its critical metal supplies is catching up with the United States, as demand for the raw materials needed to build a new green economy that rejects fossil fuels gears up.
April 2, 2021

Renforth continues to unlock huge VMS/ sulfide nickel system at Surimeau, Quebec

Though early stage, the possibility of widespread sulfide nickel mineralization at Surimeau looks promising. The grades and rock value given here are conservative; the 0.224% Ni used to calculate the rock value of US$41.83 per tonne is based on only three intercepts from three holes drilled at Surimeau, less than 200m. Highlights from summer 2020 grab sampling show grades up to 0.495% Ni. If those grades start showing up in drill core, Renforth could really be onto something.
April 2, 2021

Victory Resources names new CEO as it expands exploration focus to battery metals

As Victory Resources Corp. (CSE: VR) (FWB: VR61) (OTC: VRCFF) continues to scale up mining operations on multiple properties across North America, the company has made a significant management change to reflect its broadening exploration focus that now includes battery metals.
March 30, 2021

Rick Mills Podcast: Copper Will Be the Key Commodity for Green Energy Push

Mainstream media and the large mining companies are finally catching on to what we at AOTH have been saying for the past two years: the copper market is heading for a severe supply shortage due to a perfect storm of under-exploration/ lack of discovery of new deposits, clashing with a huge increase in demand due to electrification and decarbonization.
March 27, 2021

Graphite One: America’s climate plan comes down to building domestic critical mineral supply

The common denominator for each countries climate action plan is electric vehicles; that’s easy to identify. But whether economies can acquire sufficient raw materials to reach “full electrification” is another story — it's a problem that has yet to be solved.

For years, the US has been heavily reliant on foreign supply of minerals required for key areas such as national defense, electronics and medical equipment, and its EV sector is no different.

Under Trump’s executive order (September 2020), graphite was identified as one of four minerals considered essential to the nation’s “national security, foreign policy and economy.”
March 25, 2021

Max’s success at CESAR points to rich copper-silver district in Colombia

Max Resource Corp (TSXV:MXR, OTC:MXROF, Frankfurt: M1D2) continues to make good progress at its CESAR copper-silver project in Colombia, this week announcing high-grade results from the CONEJO discovery at CESAR North

Highlight assays greater than 9% copper and 50 grams per tonne (g/t) silver included 12.5% copper + 83.5 g/t silver over 5X5 meters; 10.4% copper + 95 g/t silver over 5 meters by 5 meters; 10.5% copper + 50.1 g/t silver over 3X2 meters; and 9.5% copper + 120 g/t silver over 1 meter by 1 meter.
March 25, 2021

ZincX Resources: Critical state of zinc mineral supply places Akie project in spotlight

Unsurprisingly, many of the base metals, which are invaluable to many sectors of the global economy, are found within Canada’s critical minerals list. Among them is zinc, an essential ingredient used to build our roads, bridges, buildings, and cars.

The Akie property is an advanced exploration project with drill indicated resources owned by Vancouver’s ZincX Resources Corp. (TSXV: ZNX).
March 23, 2021

Competition for energy and battery metals intensifying

Goldman Sachs says that the next structural bull market for commodities will be driven by spending on green energy.

The fossil-fueled based transportation system needs to be electrified, and the switch must be made from oil, gas, and coal-powered power plants to those which run on solar, wind and thorium-produced nuclear energy. If we have any hope of cleaning up the planet, before the point of no return, a massive decarbonization needs to take place.

In a recent report, commodities consultancy Wood Mackenzie said an investment of over $1 trillion will be required in key energy transition metals over the next 15 years, just to meet the growing needs of decarbonization.
March 21, 2021

Arctic mines face thawing permafrost disaster

The thawing of permafrost is yet another manifestation of climate change, that populations living near it will have to deal with in the coming decades as global warming accelerates, particularly in the polar regions

Mining is often deemed complicit in the rise of greenhouse gas emissions, given its use of heavy machinery and ground disturbance, but in this case, in areas where the ground is permanently frozen but starting to thaw, operations can be negatively impacted, and big miners are having to shell out millions. We have seen the implications of thawing permafrost at Teck’s Red Dog Mine in Alaska, and at Norilsk Nickel’s Oktyabrsky and Taimyrsky mines in Siberia.

The problem is not going away; in fact, there is every indication it will get worse.
March 19, 2021

Tinka adds Nexa Resources to share register; Ayawilca showing high-grade zinc promise

Peru-focused Tinka Resources (TSXV:TK, OTCP:TKRFF) has the backing of a major player in the Peruvian zinc and silver market, adding significant heft to its flagship Ayawilca zinc-silver play.

Nexa Resources (TSX:NEXA), one of the world’s largest zinc producers, and owner of the only zinc smelter in Peru, purchased 28.895 million common shares from an arms-length shareholder, giving the Luxembourg-based firm an 8.8% stake in Tinka.

The transaction means Tinka Resources now has two major miners as shareholders — the other being Buenaventura SA (NYSE:BVN) — along with JP Morgan UK.
March 16, 2021

Call for domestic mining of critical minerals is finally being answered

North America relies heavily on foreign supplies of critical minerals — the raw materials it needs to become a leader in high technology, transportation, energy, and defense. Materials like lithium, graphite, and tin.

For years, the United States and Canada did not bother to explore for these minerals and build mines. Globalization brought with it the mentality that all countries are free traders, and friends. Dirty mining and processing? NIMBY. Let China do it, let the DRC do it, let whoever do it.

China recognized opportunity knocking and answered the door
March 12, 2021

Renforth excites market with high-grade gold intercept

Renforth Resources (CSE:RFR, OTC:RFHRF, WKN:A2H9TN) continues to make good progress on its Parbec gold project in Quebec, releasing a cache of drill results to the market on Tuesday, March 9.

The highlight from was 21.45 meters grading 5.57 grams per tonne (g/t) gold, between 254.8m and 276.2m meters in hole PAR-20-112. Two higher-grade sub intervals returned 6.27 g/t Au over 16.7m and 37.3 g/t Au over 1m.
March 12, 2021

Copper shortage narrative goes mainstream

Mainstream media and the large mining companies are finally catching on to what we at AOTH have been saying for the past two years: the copper market is heading for a severe supply shortage due to a perfect storm of under-exploration/ lack of discovery of new deposits, clashing with a huge increase in demand due to electrification and decarbonization.

Copper is trading over $4.00 a pound this year on rapidly tightening physical markets, rebounding economic growth especially in China, the top metals consumer, and the expectation that the era of low inflation in key economies may soon be over.
March 9, 2021

Cashed-up Victory Resources ready to go to work at Loner, Mal-Wen properties

Flush from a recent financing, and with a drill permit in hand, Victory Resources Corp. (CSE:VR, FWB: VR61, OTC:VRCFF) is preparing to drill its two flagship properties, Loner in Nevada and Mal-Wen in south-central British Columbia.

Consistently ranked among the best regions in the world for gold exploration, the western state of Nevada offers a low-risk, high-reward opportunity for gold juniors.

March 6, 2021

Lithium prices take off, graphite demand to surge 9X on EV battery growth

Currently, only 1% of the world’s vehicles are electric, but by 2030 they are expected to represent about 11% of new car sales, according to commodities consultant Wood Mackenzie.

Like lithium, graphite is indispensable to the global shift towards electric vehicles; it is the second-largest component in lithium-ion batteries by weight, with each EV containing between 40 and 60 kg of material.
March 6, 2021

Biden’s massive infrastructure plan might be expensive but well worth it

Is America’s infrastructure spending worth it? So far, the answer would lean towards a yes.

A report published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) this week has validated the nation’s recent success in improving its infrastructure, while justifying the need for additional government spending.
March 5, 2021

Max Resource’s district-scale CESAR project offers significant exposure to critical metals

The exploration success accumulated by Max Resource Corp. (TSX.V: MXR; OTC: MXROF; Frankfurt: M1D2) over the past year has not gone unrecognized.

Recently, the company was named one of the top 10 performing mining stocks in the 2021 TSX Venture 50, having seen its value increase more than three-fold over the past year. The TSX Venture 50 ranks the top 50 stocks from over 1,600 companies listed on the TSX Venture Exchange.

Last year’s winners included well-recognized names such as K92 Mining Inc., Great Bear Resources Ltd. and Discovery Metals Corp. Some of these have gone on to become billion-dollar market cap companies.