February 26, 2022

Tackling the global plastic crisis

2022.02.26 There’s no denying that plastics and plastic packaging have become an integral […]
February 25, 2022

The limits to growth: Why the West will struggle to find enough metals to supply simultaneous demand drivers

2022.02.25 In 2021, commodities outperformed all other asset classes, and they are expected […]
February 23, 2022

Electrification metals nickel, cobalt, palladium in play following Russian moves in Eastern Ukraine

2022.02.23 Weeks of failed diplomacy over a potential invasion of Ukraine resulted in […]
February 23, 2022
stacked -gold-bars

As investors flock to safe havens, gold equities may come out as the biggest winners

20.02.23 The recent geopolitical tensions in Ukraine tell us that during troubled times, […]
February 23, 2022


20.02.23 乌克兰近期的地缘政治紧张局势告诉我们,在困难时期,投资者仍将青睐黄金作为避风港。 在经历了相当平淡的2021年之后,黄金在今年有了一个诱人的开端。年初至今,贵金属已飙升超过4%,其中大部分涨幅来自过去三周,这与可能是几十年来欧洲最大的军事危机相吻合。 黄金价格目前处于八个月来的最高点,接近2021年6月初最后一次看到的每盎司1900美元的关键点。但分析人士认为,只要乌克兰局势仍未解决,就有一条上升的跑道。 周一,俄罗斯发布了一份声明,驳斥了有关弗拉基米尔·普京总统和美国总统乔·拜登可能举行峰会以解决乌克兰问题僵局的报道。 这进一步推动了黄金购买,同时进一步抑制了投资者的风险偏好。 而大量的资金也涌入了黄金上市交易基金市场。顶级交易基金 SPDR gold Trust 上周宣布增持0.5%,接近一年来的最高水平。 瑞银集团(UBS Group […]
February 21, 2022

Lithium is skyrocketing amid the global EV boom, will graphite follow suit?

2022.02.21 While it’s too early to declare lithium as the winning commodity of […]
February 19, 2022

Norden Crown embarking upon $1.9M exploration program at Burfjord copper-gold project in Norway

2022.02.19 Norden Crown Metals (TSXV:NOCR, OTC:BORMF, Frankfurt:03E) is focused on discovering silver, zinc, […]
February 19, 2022
Sprout-less Gold now Tier 1 Capital

Gold Thrives in Rate-Hike Cycles

2022.02.19 Adam Hamilton, CPA Gold-futures speculators’ most-feared hobgoblin is Fed-rate-hike cycles.  These super-leveraged […]
February 18, 2022

Why inflation is ‘baked in the cake’ and gold is moving up

2022.02.18 Driven by the need to decarbonize due to increasingly apparent climate change, […]
February 17, 2022

Getchell returns ‘stunning result’ at North Fork Zone, as gold nears 3-month high

2022.02.17 Geopolitical tensions on the Russia-Ukraine border pushed gold to its highest in […]
February 16, 2022

As copper supply approaches “extreme scarcity”, GSP looks to reboot former producing mine with bulk-tonnage potential

2022.02.16 “I’ve been doing this 30 years and I’ve never seen markets like […]
February 16, 2022

Transformative year for Max Resources

2022.02.16 In exploration, a number of techniques are employed to gather information about […]
February 15, 2022

Nickel Market Update

2022.02.15 The nickel market is currently experiencing its biggest squeeze in recent memory. […]
February 15, 2022

Copper market update

2022.02.15 The copper industry is threatened by a looming global supply crisis, as […]
February 15, 2022

Core Assets: Maiden sampling program at Blue project returns high-grade carbonate replacement mineralization

2022.02.15 In the northwest corner of British Columbia, Core Assets’ (CSE:CC, OTC.QB:CCOOF, Frankfurt: […]
February 14, 2022

Copper, lithium, graphite: Electrification demand strengthens as supplies tighten

2022.02.14 The move away from fossil-fuel-powered vehicles to EVs run on batteries is […]
February 14, 2022

Rush to Renewables and EVs Makes China the World’s New Energy Master

2022.02.14 February 2, 2022 – Battery metals like lithium, nickel and others have […]
February 13, 2022
How gold M&A will benefit quality juniors

Gold Stocks Still Coiling

2022.02.11Adam Hamilton, CPA While the gold miners’ stocks remain out of favor, they […]
February 12, 2022

World’s running short on nickel supply for battery use

2022.02.12 The nickel market is currently experiencing its biggest squeeze in recent memory. […]
February 12, 2022


2022.02.12 镍市场目前正在经历最近记忆中最大的挤压。 对抗气候变化的积极承诺催生了对清洁能源转型至关重要的金属的购买热潮。作为电动汽车电池的关键成分,镍毫无疑问成为了所有购物清单的首选。 鉴于电动汽车行业的持续需求,全世界的金属库存一直在减少,似乎有些人甚至愿意“不惜一切代价”抢购电池矿物。 本周,镍的三个月现金利差创下新纪录。与三个月内的合约相比,即时交割合约的溢价为570美元/吨,这是自2007年历史性紧缩以来的最高溢价。 类似的情况发生在 1 月份,但针对的是近期合约。1月18日,伦敦金属交易所(LME)的现金合约较一天后到期的合约溢价90美元/吨,为2010年以来的最高水平,也接近2007年的水平。这促使了交易所加强监管措施(这是12个月来的第三次)。 然而,最新的镍挤压带来了更大的影响,鉴于电池制造商的强劲需求,市场现在正在考虑在更长时间内供应更紧张的镍。 例如,在过去一周,2月和3月合同的价差增加了一倍多;3月和4月合约之间的价差也是如此。 自2021年4月以来,LME库存已减少了近三分之二,从约261000吨降至2022年1月的约88100吨。 所有这些都表明,世界上用于清洁能源应用的镍可能很快就会耗尽,尤其是在需求高速增长的情况下。 瑞银(UBS)的一份报告显示镍的短缺最早将在今年开始,并预测到本世纪末,该电池金属将出现220万吨的巨额短缺。 […]
February 12, 2022

Commodities are the place to be. Here’s why

2022.02.12 Commodities are considered one of the best places to park investment capital […]
February 11, 2022

Under The Spotlight Dolly Varden Silver

2022.02.11 AOTH’s Rick Mills: Shawn on the 10th of December 2021 Dolly Varden […]
February 10, 2022

Pampa Metals lands deal with AI tech company to explore more copper-gold prospects in Chile

2022.02.10 For a technology to have a transformative effect on the mining industry, […]
February 8, 2022

1979 vs 2022: Why interest rate hikes are different

2022.02.08 Someone born in 1979 is 43 years old this year. No doubt […]
February 7, 2022

As US national debt hits $30 trillion, higher borrowing costs & negative real yields will make it harder to finance

2022.02.07 The United States reached a new milestone this week, but it’s nothing […]
February 5, 2022


2022.02.05 我们已经认识到,清洁能源的过渡是应对全球气候变化的前进方向。但这样的“绿色转型”承载着巨大的成本。 彭博新能源财经(BNEF)估计,到2050年,政府和企业将需要至少投资92万亿美元,以便以足够快的速度减少排放,以防止气候变化的噩梦。 大幅减少排放的所有希望基于我们扩大电力作用的能力。 总体而言,BNEF预计到2050年,全球发电量至少需要翻一番,达到近6.22万太瓦时,占最终能源消耗的近50%,而目前仅为19%。 BNEF还称,本十年排放量可能下降的四分之三以上可能来自电力供应以及风能和太阳能等可再生能源的日益使用。 这一时期排放量下降的另外14%可以通过汽车、家庭和工业从燃烧化石燃料转向电力来实现。 BNEF模型显示,这一转变需要在基础设施上投入更多资金,以适应清洁能源。到2050年,每年平均投入将达到3.1万亿美元和5.8万亿美元之间。这意味着最终的“清洁能源”法案可能高达173万亿美元,约为2019年美国国内生产总值的八倍。 欧洲央行最近声称,全球变暖的潜在影响将远远超过我们在清洁能源上的支出。欧洲央行最糟糕的情况(即不采取行动)可能会使欧洲GDP下降10%。然而,这真的很多吗? 撇开支出规模不谈,更仔细地审视我们走向更绿化未来的道路,以及所涉及的一切可能会模糊什么是清洁能源和什么不是清洁能源之间的界限。 什么是清洁能源?我们如何获得它? 现代经济的电气化和脱碳化都面临着其所需的原材料 — […]
February 5, 2022

The paradox of going green

2022.02.05 We have come to terms that a global transition to clean energy […]
February 3, 2022

Dolly Varden hits up to 1,220 g/t silver at Torbrit, largest of four deposits at its namesake project in the Golden Triangle

2022.02.03 Predominantly a silver explorer, Dolly Varden Silver’s (TSXV:DV, OTC:DOLLF) flagship project is […]
February 2, 2022

Max Resource granted additional mining concession contracts in Colombia, the most of any in the country

2022.02.02 Having made significant progress over the past year at its flagship CESAR […]
February 1, 2022

Gold market update

2022.02.01 Gold market The US Federal Reserve, whose job is to keep unemployment […]
January 31, 2022

Norden Crown searching for high-grade VMS deposits in Sweden’s historic mining district

2022.01.31 In mining, the term “mineralization” is typically referred to as the deposition […]
January 29, 2022

Core Assets’ Blue project: A potentially massive CRD deposit in northwestern BC

2022.01.29 Carbonate replacement deposits (CRD) are some of the most interesting assemblages of […]
January 28, 2022

Graphite vs lithium

2022.01.28 The electrification of the global transportation system doesn’t happen without lithium and […]
January 27, 2022

Magna Gold cranks up production in Mexico as gold & silver prices find traction in inflation and geopolitical tensions

2022.01.27 Inflation is one of the best determinants of gold price movements, because […]
January 27, 2022

Getchell’s two latest drill holes encounter three gold zones at Fondaway Canyon, including 2.6 g/t Au over 18.5m at surface

2022.01.27 About 170 km northeast of Reno, Nevada, Getchell is in the midst of […]
January 26, 2022

Love Pharma gets set to capitalize on new era of health and wellness

2022.01.26 For most of us, the Covid-19 pandemic represents the biggest global health […]
January 25, 2022

Renforth channel sampling returns up to 2% copper at Surimeau polymetallic asset in Quebec

2022.01.25 Renforth Resources’ (CSE:RFR, OTCQB:RFHRF, FSE:9RR) Surimeau project in Quebec hosts several target […]
January 24, 2022

Palladium, and Palladium One, at the forefront of new hydrogen economy

2022.01.24 As the world transitions from fossil-fueled “ICEs” to battery-powered electric vehicles, the […]
January 22, 2022

GSP continues to explore past-producing Alwin Mine, as copper price support remains solid

2022.01.22 Copper has been one of the biggest winners of the commodities complex […]
January 22, 2022

Dolly Varden has 21 drill holes left to report, as gold, silver and copper prices bounce

2022.01.22 Predominantly a silver explorer, Dolly Varden Silver’s (TSXV:DV, OTC:DOLLF) flagship project is […]
January 21, 2022

Wage slaves vs gold owners, revisited

2022.01.21 Inflation is the rate at which prices within a basket of goods […]
January 21, 2022

Global supply crunch for battery metals

2022.01.21 Electrification and decarbonization are anticipated to be one of the biggest investment […]
January 20, 2022

Our plastic world

2022.01.20 Think about this: Every time you buy a soft drink that comes […]
January 20, 2022

A record year looms for lithium, underlining a global supply crunch that could derail the EV boom

2022.01.20 Electrification and decarbonization are anticipated to be one of the biggest investment […]
January 19, 2022

Evanesce tackling single-use plastic problem with 100% compostable straws and Styrofoam alternatives

2022.01.19 Think about this: Every time you buy a soft drink that comes […]
January 18, 2022

Junior resource companies on a global hunt for new copper supply

2022.01.18 Copper is coming off a historic year during which its prices broke […]
January 17, 2022

Copper boom likely to last for decades, prompting a global hunt for new supply

2022.01.17 Copper is coming off a historic year during which its prices broke […]
January 15, 2022

When the Fed is between a rock and a hard place, got gold?

2022.01.05 Inflation is one of the best determinants of gold price movements, because […]
January 15, 2022


2022.01.15 在这历史性的一年中,铜价不仅一次,而且两次打破纪录,在10月中旬达到4.76美元/磅(或10476美元/吨)的峰值。 2021上半年,铜在最大消费国中国的带动下,在全球经济活动急剧复苏的背景下反弹。同时推高价格的还有一种信念,即与疫情相关的刺激措施,加上全球对脱碳的推动,将进一步提振对工业金属的需求。 这导致铜价在4月底突破10000美元/吨的水平,这是十年来的第一次,并最终在一周后飙升至新高。 然后在下半年,由于能源危机影响了几家主要生产商并威胁到全球供应,铜价再次获得提振。 10 月,来自欧洲仓库的金属订单激增,导致伦敦金属交易所 (LME) 库存暴跌89%,降至47年来的最低水平。 所有这些事件构成了铜业破纪录的一年,尽管许多人认为该金属的牛市才刚刚开始。2022年及以后是否还会出现铜价反弹?我们将在下面详细探讨。 2022年的铜 分析师们倾向于认为,市场波动可能会在2022年的大部分时间内持续,而且有几种相互冲突的力量在起作用,这将限制铜等大宗商品的价格。 包括高盛(Goldman […]
January 14, 2022
gold nugget

Gold Lagging Inflation

2022.01.14 Adam Hamilton, CPA Gold is lagging the raging inflation unleashed by the […]
January 14, 2022

Getchell Gold continues to hit high-grade at Fondaway Canyon

2022.01.14 Inflation is one of the best determinants of gold price movements, because […]
January 12, 2022

Palladium One is a ‘complete’ energy metal explorer; updated resource estimate expected in Q1

2022.01.12 By giving investors exposure to palladium and nickel, primarily, but also copper, […]
January 11, 2022

Foreign Treasury buyers take pause: a story told in charts

2022.01.11 China and Japan are by far the largest buyers of US Treasuries. […]
January 8, 2022

Cypress Development: a potential low-cost lithium producer in Nevada to look out for in 2022

2021.01.08 In 2022, renewable energy and electrification of the global transport system stand […]
January 7, 2022

Big Gold Breakout Nearing

2022.01.07 Adam Hamilton, CPA Gold is nearing a major technical breakout from a […]
January 7, 2022

Rushing headlong into electrification, the West is replacing one energy master with another

2022.01.07 The United States and its allies, such as Canada, the UK, the […]
January 6, 2022

Max Resource poised for another successful year with CESAR copper-silver project entering drilling phase

2022.01.06 The global shift to renewable energy and electrification of the transportation system […]
January 4, 2022

Goldshore looks to bring Moss Lake project closer to “Tier One” status as drilling continues into 2022

2022.01.04 2021 marks the inaugural year for Canadian gold developer Goldshore Resources Inc. […]
January 3, 2022

Pampa Metals rounds off successful first year with at least two potential deep porphyry copper systems identified

2022.01.03 Global consumption of copper, an essential ingredient in modern society and one […]
December 31, 2021

RooGold, backed by renowned geologist Dr. Quinton Hennigh, is a player to watch in Australia’s gold mining space

2021.12.31 Australia has long been known as a mining powerhouse, home to world-class […]
December 31, 2021

Graphite One Infographic

December 30, 2021

Six for ‘22

2021.12.30 As we look forward to a new year, a number of investable […]
December 29, 2021

Pipe Dreams and Ponzi Schemes

2021.12.29 CRESCAT CAPITAL Normally, as part of the creative destruction process in economic […]
December 28, 2021

Renewable energy will not replace fossil fuels and nuclear

2021.12.22 An especially cold fall and an even colder blast of winter on […]
December 28, 2021

Plugging the fossil fuel energy gap with nuclear

The modernization and electrification of our global transportation system will require a change hitherto unprecedented in the history of civilization. Not even the shift from horse and buggy to the crank-start Ford Model T can compete with what it will take to electrify the billion-plus cars on the planet’s roads, and eventually put a complete stop to noxious tailpipe emissions resulting from the combustion of gasoline and diesel fuel, that are poisoning the air we breathe.

For now, thorium is a theoretical solution to our energy dilemma, but it could be much more than that. A concerted effort to develop thorium reactor technology could provide stable, clean, base-load power for millions, something that is not possible with renewables due to the intermittency factor and the current early stages of renewable battery storage technology. It is safer and better for the environment than uranium and can even use radioactive waste as feedstock for the nuclear reaction, thus killing two birds with one stone. The market is not yet ready for thorium, but when it is, a whole new mining sector and supply chain will be born.
December 27, 2021

Renforth encounters visible sulphides from drilling beneath surface mineralization at Surimeau

2021.12.27 As a must-watch energy metals play entering 2022, Renforth Resources Inc. (CSE: […]
December 24, 2021

Anti-mining decisions could slam the brakes on US electrification plans

2021.12.24 As US automakers like Ford and GM prepare to break ground on […]
December 24, 2021
EVs get a boost from Big Auto

Graphite One 2021 Year in Review

December 23, 2021 December 23, 2021 – Vancouver, British Columbia –Graphite One Inc. […]
December 23, 2021
silver bars

Dolly Varden’s 2021 drilling confirms silver resource expansion potential, plus new copper-gold system identified

2021.12.23 For those who have been tracking Dolly Varden Silver Corp. (TSXV: DV) […]
December 22, 2021

Getchell Gold Corp. President’s Message

2021.12.22 Dear Shareholders,  As the year comes to a close, I find myself […]
December 21, 2021

Gold to oil ratio: Gold heading higher on rising energy prices

2021.12.21 The gold to oil ratio is an important indicator of the global […]
December 20, 2021

San Francisco 矿山的生产改善支持 Magna Gold 成为墨西哥下一个中端生产商

2021.12.20 虽然2021年在很大程度上对黄金来说是乏善可陈的一年,但随着我们进入新的一年,贵金属的潮流可能正在转变。 本周,尽管美联储(Federal Reserve)如一些人所预期的那样表示将提前结束大规模刺激计划,但金价保持强劲,这表明其通胀目标已经实现,加息步伐将加快。 市场人士一直认为,更高的利率可以通过增加高收益投资的吸引力来压低金价。美联储周三宣布后黄金的初始表现似乎就是如此。 然而,该黄色金属最终抵消了损失,甚至反弹得更高,因为市场一直预期央行会采取更鹰派的举动。 与美联储声明同时发布的预测显示,官员们预计明年将适当上调3/4个百分点。去年3月,在新冠疫情爆发期间,美国央行全面降息1个百分点,而在采取紧急行动后,一直保持基准利率稳定。 考虑到所有因素,一些人实际上认为这是促使黄金在2021年强劲收尾的动力。 TD Securities 大宗商品策略全球主管巴特·梅莱克(Bart Melek)向彭博社解释道:“黄金市场从最初的下跌中恢复,因为美联储似乎只比市场定价稍微强硬。”。 Melek […]
December 20, 2021

Production improvement at San Francisco mine supports Magna Gold’s status as Mexico’s next mid-tier producer

2021.12.20 While 2021 has, for the most part, been a lackluster year for […]
December 18, 2021

How the Fed mishandled 40-year-high inflation

2021.12.18 Several months after the US Federal Reserve began describing the country’s inflation […]
December 17, 2021

Why 1% interest rate hikes won’t fix + 6% inflation

2021.12.17 The US Federal Reserve announced this week what many market participants were […]
December 16, 2021

News flash: QE didn’t cause inflation and the Fed taper won’t quell rising prices

2021.12.16 A government generally has two “levers” it can pull, to help get […]
December 15, 2021

Lomiko Metals primed to become key provider of high-quality graphite for the North American EV market

2021.12.15 Graphite is a crystalline form of the element carbon with its atoms […]
December 14, 2021

Dear Tesla: Please stop complaining about China being the only source of graphite

2021.12.14 The electrification of the global transportation system doesn’t happen without lithium and […]
December 13, 2021

Renforth drilling Surimeau, aiming to extend surface mineralization to depth

2021.12.13 Renforth Resources (CSE:RFR, OTCQB:RFHRF, FSE:9RR) has the right metals at the right […]
December 12, 2021

Goldshore hits more high-grade at Moss Lake

2021.12.12 Goldshore Resources (TSXV: GSHR) (OTC: GSHRF) (FRA: 8X00) has embarked on an extensive […]
December 11, 2021
silver bars

Dolly Varden通过收购Fury Gold的Homestake项目,显著扩大了BC金三角地区的业务范围

2021.12.11 Dolly Varden Silver Corp. (TSXV: DV) (OTC: DOLLF) 位于一个以其丰富的黄金资源而闻名的地区,作为一家探索不列颠哥伦比亚省金三角的纯银矿商,其地位得天独厚。 该公司的旗舰和同名项目拥有多达四座历史上活跃的银矿,其中包括两座在1919年至1959年间曾产出过2000万盎司白银的矿床。 勘探重点目前是扩大 Torbrit […]
December 11, 2021

GSP’s 2021 drilling expands historical Alwin mine

2021.12.11 GSP Resource Corp (TSXV:GSPR, FRA:OYD) has completed its 2021 drill program and […]
December 10, 2021

Undersupplied silver to follow base metals into deficit

2021.12.10 The Silver Institute predicts that global silver demand will rise to 1.029 […]
December 9, 2021

Pampa Metals zoning in on copper-gold porphyry at Cerro Buenos Aires, Chile

2021.12.09 For years, Chile has been ideal “elephant” copper deposit hunting ground for […]
December 8, 2021
silver bars

Dolly Varden significantly expands footprint within BC’s Golden Triangle with acquisition of Homestake property from Fury Gold

2021.12.08 Situated within a region mostly known for its vast copper and gold […]
December 7, 2021

The world produces enough food, so why are so many going hungry?

2021.12.07 What does it mean to go hungry? The United Nations says hunger […]
December 7, 2021

Max Resource; Colombian Gold Symposium 2021

December 6, 2021

#92 Electric Avenue Athabasca Basin Saskatchewan Canada

2021.12.06 For over half a century, uranium has been one of the world’s […]
December 6, 2021

Pampa Metals has clear sight of several porphyry targets along Chile’s copper-rich mineral belts

2021.12.06 With each energy transition comes the new need for more materials. At […]
December 5, 2021

Marvel Discovery bolsters “multi-commodity” portfolio with acquisition of uranium project

2021.12.05 For over half a century, uranium has been one of the world’s […]
December 4, 2021

Already-scarce battery & energy metals facing more pressure from fossil-fuel phase-out

2021.12.04 For all their successes building Europe’s strongest economy, the Germans have made […]
December 3, 2021

Rising geopolitical tensions brighten gold’s appeal

2021.12.03 Gold investors love nothing more than a war, economic crisis or any […]
December 1, 2021

Getchell Gold – “Introduction to Fondaway Canyon” 2021 Exploration highlights 3D Video

December 1, 2021

The promise of AI

2021.12.01 In ‘The Terminator’ series of action films starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, a cybernetic […]
December 1, 2021

Graphite prices heading higher on market tightness

2021.11.30 As expected, the electrification of the global transportation system is creating strong […]
November 30, 2021

Porphyry hunting in the Golden Triangle with Mountain Boy Minerals

2021.11.30 The mining industry is on the hunt for large deposits that have […]
November 29, 2021
Copper wire


2021.11.29 铜广泛用于建筑、发电和输电,使其成为民用基础设施更新的关键金属。 Roskill 预测,在人口和GDP增长、城市化和电力需求的推动下,到2035年世界铜消费总量将超过4300万吨。 这十年,随着全球对汽车电气化的推动,对铜的需求即将起飞,因为典型的电动汽车 (EV) 使用的金属大约是普通内燃机 (ICE) 汽车的四倍。 咨询公司 AlixPartners 估计,目前仅占全球汽车总销量2%的电动汽车到2030年将占总销量的24%。据预测,到2025年,对电动汽车的投资总额可能达到3300亿美元。 为了在2030年使美国新车总数的一半成为电动汽车,总统拜登已经呼吁政府支出1740亿美元来推动电动汽车的发展,其中包括1000亿美元的消费者激励措施。 […]
November 29, 2021
Copper wire

Emerging supply gap in second half of the decade necessitates new batch of copper mine projects

2021.11.29 Copper’s widespread use in building construction, power generation and transmission makes it […]
November 27, 2021

New covid variant spooks markets; gold un-moved but fundamentals solid

2021.11.27 US and Canadian stock markets fell sharply on Friday in reaction to […]
November 27, 2021

Palladium One extends high-grade mineralization 250m southwest of Kaukua open-pit resource

2021.11.27 Palladium One Mining (TSXV: PDM) (FRA: 7N11) (OTC: NKORF)   continues to […]