July 7, 2024

Commodities Halftime Report

By Frank Holmes – U.S. Global Investors Data supports the potential of commodities […]
June 3, 2024

Mapped: The World’s Largest Armies in 2024

By Bruno Venditti – Visual Capitalist Despite being considered the biggest military force in […]
April 1, 2024

Residents stroll riverbed in Prince George amid drought

From CBC News Water in the Fraser River where it meets with the […]
February 29, 2024

Fed’s Preferred Inflation Metric Increases by Most in a Year

2024.02.29 The Federal Reserve’s preferred gauge of underlying inflation rose in January at […]
February 29, 2024

The Last Days of Mezcal

By Rowan Jacobsen – Bloomberg The road from Oaxaca City to Santiago Matatlán […]
February 29, 2024

U.S. Economy Returns to Pre-Pandemic Growth

By Felix Richter – Statista When Covid-19 hit the United States with full […]
February 29, 2024

California Sober

By Lisa Jarvis – Bloomberg The evidence is mounting that your daily toke can […]
February 22, 2024

Taiwan chip firms flock to Japan as China decoupling accelerates

By Sam Nussey, Fanny Potkin and Miho Uranaka – Reuters The influx comes amid shifting alliances and […]
January 31, 2024

How global warming will drive conflict and worsen inequality – Richard Mills

2024.01.31 The last eight years have been the hottest on record, with 2023 […]
January 31, 2024

US Foreign Policy Is a Far Cry from the Founders Intent – MUST READ

By John Kennedy – Mises Institute At the Reagan National Defense Forum in […]
January 28, 2024

Every EV Qualified for U.S. Tax Credits in 2024

By Marcus Lu – Visual Capitalist This year, the list of qualified electric […]
December 29, 2023

ENERGY Visualized: Global Clean Energy Spending Forecasts (2022-2030)

By Marcus Lu – Visual Capitalist Global clean energy funding is projected to […]
December 28, 2023

Dolly Varden Silver (DV.V) V.P Exploration and Geologist Rob van Egmond Explains the Big Bulk Consolidation Strategy

December 28, 2023 On December 20, 2023 Dolly Varden Silver (TSXV:DV) (OTC:DOLLF) announced […]
December 19, 2023

US Frackers Return to Haunt OPEC’s Pricing Strategy

By Yahoo Finance (Bloomberg) — OPEC’s one-time nemesis — US shale — is […]
November 30, 2023

Real Interest Rates

By GoldPriceForcast  Gold prices tend to increase significantly only during the periods of […]
October 13, 2023

Gold Stocks Clawing Back

By Adam Hamilton The battered gold miners’ stocks are clawing back from their […]
September 20, 2023

Where are we in the debt cycle? – Richard Mills

2023.09.20 The debt cycle is something many North Americans have become all too […]
September 15, 2023

What Electricity Sources Power the World?

By Chris Dickert In 2022, 29,165.2 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity was generated […]
September 6, 2023

Graphite’s dominance of anode market likely to continue in the mid-term – report

By Mining.com A recent report by IDTechEx forecasts that graphite will remain the […]
August 26, 2023
Why are central banks buying gold and dumping dollars?

Efforts to Protect US Intensify Amid Global Shift From Dollar

The Epoch Times Calls from Congress and state houses to the private sector […]
July 19, 2023

Max Resource finds opportunity in underexplored copper & gold regions of South America – Richard Mills

2023.07.19 As a leading indicator of economic health, copper’s performance is often closely […]
July 19, 2023

Max Resource 在南美洲未开发的铜金矿区发现机遇

2023.07.19 作为经济健康状况的领先指标,铜的表现经常受到密切关注,因为它是否能够预示即将到来的经济放缓,这是自去年以来一直存在的主题。 然而,最近铜价的上涨引发了人们的信念,即无论经济发生什么,铜的基本面都相当强大——甚至可能比大多数人想象的还要强劲。 由于对经济衰退的广泛担忧,铜价较 2023 年初的高点下跌了 17%,但随后出现反弹,上涨近 10%,至每吨 8500 美元附近。 卡森集团首席市场策略师瑞安·德特里克 (Ryan Detrick) […]
June 16, 2023

The inevitability of rising food prices, global famine – Richard Mills

2023.06.16 Simultaneous and dramatic price increases for energy and food are part of […]
May 23, 2023

Renforth 在 Surimeau 钻探发现了岩浆矿床中常见的可见网状硫化物

正如我们之前提到的,电气化和脱碳仍然是世界上最主要的投资主题之一。 几乎每个国家都在从以化石燃料为动力的汽车转向以电池为动力的电动汽车。各国政府在电动汽车充电基础设施和补贴方面投入数十亿美元,以激励消费者转向混合动力和插电式电动汽车、货车和卡车。 去年,用于世界能源系统脱碳的资金首次超过一万亿美元;这也是我们首次投入能源转型的资金与全球 1.1 万亿美元的化石燃料投资相匹配。 虽然一万亿美元显然是巨额资金,但仍远不足以到 2050 年达到净零排放要求。要实现这一目标,世界需要立即将这一支出增加两倍——并为全球电网增加数千亿美元,彭博社估计。 这笔巨额资本支出的一部分将涉及寻找更多原材料。这些可能是铜,它是所有电气相关技术的基石,据彭博新能源财经称,到 2040 年,铜的需求量将增长 53%,达到 3900 […]
May 12, 2023

Copper Road exploring two large-scale, near-surface mineralized zones in Ontario’s famed district – Richard Mills

2023.05.12 For years, we have been reporting on how a decline in productivity […]
May 11, 2023

Net Zero grid batteries alone would bankrupt America

Achieving “net zero” carbon dioxide emissions will be painless, they assure us.  Costs will […]
April 29, 2023

Renforth 准备在锂行业的大重组中进行伟晶岩勘探

智利上周发布的锂国有化重磅炸弹对北美锂矿商来说是个好消息。这些矿商可能会变得更加重要,因为它们是制造电动汽车和卡车以及储能用锂离子电池所需的白色金属的潜在供应商以及一系列消费电子产品。 这一发展还可能进一步给电动汽车制造商带来压力,他们正争先恐后地确保锂供应。 加布里埃尔·博里克总统上周四宣布,他的政府将把该国的锂产业收归国有,国家计划与公司合作以促进当地产业的发展。据矿业媒体报道,国有铜业公司 Codelco 最初将与合作伙伴签订新合同,之后将由一家全国性锂公司负责。 此外,Codelco 和另一家国有矿商 Enami 将在目前有私人项目的地区获得勘探和开采合同。已经在智利的两家锂矿商 SQM 和总部位于美国的 Albemarle 将继续运营,直到他们的合同到期。 […]
April 25, 2023

Chile’s lithium nationalization puts the squeeze on EV makers and shines a spotlight on North American juniors – Richard Mills

2023.04.25 The lithium nationalization bombshell dropped last week by Chile is good news […]
April 19, 2023

The Six Major Types of Lithium-ion Batteries: A Visual Comparison

By Govind Bhutada Lithium-ion batteries are at the center of the clean energy […]
April 15, 2023

The tug-of-war between Glencore and Teck

By The Economist Glencore proposes a merger between it and Teck that would […]
April 13, 2023

Fed’s “Mild Recession” Prediction Will Be As Accurate As Their “Transitory Inflation” One

By Kenny – Quoth the Raven This is the latest, up to the […]
April 2, 2023

Central Bank Digital Currencies: A Tyranny Worse Than Prison

By Bert Olivier For 19 years, private companies practicing an unprecedented economic logic […]
March 31, 2023

CHART: Demand is soaring, but global mining is not expanding

By Frik Els  A new report by BMO Capital Markets has a trenchant chart showing […]
March 24, 2023

Victory Battery 在 Smokey Lithium 开始第 2 阶段钻探,旨在扩大矿化

新兴行业的标志是能够承受市场衰退。而这正是锂矿业所面临的情况。 尽管近几个月来市场上的金属价格急剧下跌,但业内大公司基本上保持盈利。其中原因?那就是全球对电动汽车的强劲需求极有可能持续数十年。 据 Sprott 的一项分析显示,尽管中国的汽车销量不温不火,电动汽车电池制造商也采取了措施向供应商施压,但锂的价格仍“显著”高于长期平均水平。2021 至 2022 年间,现货锂价格至少上涨了 1000%,证明其长期前景良好。 所有大型汽车制造商都很清楚这一点。一些汽车制造商已经在锂生产商中持有战略股份,尽管供应过剩的担忧压低了价格。在美国尤其如此,通用汽车公司在美洲锂业投资了 6.5 亿美元。 据路透社报道,到本世纪末,美国对锂电池的需求预计将增长六倍以上,每年将达到 […]
March 22, 2023

Mapped: U.S. Mineral Production Value by State in 2022

By Niccolo Conte The U.S. produced $98.2 billion worth of nonfuel minerals in […]
March 2, 2023

BHP seeks to tighten grip on South America’s copper sector

By Cecilia Jamasmie  BHP (ASX: BHP), the world’s largest miner, is hoping to […]
February 1, 2023

Getchell Gold Corp. Files Technical Report for the Mineral Resource Estimate at Fondaway Canyon, NV

2023.02.01 Vancouver, BC – February 1, 2023 – Getchell Gold Corp. (CSE: GTCH) […]
January 19, 2023

Getchell Gold: eliminating country risk by mining in Nevada – Richard Mills

2023.01.19 Country risk is one of the most important factors to consider in […]
January 16, 2023

China Dominates the Rare Earth Market

By Martin Armstrong 2023.01.16 Rare earth elements (REE) are metals used in many of today’s […]
January 16, 2023

Ticking Time Bomb: Rising Consumer Debt and Rising Interest Rates

By SCHIFFGOLD 2023.01.16 Rising consumer debts colliding with rising interest rates is a ticking […]
January 16, 2023

Visualizing $65 Trillion in Hidden Dollar Debt

By Dorothy Neufeld 2023.01.16 Visualizing $65 Trillion in Hidden Dollar Debt The scale […]
January 14, 2023

6% Rates Incoming? Gundlach Spars With Dimon 24 Hours Before Crucial CPI Print

By Quoth the Raven 2023.01.14 Friend of Fringe Finance and well known financial news contributor […]
January 14, 2023

So far so good: How Colombia’s green energy push dovetails with its mining industry

Kitco 2023.01.14 The Colombian government’s push into green energy fits well with its […]
January 13, 2023

Gold Buying Only Starting

By Adam Hamilton 2023.01.13 Gold has powered higher smartly over the past couple […]
January 13, 2023

Ketamine, psilocybin and ecstasy are coming to the medicine cabinet

2023.01.13 Psychedelics have a history which is probably longer than that of civilisation. […]
January 12, 2023

Copper price rises above $9,000 fueled by optimism about China

2023.01.12 Copper prices moved above $9,000 a tonne on Wednesday for the first […]
January 10, 2023

Zoltan Pozsar: Put 20% Of Portfolio In Commodities, QE Expected By End of 2023

This article was originally published by The Deep Dive 2023.01.10 As he winds down […]
January 10, 2023

Ron Paul: Here’s the Truth About the “Strong U.S. Dollar”

By Ron Paul 2023.01.10 Before we get started this week, I want to […]
January 9, 2023

Most of Western Canada’s glaciers will melt in 80 years, UNBC study finds

By Michelle Gomez 2023.01.09 A study by international researchers using a supercomputer at […]
January 9, 2023

11 Signs That The Economic “Tipping Point” That Everyone Has Been Waiting For Has Now Arrived

By Michael Snyder 2023.01.09 How bad do things have to get before people start […]
January 9, 2023

The benefits of a saving culture

By Alasdair Macleod 2023.01.09 Savings are a vital component of any successful economy, […]
January 7, 2023

War and Peace

By Zoltan Pozsar 2023.01.07 In 2019, James Sweeney, then chief economist at Credit […]
January 6, 2023

Huge Gold-Stock Upleg Likely

By Adam Hamilton 2023.01.06 The gold miners’ stocks entered this young new year […]
January 6, 2023

Central banks added a further 50t to global official reserves in November

January 6, 2023

Transformed Dolly Varden Silver in discovery mode, says CEO

By Henry Lazenby 2023.01.06 Looking back on the past two years since he […]
January 5, 2023

It’s “Very Clear” The Fed Is Not Pivoting Or Pausing Anytime Soon

By Quoth the Raven 2023.01.05 Friend of Fringe Finance and well known financial news contributor […]
January 5, 2023

Central Bank Losses Make Them Buy Record Amounts of Gold

By Daniel Lacalle 2023.01.05 In 2022, central banks will have purchased the largest amount of […]
January 5, 2023

On the Cusp of a Global Liquidity Crisis

By James Rickards 2023.01.05 Is there a financial calamity worse than a severe recession […]
January 3, 2023

Gold surges to 6-month high, and analysts expect records in 2023

By Elliot Smith 2023.01.03 KEY POINTS Gold prices have been on a general […]
January 3, 2023

Well-Hydrated Adults Appear Healthier, Live Longer

By Jessie Zhang 2023.01.03 A large study has found that adults who don’t […]
January 3, 2023

Visualizing Currencies’ Decline Against the U.S. Dollar

By Niccolo Conte 2023.01.03 Visualizing Currencies’ Decline Against the U.S. Dollar In a […]
January 1, 2023

Slow Pace of Balance Sheet Reduction Calls Into Question Fed’s Commitment to Inflation Fight

By Schiffgold 2023-01-01 Most people have focused on Federal Reserve interest rate cuts […]
December 31, 2022

Gold in 2023

By Alasdair Macleod 2022.12.31 This is the time of year when precious metal […]
December 31, 2022

LME ends chaotic year with metal stockpiles perilously low

By Bloomberg News  2022.12.31 The London Metal Exchange will enter 2023 with the […]
December 31, 2022

War and Currency Statecraft

By Zoltan Pozsar 2022.12.31 War cuts new financial channels. What are G7 policymakers, […]
December 30, 2022

Gold Will Reflect Inflation

By Adam Hamilton 2022.12.30 Gold largely ignored inflation raging out of control in […]
December 30, 2022

Graphite One Year in Review

2022.12.30 Graphite One Inc. has provided the company’s 2022 year in review and […]
December 29, 2022

Pancreatic Cancer, Often Found Late, Has 2 Signs That Foretell Danger

2022.12.29 Many people get scared at the mention of pancreatic cancer due to a low […]
December 28, 2022

The Science of Nuclear Fusion

By Mark Belan 2022.12.28 U.S. scientists at the National Ignition Facility, part of […]
December 27, 2022
Make America's economy great again

US-China Struggle for DR Congo Resources Intensifies

By Conor Gallagher 2022.12.27 As the US intensifies its efforts to cut China off from advanced […]
December 26, 2022

Inflation, recession, and declining US hegemony

2022.12.26 By Alasdair Macleod In the distant future, we might look back on […]
December 25, 2022

Scientists Develop Gelatinous Robots to Crawl Through Human Body to Deliver Medical Payloads or Diagnose Illnesses

By Bryan Jung 2022.12.25 Scientists have developed miniature gelatinous robots that can crawl through the human […]
December 25, 2022

East-West battleground will shift from fossil fuels to metals

By Lisa Jucca 2022.12.25 Europe needs to cumulatively spend $5.3 trillion on clean energy projects by […]
December 24, 2022

Gold Upleg Still Young

By Adam Hamilton 2022.12.24 Gold has been powering higher on balance for a […]
December 24, 2022

History Lesson: Trust Gold Rather than Sovereigns

By Matthew Piepenburg 2022.12.24 Hubris Comes Before the Fall History (whether on battle fields […]
December 22, 2022

Have The Winds Of Change Begun To Blow?

2022.12.22 2022 has been a difficult year for financial assets with the traditional […]
December 21, 2022

US National Debt Clock

December 21, 2022

A Battle for the Arctic Is Underway. And the U.S. Is Already Behind.

By Kenneth R. Rosen 2022.12.21 Since the end of the Cold War, the […]
December 20, 2022

Visualizing (and Understanding) an Inverted Yield Curve

By James Eagle 2022.12.20 For a few months in 2019, the yield curve […]
December 19, 2022

Gold Is Money: Everything Else Is Credit

By Claudio Grass 2022.12.19 Throughout the better part of 2022 there has been […]
December 19, 2022

Xi of Arabia and the petroyuan drive

By Pepe Escobar 2022.12.19 It would be so tempting to qualify Chinese President Xi […]
December 18, 2022

5 Global Flashpoints Which Could Absolutely Explode During The Early Stages Of 2023

By Michael 2022.12.18 Will 2023 be a year when extremely destructive conflicts erupt all […]
December 17, 2022

Shutting huge copper project shows why miners worry about starting them

By Bloomberg news 2022.12.17 Panama’s decision to close a giant copper mine couldn’t come at […]
December 16, 2022

Recent nuclear fusion news is more about hydrogen bombs than energy related – Richard Mills

2022.12.16 Those who grew up in the 1980s and were educated in North […]
December 13, 2022

Disruptive Materials: Visualizing America’s Import Dependency

By Aran Ali 2022-12-13 The U.S. is most dependent on China where they […]
December 12, 2022

Canada places big bets on critical minerals

By Nelson Bennett — BIV  2022.12.11 Canada is blessed with an abundance of […]
December 10, 2022

Ottawa preparing to go toe-to-toe with U.S. to subsidize EV battery production in Canada

By Daniel Leblanc, Louis Blouin  2022.12.10 The federal government is preparing to transform its […]
December 10, 2022

Mapped: Where Does Our Food Come From?

By Tessa Di Grandi 2022.12.10 Did you know that over two-thirds of national […]
December 9, 2022

Getchell Gold The Company to Watch in Nevada

2022.12.09 President Mike Sieb presents at the Dec 6, 2022, Money, Metals and […]
December 6, 2022

Visualizing the World’s Largest Copper Producers

By Bruno Venditti 2022.12.05 Man has relied on copper since prehistoric times. It […]
December 4, 2022

The Jobs Report in Light of what Powell Said: The Fed Cannot Create Supply of Labor, But it Can Slow the Demand for Labor

By Wolf Richter 2022.12.04 The data across the board, supported by countless industry […]
December 3, 2022

Stocks Have “Considerably More Downside” & Commodities Have A “Brand New Tailwind” In 2023

By Quoth the Raven 2022.12.03 For far too long, the Fed printed $120 […]
December 2, 2022

Watch an overview of the Goldshore opportunity following our MRE announcement of 4.17M Oz Gold

2022.12.02 Mineral Resource Estimate just announced at Goldshore’s Moss Lake Project 4.17M oz […]
December 2, 2022

The Unavoidable Crash

By NOURIEL ROUBINI 2022.12.02 After years of ultra-loose fiscal, monetary, and credit policies […]
December 1, 2022

Goldshore Resources – Reviewing The Recent Maiden Resource Estimate And Ongoing 100,000 Meter Drill Program

By Shad Marquitz 2022.12.01 Brett Richards, President and CEO of Goldshore Resources (TSX.V:GSHR […]
December 1, 2022

Alzheimer’s drug from Eisai and Biogen slows cognitive decline, side-effects in focus

By Deena Beasley 2022.12.01 “All of these amyloid-lowering drugs carry a risk for increased […]
November 30, 2022

Peak silver – Richard Mills

2022.11.30 Like gold, we can study the supply-demand picture for silver to get […]
November 30, 2022

The 50 Minerals Critical to U.S. Security

By Bruno Venditti 2022.11.30 The U.S. aims to cut its greenhouse gas emissions […]
November 29, 2022

Visualizing the Life Cycle of a Mineral Discovery

By Nicholas LePan The Lassonde Curve highlights risk and potential along the pathway […]
November 28, 2022

Scientists Revived Ancient ‘Zombie Viruses’ Frozen For Eons in Siberia

By DAVID NIELD 2022.11.28 As the world warms up, vast tranches of permafrost are […]