140 results found for: indonesia


Large potential nickel sulfide and VMS system identified in Quebec

2020.09.30 Some of the largest mines in Canada have been developed from volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits. These deposits are extremely sought after for mining because they usually contain a…


Miners snapping up gold properties left and right

2020.06.06 The sharp drop in equity markets owing to the coronavirus has triggered a buying opportunity for mining companies, eager to replenish their falling reserves during a time when sought-after…


Is it time to expel China from the world community?

2020.04.14  “Today the House of Representatives has taken an historic step toward continued prosperity in America, reform in China, and peace in the world. . . it will open new…


The coming supply crunch

2020.04.06 As I write and you read, the world economy is getting pummeled, one blow after another, by demand destruction, as economies grind to a screeching halt due to unprecedented…


How a ‘Debt Jubilee’ + mining could be a path to coronavirus recovery

2020.03.17 Stock markets rebounded on Tuesday, after the White House announced further measures to help Americans and companies hurt by the coronavirus pandemic. The Trump Administration is reportedly considering sending…


The DRC just turned the screws on cobalt supply

2020.02.12 The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is finally doing something about cobalt mining, a sector whose reputation has been sullied by illegality, child labor, accusations of modern-day slavery, and…


Copper market is a coiled spring

2020.02.09 As the third most-consumed metal on earth, behind iron and aluminum, copper is all around us. Found naturally in the earth’s crust, copper was among the first metals used…


Copper-gold deposits to help gold miners overcome depletion dilemma

2020.02.01 Every fiscal quarter the World Gold Council puts out a wonderful little report on the gold market, that is made into an article by just about every mining news…


EV predictions show strained metals supply

2020.01.28 One of the most prevalent current trends concerning mined commodities is the shift, driven by the effort to reduce our carbon footprint, is towards the electrification of the global…


Max makes high-grade copper-silver discovery

2020.01.22 Good ol’ boots-on-the-ground prospecting by Max Resource (TSX-V:MXR) geologists has borne some sweet fruit in the form of a major discovery within its Cesar block of claims north of…


Copper juniors gravitating towards new area play

2020.01.15 Area plays, where one company makes a discovery then other companies rush in to stake all around them, are at the very foundation of junior markets. Some noteworthy area…


Will 2020 be junior mining’s year?

2020.01.04 Another year of covering commodities and select junior mining stocks is all but done and dusted. We’ve seen palladium prices more than double those of platinum, its sister metal,…


Copper price drivers

2019.12.17 The copper price was holding steady at $2.79 per pound, Monday, just four cents shy of a seven-month high ($2.83/lb) reached Friday, on news of a partial trade deal…


The next copper frontier

2019.12.07 Imagine a world without copper. Or a world in which copper is so rare, therefore so expensive, that products made with are beyond the reach of the average consumer….


Inomin eyeing monster BC nickel sulphide deposits

2019.11.23 Canada has long enjoyed a reputation as one of the world’s leading nickel-mining nations. The base metal used in the production of stainless steel, and increasingly, in nickel-cobalt-aluminum (NCA)…


Over-supplied lithium unlikely to happen to nickel

2019.11.13 An irrefutable truth right now is the global shift towards the electrification of the transportation system (cars, trucks, buses, trains) as governments, businesses and ordinary folk realize that reducing…


Is China locking up Indonesian nickel?

2019.11.06 As it has done with cobalt, graphite and rare earths, China appears to be locking up the nickel market. Nickel’s top producer, Indonesia, in early September decided to accelerate…


‘Power to the People’ and mining

2019.10.31 The 1960s and 70s were decades of incredible social upheaval. Fed up with wars, governments out of touch with their ideals, authority figures who didn’t get them, the “flower…


‘Power to the People’ and mining

2019.10.31 The 1960s and 70s were decades of incredible social upheaval. Fed up with wars, governments out of touch with their ideals, authority figures who didn’t get them, the “flower…


Copper noose tightening

2019.10.22 Copper prices surged to a one-month high on Monday, on potential supply disruptions owing to violent protests in Chile over a proposed law, now suspended, that would raise the…


More smelters, scrap metal ban driving Chinese copper imports

2019.09.25 Despite evidence of a slowing economy, shipments of raw materials are gliding across Chinese docks at a torrid pace, especially metals, which form the backbone of China’s industrial supply…


Wishing you were all mine

2019.09.21 The sun is up The sky is blue All I want to say to you Is that I wish your mine were mine Nickel prices are holding steady as…


Dark horse nickel continues to gallop

2019.08.31 Indonesia is advancing a 2022 deadline for banning the export of mineral ores, including nickel, has prompted a massive surge in the price of the metal used mostly for…


Cobalt to share EV battery duties with nickel

2019.07.25 In the spring of 2018 Tesla came out with a bold prediction: bringing the amount of cobalt used in their Model 3 battery cells down to zero. “Cells used…


It’s not easy going green

2019.07.06 As Kermit the Frog used to say, “It’s not easy being green.”. Or to paraphrase the affable muppet slightly, it’s not easy going green. The modernization and electrification of…


US prepares for Currency war

2019.06.27 The 1997 Asian Financial Crisis serves as a reminder of what happens when competing economies engage in a round of competitive currency devaluations. The crisis began after impressive growth…


Bonds and equities versus gold

2019.06.25 North American stock markets continued to rise on Friday, as more investors took the opportunity to jump into equities on the back of a clear signal from the US…


Stop feeding the Chinese ‘Belt and Road’ trojan horse

2019.04.23 “Whoever has an army has power.” – Mao Zedong In March Italy broke ranks with its EU partners in joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative, known also as One…


Resource nationalism could further choke metal supplies

2019.02.22 Three of the most important metals surged on Wednesday due to a signal from the US President that he may not escalate the trade war with China. Gold hit…


Resource nationalism could further choke metal supplies

2019.02.22 Three of the most important metals surged on Wednesday due to a signal from the US President that he may not escalate the trade war with China. Gold hit…


New Brunswick nuclear energy vs BC LNG

2019.01.30 The nuclear powered energy train has left the station in the Eastern Canadian province of New Brunswick. The destination? A carbon-free energy future. Meanwhile, on the other side of…


Choose thorium-fueled reactors instead of Site C

2019.01.18 I was flying through the Twitterverse when I came across this doozy of a headline: “Cancel Site C: build gas plants, wind power: CD Howe” For those unfamiliar with…


Copper fundamentals still solid

2018.11.24 As an investment commodity, we’ve been writing about copper for a long time. When you look at the supply and demand picture for copper, what isn’t to like, and…


A viable alternative to LNG

2018.11.17 The politicians holding power in British Columbia and Ottawa have stacked their chips on the energy poker table, placing a foolish bet on liquefied natural gas as the solution…


China will become more copper-hungry

2018.11.02 China is already the world’s biggest copper buyer, representing half of global demand. But its need for the metal used in plumbing, construction, telecommunications, plus its growing importance for…


The beginning of the end of the dollar

2018.11.01 Donald Trump will go down in history for many things, including a justice department investigation into US-Russian collusion in the 2016 election, a guilty verdict for his former campaign…


The coming copper crunch

2018.10.25 Copper had one of it best years ever in 2017, rising 27% on the back of supply disruptions and steady demand from China, by far the largest copper consumer….


Exploration program begins for Surge Copper

2018.10.20 The drills have started turning at Surge Copper’s (TSX.V:SURG) Ootsa property in northwestern British Columbia, where the possibility exists for a major discovery hole in an area known for…


Wanna buy a copper mine? Ask a junior

2018.10.19 Copper is one of the most abundant metals among the world’s mined commodities, but getting your hands on a new copper mine is getting tougher and tougher. Despite the…



As it has done with cobalt, graphite and rare earths, China appears to be cornering the battery nickel market. Reuters reported on a $4 billion Chinese-led project to produce battery-grade…