June 9, 2023

Visualizing gold price and US debt (1970-2023)

By Mining.com Gold has long been considered a store of value and a […]
June 7, 2023

Who are behind the gold and silver buying — part II – Richard Mills

2023.06.07 In our previous article outlining the key players in the precious metals […]
June 7, 2023

黄金和白银买盘的幕后推动 — 第二部

2023.06.07 在我们之前概述贵金属市场关键参与者的文章中,我们强调全球央行是黄金需求上升的主要驱动力之一。 自 2007-08 年金融危机以来,各国央行作为各自国家的最后贷款人,一直在囤积黄金以履行其金融义务。彭博社此前报道称,自 1971 年美国放弃金本位制以来,银行购买的黄金数量最多。 截至今天,各国央行正在享受最长的黄金购买期,这代表着自 20 世纪 90 年代和 21 […]
June 6, 2023

Four drills turning at Dolly Varden’s Kitsault Valley – Richard Mills

2023.06.06 Dolly Varden Silver (TSXV:DV, OTC:DOLLF) has begun its 2023 exploration program with […]
June 4, 2023

Gold revaluation & the hidden motive behind central banks’ gold buying – Richard Mills

2023.06.04 It’s no secret that central banks around the world are buying up […]
June 4, 2023


2023.06.04 世界各地的中央银行都在购买黄金,这显然已不是什么秘密。 世界黄金协会 (WGC) 数据显示,今年前三个月,各国央行共购买了 228 吨黄金,为第一季度以来的最高水平。 这是继 2022 年本已创纪录的一年之后,银行储备中增加了价值约 700 亿美元的 1136 […]
June 3, 2023

Anticipating 2,500m drill program, Mantaro builds 10 drill pads at Santas Gloria, Peru – Richard Mills

2023.06.03 Vancouver-based Mantaro Precious Metals (TSXV:MNTR, OTCQB:MSLVF, FSE:9TZ) is planning a 15-hole, 2,500-meter […]
May 30, 2023

Prudent Minerals sitting on high-grade gold exploration target in Colombia – Richard Mills

2023.05.30 Gold mining companies, already facing depleted gold reserves, are beginning to feel […]
May 30, 2023

Prudent Minerals 坐拥哥伦比亚高品位黄金勘探目标

2023.05.30 已经面临黄金储量枯竭的金矿公司开始感受到在当前经济环境下进行整合以维持自身的压力,因此并购的势头越来越大。 自然而然地地,该行业将需要向高品位矿石丰富且金矿保证经济可行的地方集中。 另一个需要考虑的途径是在世界上资源最丰富但仍未充分开发的地区寻找金矿资产。在矿产丰富的南美洲大陆,哥伦比亚就是符合这一描述的一个国家。 在地理上,哥伦比亚是一个多元化的国家,拥有数千平方公里的未勘探前景土地,具有勘探金和铜等有价值矿产的巨大潜力。目前,该国只有 1.1% 的领土被生产阶段的矿业权占用,而只有 2.3% 被勘探项目覆盖。 根据哥伦比亚矿业法,勘探矿山的权利通过30年的特许经营协议获得,分为勘探、建设和开采三个阶段。一旦特许权进入采矿阶段,它可以再延长 30 年。 尽管哥伦比亚的黄金业务长期以来一直面临着严格的官僚主义和环境障碍,此外还有受到非正式矿工/犯罪分子袭击的威胁,但这并没有阻止矿业公司放弃其丰富的黄金资源。如今,哥伦比亚是仅次于秘鲁和巴西的南美洲第三大黄金生产国,年产量约为 […]
May 29, 2023

The Day They Killed the Dollar

By John Doody With inflation, geopolitical conflict, and the banking crisis disrupting the […]
May 25, 2023

Getchell Gold expands exploration program at Fondaway Canyon – Richard Mills

2023.05.25 At AOTH, we see Getchell Gold Corp. (CSE:GTCH, OTCQB:GGLDF) as an excellent value play in […]
May 25, 2023

Video Getchell Gold

May 25, 2023

In Gold We Trust

The balancing act of fighting inflation without triggering distortions on the markets is […]
May 22, 2023

EGR moves forward with Detour West exploration plan after airborne magnetics, financing completed – Richard Mills

203.05.22 Ontario-focused gold junior EGR Exploration Ltd. (TSXV: EGR) is setting wheels in […]
May 22, 2023

EGR 在航空磁测、融资完成后推进 Detour West 勘探计划

2023.05.22 专注于安大略的初级黄金勘探公司 EGR Exploration(TSXV:EGR)正在启动其旗舰资产上的第一个金刚石钻探计划,并于本周对其进度进行了更新。 首先,它完成了一次 95 万加元的私募融资,发行了硬元和流通单位的混合股票,每个单位的价格在 0.11-0.14 加元之间,这是 EGR 过去一年股价的较高区间。内部人士参与了此次融资。 部分收益将用于资助该公司计划在明年对其 Detour […]
May 20, 2023

Mantaro Precious Metals – Richard Mills

2023.05.20 Mining companies are hoping to build on Bolivia’s rich mining history by […]
May 16, 2023

Dolly Varden Silver primed for discovery in bullish year for precious metals – Richard Mills

2023.05.16 More question marks surrounding the US debt negotiations have left the public […]
May 16, 2023

Dolly Varden Silver 准备在贵金属看涨的一年中斩获新发现

围绕美国债务谈判出现的更多问题让公众怀疑是否该为最坏的情况做准备。 美国从未拖欠过债务,但如果发生 “不可想象的” 结果(正如财政部长珍妮特·耶伦所描述的那样),经济肯定会陷入衰退,其速度比大多数人预期的要快。这使得贵金属成为当前环境中的必备品。 看涨白银 虽然黄金通常在经济不确定时期作为避险资产而备受关注,但其姊妹金属白银也同样引人注目。 事实上,它通常在牛市期间开始缓慢,但最终超过黄金。今年 3 月至 4 月,白银价格上涨超过 20%,轻松超过黄金和标准普尔 500 […]
May 12, 2023

Two dominant investment themes and the metals required for each – Richard Mills

2023.05.12 When looking for an investment, the approach I take involves looking at […]
May 10, 2023

5 reasons gold and silver will soar – Richard Mills

2023.05.10 Under a certain market environment, precious metals are considered must-haves in a […]
May 10, 2023


2023.05.10 在一定的市场环境下,贵金属被认为是现代投资组合中的必备品。 到目前为止,2023 年发生的事情已经证实,黄金和白银的飙升已经具备了条件。它们的价格今年都出现了令人印象深刻的上涨,黄金最近距离历史最高点只有几美分,白银也接近十年前的价格水平。 但一些人认为,贵金属的反弹才刚刚开始。分析师认为,这两种金属刷新纪录只是时间问题。 “我认为我们很可能会在未来几个月看到黄金的强劲表现。众星似乎都在看好黄金,不久之后它可能会突破新高,”外汇公司 Oanda 的一位高级市场分析师最近表示。 白银也遵循类似的路径创出新高。大宗商品咨询公司 CPM Group 的执行合伙人 Jeff […]
May 5, 2023

Mantaro picking up two new properties in Bolivia – Richard Mills

2023.05.05 Mantaro Precious Metals (TSXV:MNTR, OTCQB:MSLVF, FSE:9TZ) is strengthening its portfolio of South […]
May 3, 2023

EGR Exploration looks to follow Detour Lake’s footsteps – Richard Mills

2023.05.03 The gold market continues to experience tightness due to difficulties expanding existing […]
May 3, 2023

EGR 勘探公司希望追随 Detour Lake 的脚步, 在其西部的大型地产上取得成功

2023.05.03 由于近年来难以扩大现有矿床以及明显缺乏大型发现,黄金市场持续紧张。 投资者和央行在当前经济中都在囤积黄金,对贵金属的极高需求加剧了这一问题。 去年,全球黄金需求增长了 18%,达到了 2011 年以来的最高水平。与此同时,尽管停止了两年的连续下降,但 2022 年的供应量仅增长了 1%。 由于黄金需求迟早会超过供应,投资者和矿业公司正在政治稳定的管辖区寻求勘探项目,以包括水和电在内的基础设施的地区作为首选。 能够满足所有这些标准的一个地区是加拿大的 Abitibi […]
May 2, 2023

PRUD: Advancing ABE gold project within the prolific Middle Cauca gold belt, Colombia – Richard Mills

2023.05.02 Colombia continues to be one of Latin America’s most important gold miners, producing 1.96 million […]
May 2, 2023

Von Greyerz: Forecasting The Gold Price Is A Mug’s Game

By Egon von Greyerz Most investors are totally ignorant of the purpose of gold […]
May 1, 2023

Getchell Gold: Era of M&As may spur gold industry convergence to proven hunting grounds like Nevada – Richard Mills

2023.05.01 As a major economic driver, gold mining has traditionally been a fragmented […]
May 1, 2023

Getchell Gold:并购时代会刺激黄金行业向内华达州等热门地区集中

2023.05.01 作为主要的经济驱动力,金矿开采历来是一个分散的行业,因为它的进入门槛低,而且任何规模的矿工都可以使用先进的加工技术。 根据麦肯锡 2021 年的一份报告,排名前五的黄金生产商贡献了不到全球总供应量的 20%。相比之下,该公司编制的数据显示,对于大多数其他金属而言,前五名生产商占全球产量的三分之一至三分之二(参见下图)。 然而,近年来全球供应链的中断意味着该行业的成本正在快速上升。 2022 年,采矿业的平均总维持成本 (AISC) 达到创纪录的 1276 美元/盎司,比上年增长 […]
April 29, 2023

Renforth ready for pegmatite prospecting amid major shakeup in lithium industry- Richard Mills

2023.04.29 The lithium nationalization bombshell dropped last week by Chile is good news […]
April 29, 2023

Renforth 准备在锂行业的大重组中进行伟晶岩勘探

智利上周发布的锂国有化重磅炸弹对北美锂矿商来说是个好消息。这些矿商可能会变得更加重要,因为它们是制造电动汽车和卡车以及储能用锂离子电池所需的白色金属的潜在供应商以及一系列消费电子产品。 这一发展还可能进一步给电动汽车制造商带来压力,他们正争先恐后地确保锂供应。 加布里埃尔·博里克总统上周四宣布,他的政府将把该国的锂产业收归国有,国家计划与公司合作以促进当地产业的发展。据矿业媒体报道,国有铜业公司 Codelco 最初将与合作伙伴签订新合同,之后将由一家全国性锂公司负责。 此外,Codelco 和另一家国有矿商 Enami 将在目前有私人项目的地区获得勘探和开采合同。已经在智利的两家锂矿商 SQM 和总部位于美国的 Albemarle 将继续运营,直到他们的合同到期。 […]
April 29, 2023

Silver Prices Surge As ‘Perfect Storm’ Fuels Dollar Decline: Why The Precious Metal Could Still Rally Another 18%

By Jonathan Ponciano Precious metals have shot up in value this year as […]
April 28, 2023

Gold Upleg Still Running

By Adam Hamilton Gold has carved an impressive upleg over this past half-year, […]
April 27, 2023

200 Years of Global Gold Production, by Country

By Govind Bhutada Although the practice of gold mining has been around for […]
April 27, 2023

So Many Open Signs of Financial Disaster Ahead and Gold Working

By Matthew Piepenburg From oil markets to treasury stacking, backdoor QE, investor fantasy and […]
April 27, 2023

“Dystopian” CBDCs will Allow Government to Track Purchases

By Paul Joseph Watson With eleven countries having already launched Central Bank Digital […]
April 26, 2023

Dolly Varden plans 40,000-45,000m of drilling in 2023, building on last year’s success – Richard Mills

2023.04.26 It’s official: the world’s silver supply is in a prolonged period of […]
April 26, 2023

Dolly Varden 计划在去年取得成功的基础上,在 2023 年进行 40,000-45,000 米的钻探

2023.04.26 毋庸置疑:世界白银供应正面临着长期短缺。 2022 年,该贵金属在供应过剩五年后连续第二年出现了供应短缺。 白银协会的新数据显示,2022 年全球需求激增 18%,而矿山产量停滞不前,供应缺口扩大至 2.377 亿盎司。该研究所表示,这个数字“可能是有记录以来最严重的短缺”。 白银市场基本面强劲,进入供应短缺新时代 更令人不安的是,我们仅仅用了这两年的供应不足——2022 年和 2021 […]
April 25, 2023

‘How to Buy Gold’ Hits a Google Record as Crypto Investors Chase World’s Oldest Asset

By Hardika Singh Mr. Day and a number of his cryptocurrency compatriots have since […]
April 25, 2023

A Higher Debt Ceiling Won’t Solve the Problem; It Will Make the Problem Worse

By Peter Schiff Democrats (and most Republicans) claim, “We must raise the debt […]
April 24, 2023

Silver market fundamentals strong as it enters new era of supply deficits – Richard Mills

2023.04.24 Silver, like gold, has returned to the spotlight this year with the […]
April 24, 2023


2023.04.24 与黄金一样,白银今年再次成为人们关注的焦点。该贵金属最近的交易价格达到了一年来的最高点,略低于每盎司 26 美元。 在过去的一个月里,白银价格上涨了近 20%,超过了标准普尔 500 指数同期约 5% 的涨幅,也超过了其他贵金属,包括黄金(9%)、铂(10%)和钯(12%)。 白银上涨之际,美元这一另类避险资产的价值一直在挣扎,在过去一个月里下跌了约 2%,自去年九月的 20 […]
April 24, 2023

Gold Stocks are Silly Cheap

By Quoth the Raven Please note that both of these charts suggest to […]
April 22, 2023

Mantaro unveils exploration plans at Golden Hill, Santas Gloria – Richard Mills

2023.04.22 Mantaro Precious Metals (TSXV:MNTR, OTCQB:MSLVF, FSE:9TZ) is progressing its South American gold […]
April 21, 2023

Gold Stocks Still Undervalued

By Adam Hamilton The gold miners’ stocks continue powering higher on balance, growing […]
April 20, 2023

Record demand pushes silver into new era of deficits, Silver Institute says

By Peter Hobson Global demand for silver rose by 18% last year to […]
April 18, 2023

Who are behind the gold and silver buying – Richard Mills

April 16, 2023

Gold stands in sweet spot between inflation and interest rate “tug of war” – Richard Mills

2023.04.16 Gold prices are on the brink of setting another record as a […]
April 16, 2023


2023.04.16 近几个月来,市场力量的汇合促使投资者涌入黄金,金价即将创下另一个纪录。 从历史上看,黄金一直被视为抵御通胀的对冲工具,考虑到目前的高价格环境,金价上涨将是完全合理的。但真的是这样吗?黄金和消费品的价格走势真的同步吗? 一年多来,美联储一直试图通过紧缩货币政策来抑制高通胀。这在某种程度上起到了作用。最新数据显示美国三月份 CPI 仅上涨 0.1%,好于预期,与一年前的 5%相比更加健康。 由此可见,美国通胀出现降温迹象,而黄金的涨势依然强劲。这将违背黄金作为通胀对冲工具的普遍看法。事实上,通货膨胀与黄色金属之间的关系并不像我们想象的那么简单。 黄金与通货膨胀 与普遍看法相反,将黄金称为 “完美的通胀对冲工具” 可能有点牵强。 […]
April 14, 2023

Gold-Stock Upleg Immature

By Adam Hamilton With gold stocks’ powerful upleg gathering steam, more traders are […]
April 14, 2023

Building a Major Gold Asset in Nevada

The Getchell Gold team is actively planning our 2023 Exploration season, and that […]
April 14, 2023

Getchell Gold: Hitting the sweet spot between in-situ value and exploration upside at Fondaway Canyon – Richard Mills

2023.04.14 At AOTH, we see Getchell Gold Corp. (CSE:GTCH, OTCQB:GGLDF) as an excellent value play in […]
April 10, 2023

Is a New Gold Standard Possible?

By Jeffrey A. Tucker The price of gold is once again testing its all-time […]
April 9, 2023

Getchell Gold says gold’s rally above $2,000 adds more shine to Fondaway Canyon project

Getchell Gold Corp President Mike Sieb tells Proactive’s Stephen Gunnion that a gold […]
April 9, 2023

Who are behind the gold and silver buying – Richard Mills

2023.04.09 Precious metals are back in the spotlight in 2023 as signs of […]
April 9, 2023


贵金属在 2023 年重新成为焦点,因为经济放缓的迹象继续浮出水面,并引起投资者的不安,进而推高避险资产的吸引力。 本周的美国劳动力市场数据显示,经济只会变得更糟,2 月份职位空缺降至两年低点,而私营部门就业人数增长低于预期。 劳动力市场降温,加上早些时候显示工厂订单下降和制造业活动放缓的数据,都表明美国经济更接近衰退而不是复苏。对这些经济困境升级的担忧促成了黄金和白银的又一次大幅上涨,这是当形势恶化时的对冲工具。 本周,黄金价格上涨近 2%,达到一年来的最高水平,达到每盎司 2020 美元左右,距离历史高点仅差 50 美元。白银也受此反弹推动,本周上涨 3.7%。 […]
April 9, 2023

Safe-haven gold eases on its way to weekly rise on economic woes

By Deep Kaushik Vakil The U.S. Federal Reserve is in a bind, as higher […]
April 8, 2023

Max kicks off 2023 exploration with six priority drill targets – Richard Mills

2023.04.08 In exploration, a number of techniques are employed to find mineral deposits. […]
April 7, 2023

Top 10 Reasons to add Getchell Gold Corp to your portfolio

The Getchell Gold team is actively working to get the Fondaway Canyon story […]
April 1, 2023


鉴于 2023 年目前的市场动向,似乎所有因素都已指向了另一个持续多年的黄金牛市周期。 在之前的牛市周期中,初级金矿股的表现优于实物金属。因此,投资于潜在的黄金和白银生产商似乎是一个有吸引力的提议。 虽然有许多金银勘探者分散在世界主要国家,但那些专注于新兴市场并拥有可靠生产的勘探者有望获得更高的回报,因为许多这些地区至今仍未得到充分勘探。 而 Mantaro Precious Metals (TSXV: MNTR) (OTCQB: MSLVF) […]
April 1, 2023

Mantaro Precious Metals strategically positioned to unlock value from high-grade deposits in Latin America – Richard Mills

2023.04.01 Mantaro Precious Metals strategically positioned to unlock value from high-grade deposits in […]
March 31, 2023

Gold Stocks’ Spring Rally 8

By Adam Hamilton The gold miners’ stocks have mostly ground higher over the […]
March 29, 2023
silver and gold bars


2023.03.29 早些时候,我们列出了美元下跌的各种原因。但这并不意味着所有避险资产都会面临相同的命运。事实上,考虑到全球经济的现状,这是投资贵金属,特别是黄金和白银的大好时机。 就在最近,由于疯狂的市场波动,金价一年来首次突破 2000 美元/盎司的关键关口,而且在一周内不止一次,而是两次。与此同时,白银价格也大幅上涨。 在银行业引发的担忧和美联储紧缩周期即将结束的推动下,投资者现在正将注意力转向贵金属,以对冲他们的赌注。对大多数人来说,不成文的规则是,在金融不确定性时期,黄金(以及白银)是最好的选择。 这种乐观情绪在分析师群体中得到了回应。上周,高盛重申了他们对大宗商品的积极展望,并将 12 个月的黄金预测上调了 100 美元至 2050 美元/盎司。惠誉解决方案(Fitch […]
March 29, 2023
silver and gold bars

Five reasons gold and silver could rally soon – Richard Mills

2023.03.29 Earlier, we listed the various reasons why the US dollar is headed […]
March 24, 2023

Gold Upleg Rockets Back

By Adam Hamilton Gold is rocketing higher to new upleg highs again, fueling […]
March 22, 2023

Gold is the Rodney Dangerfield of metals – Richard Mills

2023.03.22 Gold cracked $2,000 an ounce on Monday for the first time in […]
March 22, 2023

Investors Will Bid Up Gold When They Realize Inflation Is Winning

By Shiffgold Peter Schiff appeared on Fox Business Claman Countdown to talk about the recent […]
March 19, 2023

Charted: 30 Years of Central Bank Gold Demand

By Govind Bhutada Did you know that nearly one-fifth of all the gold ever mined is held […]
March 18, 2023

Gold prices reflect a shift in paradigm – Part I

By Goldmoney Our proprietary gold price model has done a very good job […]
March 17, 2023

Hold gold, buy silver – Richard Mills

2023.03.17 Gold is back in favor this week as a banking crisis that […]
March 17, 2023

New Video- Getchell Gold Coverage on CEO.ca and Investing News.com

By Investing News
March 17, 2023

Gold Mid-Tiers’ Q4’22 Fundamentals

By Adam Hamilton The biggest gold-stock gains during major gold uplegs accrue in […]
March 15, 2023

Getchell Gold an excellent value play in a rising gold price environment – Richard Mills

2023.03.15 At AOTH, we see Getchell Gold Corp. (CSE:GTCH, OTCQB:GGLDF) as an excellent […]
March 15, 2023

Dolly Varden Silver drills 25m of 46g/t Au – Richard Mills

2023.03.15 The latest (December) edition of The Silver Institute’s ‘Silver News’ states that […]
March 10, 2023

An Interview with Dolly Varden Silver CEO Shawn Khunkhun and VP EX Rob Van Egmond

By The Critical Investor After hitting impressive intercepts like 25m @ 46,3g/t Au […]
March 10, 2023

Gold Miners’ Q4’22 Fundamentals

By Adam Hamilton The gold miners are finishing reporting their latest quarterly results, […]
March 9, 2023

Solar could devour most of the world’s silver reserves by 2050 – Richard Mills

2023.03.09 Silver, like gold, is a precious metal that offers investors protection during […]
March 6, 2023

Dolly Varden’s focus on the Wolf Deposit pays off

By Caesars Report Dolly Varden (DV.V) continues to rapidly advance its Kitsault Valley project […]
March 4, 2023

Prudent Minerals ABE Project multiple high grade gold vein intercepts and open pit potential – Richard Mills

2023.03.04 Prudent Minerals (CSE:PRUD) is on an exciting exploration journey to develop the […]
March 3, 2023

Prepare For 10 Years of Global Destruction

By Egon von Greyerz For at least half a century, the world has been […]
February 25, 2023

Getchell Gold – Right Project, Right Place, at the Right Time

President Mike Sieb gives an overview of the key investment highlights, including macro […]
February 25, 2023

Bob Moriarty Explains Why He Is Investing in This Mineral Exploration Company!

February 25, 2023

Gold Investors Still MIA

By Adam Hamilton Gold’s sharp selloff this month has been driven by a […]
February 22, 2023

Dolly Varden The Kitsault Valley Project – VRIFY our 15kms of potential – Presentation

Interactive Content February 2023 – Corporate Presentation
February 19, 2023

Gold’s return as money

By Alasdair Macleod The consequences of Russia and her Asian allies embracing gold […]
February 17, 2023

Renforth’s polymetallic Surimeau Project has battery, critical and precious metals – Richard Mills

2023.02.17 The Surimeau mineral deposit in Quebec being developed by Renforth Resources (CSE:RFR, […]
February 17, 2023

Gold Futures Stealthed

By Adam Hamilton Gold has been hammered lower in recent weeks by what […]
February 15, 2023

Getchell Gold, a case study of “gold in the ground” – Richard Mills

2023.02.15 Historically, all junior resource companies can be evaluated and ranked utilizing four […]
February 10, 2023

Sharp Gold Pullback Healthy

By Adam Hamilton 2023.01.10 Gold was just slammed hard in a sharp selloff, […]
February 10, 2023

No Matter How You Turn It, The Global System is Already Doomed: Got Gold?

By Matthew Piepenburg 2023.03.10 Below we look at the interplay of embarrassing debt, dying […]
February 10, 2023

Central Banks Gobbled Up More Gold Last Year Than In Any Year Since 1967

By Frank Holmes 2023.02.10 The price of gold stopped just short of hitting […]
February 9, 2023

Visualizing Gold’s Return Across Currencies

By Bruno Venditti 2023.03.09 A copper deficit is set to inundate global markets […]
February 8, 2023

Dolly Varden hits ‘jewelry-box” mineralization – Richard Mills

2023.02.08 The final results from 2022 drilling at Dolly Varden Silver’s (TSXV:DV, OTC:DOLLF) […]
February 3, 2023

Could silver outperform gold again? – Richard Mills

2023.02.03 Gold sold off following the US Federal Reserve’s Feb. 1 decision to […]
February 3, 2023

Fed Gold Anomaly Unwinding

By Adam Hamilton 2023.02.03 Gold has behaved strangely over this past year, largely […]
February 2, 2023

Junior Miners: Dolly Varden Silver Is a No-Brainer

By John Rubino 2023.02.02 Canadian explorer Dolly Varden controls 163 square kilometers of […]
February 2, 2023

Silver Is Outpacing Gold. That’s a Good Sign for the Global Economy.

By Myra P. Saefong Silver has sharply outpaced gold’s gains in the past three months, and its […]
February 1, 2023

Getchell Gold Corp. Files Technical Report for the Mineral Resource Estimate at Fondaway Canyon, NV

2023.02.01 Vancouver, BC – February 1, 2023 – Getchell Gold Corp. (CSE: GTCH) […]
February 1, 2023

2022 was strongest year for gold demand in over a decade – report

By Staff Writer 2023.02.01 Demand for gold has reached its highest in over […]
January 31, 2023

Dolly Varden Silver highlights 46.31 g/t gold and 70 g/t silver over 25m, including 1,145 g/t Au and 826 g/t Ag over 0.48m, at Homestake Ridge – Richard Mills

2023.01.31 Dolly Varden Silver (TSXV:DV, OTC:DOLLF) has come up with more high-grade gold and […]
January 29, 2023

Visualizing the New Era of Gold Mining

By Govind Bhutada 2023.01.29 Between 2011 and 2020, the number of major gold […]