July 4, 2023

Planetary devastation is only one solar storm, asteroid strike away – Richard Mills

2023.07.04 There are many extreme events that could do massive damage to planet […]
June 9, 2023

Rest of Canada, parts of US sharing in BC’s wildfire misery – Richard Mills

2023.06.09 Fire season in British Columbia, it seems, is coming earlier every year. […]
May 23, 2023

Vitamin D: Everything You Need to Know

By Simon Goddek Many peer-reviewed research articles conclusively demonstrate that a low level […]
May 11, 2023

5 reasons food will get scarcer and more expensive – Richard Mills

2023.05.11 The days of affordable food may now be a distant memory. Following […]
May 11, 2023


负担得起的食物的日子现在可能已成为遥远的记忆。经过数月的稳步下跌后,食品商品的价格仍远高于大流行前的水平,目前正出现反弹迹象。 4 月份,联合国粮食机构的世界价格指数在一年内首次上涨,反映糖、肉和大米价格上涨。尽管联合国的指标仍比 2022 年 3 月创下的纪录低 20%,当时俄罗斯入侵乌克兰中断了粮食出口,但人们对通胀的担忧从未消失。 许多地区的杂货价格仍处于历史高位,使消费者预算紧张并加剧了饥饿危机。 许多人认为,虽然食品商品可能不会很快达到 2022 年的高位,但在可预见的未来,我们的食品杂货账单不会变得更便宜。这是由于几个相互交织的因素在起作用: 投入成本上升 […]
May 1, 2023

MIT Scientists Create New Nanoparticle Sensors to Detect Early Cancer via Simple Paper Test

By Bill Pan Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have designed […]
April 9, 2023

Headed off the charts’: world’s ocean surface temperature hits record high

By Graham Readfearn The temperature of the world’s ocean surface has hit an […]
March 27, 2023

Cargo theft, led by food and beverage, is surging across the U.S.

By Lori Ann Larocco Food and beverage coming into port or in a […]
March 23, 2023

Where Water Stress Will Be Highest by 2040

By Martin Armstrong March 22 marks the UN’s World Water Day, which “celebrates […]
March 10, 2023

Big Plastic suing Canada over single-use plastics ban- Richard Mills

2023.03.10 The Canadian government is in court this week defending its ban on […]
March 8, 2023

US consumers are getting crushed by high-interest debt and inflation – Richard Mills

2023.03.08 Americans are leaning more on their credit cards and home-equity lines of […]
March 8, 2023

Canada’s single use plastic ban faces its first legal test

This week’s trial is being called one of Canada’s largest environmental court cases. […]
March 3, 2023

New drugs could spell an end to the world’s obesity epidemic

By The Economist A new type of drug is generating excitement among the […]
March 3, 2023

The Best Sandwiches in the World

by Katharina Buchholz The sandwich is a highly versatile food item and popular all […]
February 28, 2023

Serious Cases of Covid Increase Long Covid Risk

By Florian Zandt According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), long […]
February 26, 2023

Are Americans Trying to Eat Healthy?

By Katharina Buchholz 46 percent of U.S. adults said a barrier to eating healthy foods was […]
February 10, 2023

Will Revitalizing Old Blood Slow Aging?

By Columbia University Irving Medical Center Young blood has a rejuvenating effect when […]
February 8, 2023

Food Shortages Are Starting To Become Quite Serious All Over The Planet

By Michael 2023.02.08  In response to tightening supplies of food, prices are surging all […]
February 4, 2023

Mapped: How the Energy Crisis Impacts Global Food Insecurity

By Selin Oguz 2023.02.04 Food insecurity occurs when an individual does not have […]
January 23, 2023

Which Countries are the Most Polarized?

By Pallavi Rao 2023.01.23 How do you measure something that’s made headlines for […]
January 21, 2023

Men Live Longer (Happier?) Lives Taking ‘Little Blue Pill’; New Study Finds

By Tyler Durden 2023.01.21 According to the American Heart Association, erectile dysfunction could […]
July 13, 2022

Microplastics found in farm animals for the first time; Evanesce Packaging Solutions offers alternative to single-use plastics

2022.07.13 The next time you barbecue a piece of meat, you may also […]
January 26, 2022

Love Pharma gets set to capitalize on new era of health and wellness

2022.01.26 For most of us, the Covid-19 pandemic represents the biggest global health […]
December 28, 2021

Plugging the fossil fuel energy gap with nuclear

The modernization and electrification of our global transportation system will require a change hitherto unprecedented in the history of civilization. Not even the shift from horse and buggy to the crank-start Ford Model T can compete with what it will take to electrify the billion-plus cars on the planet’s roads, and eventually put a complete stop to noxious tailpipe emissions resulting from the combustion of gasoline and diesel fuel, that are poisoning the air we breathe.

For now, thorium is a theoretical solution to our energy dilemma, but it could be much more than that. A concerted effort to develop thorium reactor technology could provide stable, clean, base-load power for millions, something that is not possible with renewables due to the intermittency factor and the current early stages of renewable battery storage technology. It is safer and better for the environment than uranium and can even use radioactive waste as feedstock for the nuclear reaction, thus killing two birds with one stone. The market is not yet ready for thorium, but when it is, a whole new mining sector and supply chain will be born.
November 25, 2021

LOVE Pharma acquires Microdoz Therapy, en route to developing psilocybin-assisted treatment for cannabis use disorder

2021.11.25 LOVE Pharma Inc. (CSE: LUV) (FSE: G1Q0) is committed to offering a […]
November 25, 2021

Nanoplastics — invisible vectors of disease and death

National Geographic says the problem of discarded plastic is so severe, that if nothing is done, by 2050 the oceans will contain more plastic than fish, ton for ton.

Especially worrying are “nanoplastics” — pieces that are so tiny, they are able to penetrate human cell walls.
October 29, 2021

Love Pharma wellness products: where science meets lifestyle

2021.10.29 Tales of a “Fountain of Youth” that restores the vigor of anyone […]
October 23, 2021

Food prices & farm inputs getting hard to stomach

2021.10.23 Thanksgiving is a time to appreciate the food on our tables, but […]
October 21, 2021

Love Pharma embodies the new era of a booming global wellness industry

2021.10.21 While the concept of wellness has been around for ages, it was […]
August 28, 2021

Gold bulls back in charge as delta variant spreads

2021.08.28 Gold prices marched higher on Friday, strengthened by a weaker US dollar, […]
May 14, 2021

Rising food prices threaten world’s most vulnerable

Continuing the US (and Canadian) economic recovery is obviously important but it should not come on the backs of the poor who bear the most weight of inflation, particularly increases in food prices.

Government officials need to be aware of how their monetary and fiscal policies are impacting the most vulnerable in society.
May 3, 2021

Death by resource depletion

Look up the word sustainable in the Oxford English dictionary and you get the following definition: “avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.”

Unfortunately the world’s ecological balance has not been right for a very long time. As a society, we are consuming resources far more quickly than we are replacing them, which is the very definition of unsustainable.
April 24, 2021

Biden’s Green New Deal

Joe Biden came to power as the 46th US president expecting to spend more on green energy and clean technology. Just how much more is starting to be revealed.
April 13, 2021

ESG seen as biggest risk to mining industry

ESG was a dominant theme running through this year’s AME Roundup conference in Vancouver.

Ross Beaty, chairman of Pan American Silver and Equinox Gold, said “It’s just critical. Every single meeting you have with investors, it’s number one on the topic (list).”
April 10, 2021

Entheon Biomedical commercializes industry’s first psychedelics genetic test kit

As pioneers of a leading-edge addiction recovery solution based on psychedelic medicine, Entheon Biomedical Corp. (CSE: ENBI) (FSE: 1XU1) has been actively expanding its business over the past weeks. The culmination of that work is the release of a potentially groundbreaking product in the field of psychedelic therapy, which would also represent the company’s first revenue stream.
March 31, 2021

We are drowning in plastic

As the fight against the coronavirus continues to take center stage, an insidious environmental problem is getting worse: plastic pollution.

The global health crisis has prompted a rush for single-use plastic just as governments around the world were taking steps to curtail or ban its usage. Demand has surged for everything from face shields and gloves to takeaway food containers and bubble wrap for online shopping — most of which cannot be recycled and is ending up as waste.
March 23, 2021

Competition for energy and battery metals intensifying

Goldman Sachs says that the next structural bull market for commodities will be driven by spending on green energy.

The fossil-fueled based transportation system needs to be electrified, and the switch must be made from oil, gas, and coal-powered power plants to those which run on solar, wind and thorium-produced nuclear energy. If we have any hope of cleaning up the planet, before the point of no return, a massive decarbonization needs to take place.

In a recent report, commodities consultancy Wood Mackenzie said an investment of over $1 trillion will be required in key energy transition metals over the next 15 years, just to meet the growing needs of decarbonization.
March 21, 2021

Arctic mines face thawing permafrost disaster

The thawing of permafrost is yet another manifestation of climate change, that populations living near it will have to deal with in the coming decades as global warming accelerates, particularly in the polar regions

Mining is often deemed complicit in the rise of greenhouse gas emissions, given its use of heavy machinery and ground disturbance, but in this case, in areas where the ground is permanently frozen but starting to thaw, operations can be negatively impacted, and big miners are having to shell out millions. We have seen the implications of thawing permafrost at Teck’s Red Dog Mine in Alaska, and at Norilsk Nickel’s Oktyabrsky and Taimyrsky mines in Siberia.

The problem is not going away; in fact, there is every indication it will get worse.
March 18, 2021

Love Hemp inks multi-million-dollar, 5-year deal with UFC

CBD start-up Love Hemp Group PLC (AQSE:LIFE, OTCQB:WRHLF) one of the UK's leading CBD and Hemp product suppliers, and UFC®, the world's premier mixed martial arts organization, today announced a five-year agreement that names Love Hemp the Official Global CBD Partner of UFC®.

The multi-million-dollar, five-year deal pairs the world’s premier mixed martial arts organization, and the largest pay-per-view event provider, with the leading UK supplier of hemp and cannabidiol (CBD) products.
March 15, 2021

Love Hemp: Curaleaf’s $285 million deal signals Europe as the new battleground for cannabis giants

A recent study by Grand View Research predicted the global legal market for cannabis to be worth as much as $73.6 billion by 2027. A multi-billion-dollar industry boom is not a matter of if, but when.

At Ahead of the Herd, we are always on the lookout for value plays within the nascent global cannabis space.

This brings us to cannabis investment firm World High Life, which recently changed its name to reflect its prized holding company: Love Hemp Group PLC (AQSE: LIFE) (OTCQB: WRHLF).
March 12, 2021

Love Hemp: MMA legend Georges St-Pierre touts CBD product use in his miraculous recovery

As pioneers of the European CBD industry, Love Hemp is one of the UK's leading CBD and hemp suppliers, and has more than 40 product lines comprising oils, sprays and vapes, and a variety of edible and water-based CBD products. The brand has established relationships with over 2,000 stores in the nation, including leading brands such as Sainsbury's, Boots, Ocado and Holland & Barrett.

Georges, who will forever be recognized as one of the planet's best pound-for-pound fighters and all-around athletes, has often attributed his speedy recovery to the use of CBD, which was one of the main reasons why he signed up to become a brand ambassador for Love Hemp.
February 26, 2021

Bitter US cold snap is a sign of the times

2021.02.26 The polar vortex is at it again. The weather phenomenon responsible for […]
February 18, 2021

Entheon Biomedical: Psychedelic-assisted therapy presents a new pathway to solving Canada’s opioid crisis

2021.02.18 Despite improvements in medical technology and billions of dollars injected into treatment […]
January 21, 2021

US CBD sector moving closer to legalization

2021.01.21 Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive chemical found in marijuana and hemp plants. […]