October 1, 2023

The Timeline of U.S. Government Shutdowns

By Katharina Buchholz Government shutdowns aren’t all that rare: Since 1976, there have been […]
October 1, 2023

Chartbook of the In Gold We Trust Report 2023

By Ronald-Peter Stöferle & Mark J. Valek The annual gold study has been […]
September 30, 2023

The Dollar’s Full-Spectrum Dominance

By CARLA NORRLÖF Measuring dollar dominance requires a closer look at the many […]
September 30, 2023

How Tulips Became the Bitcoin of the 1600s

By Ancient Origins In the 1600s, before Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, Europe experienced a […]
September 30, 2023

GDX’s Chronic Undervaluation

By Adam Hamilton The major gold stocks dominating their sector’s flagship GDX ETF […]
September 29, 2023

Copper and silver: the electrical metals – Richard Mills

2023.09.29 Copper is one of the most important metals with more than 20 […]
September 29, 2023

The Silver State of the Union with Shawn Khunkhun, CEO of Dolly Varden

At the Beaver Creek Precious Metals Summit we had the opportunity to catch […]
September 29, 2023

China’s grip on critical minerals draws warnings at IEA gathering

By Mining.com US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said the world is up against […]
September 29, 2023

2023 officially the most costly destructive wildfire season on record in BC

By The Weather Networks According to the B.C. Wildfire Service (BCWS), a total […]
September 28, 2023

Global Nuclear Warhead Stockpiles Growing Again

By Martin Armstrong While nuclear powers such as the United States and France are […]
September 28, 2023

The trading opportunity that could create resilience in materials

By Marcus Cooper, Spencer Holmes, and Roland Rechtsteiner The market is characterized by a significant imbalance. […]
September 27, 2023

Timing (These Assholes) Is Everything

By Quoth the Raven “Probably the first bond market to crack up will […]
September 27, 2023

China engaging in largest conventional military buildup since World War II: Australian envoy

By The Tribune A top Australian envoy on Tuesday claimed China is putting […]
September 27, 2023

We need China’s critical minerals technology, not their metals – Richard Mills

2023.09.27 North America relies heavily on foreign supplies of critical minerals — the […]
September 26, 2023

Slowing human ageing is now the subject of serious research

By The Economist “All my possessions for a moment of time.” Those, supposedly, were […]
September 25, 2023

Ranked: The World’s Biggest Oil Producers

By Pallavi Rao In 2022 oil prices peaked at more than $100 per […]
September 25, 2023

EV Infrastructure

By Felix Richter Charging infrastructure plays a pivotal role in facilitating the global shift […]
September 25, 2023

Frank Holmes – Why junior gold stocks could be gearing up for a glittering performance

By Frank Holmes Investor appetite for junior gold miners—those that produce less than […]
September 23, 2023

Max discovers new copper-silver target at CESAR – Richard Mills

2023.09.23 The importance of copper exploration projects cannot be understated. In an era […]
September 23, 2023

Copper Road intersects broad zones of visible copper mineralization at its namesake project in Ontario – Richard Mills

2023.09.23 Copper Road Resources Inc. (TSXV: CRD) is encountering promising geology at its Copper […]
September 21, 2023

Graphite One gets huge financial boost from US government grant and Bering Straits Native Corporation – Richard Mills

2023.09.21 The US Department of Defense, the government of Alaska and Bering Straits […]
September 20, 2023

Where are we in the debt cycle? – Richard Mills

2023.09.20 The debt cycle is something many North Americans have become all too […]
September 19, 2023

Renforth concludes summer prospecting program, discovers new battery metals mineralization – Richard Mills

2023.09.19 The summer prospecting program at Renforth Resources Inc.’s (CSE: RFR) (OTCQB: RFHRF) […]
September 17, 2023
Miner at old wooden

Gold, copper miners could pay 8% Federal royalties under new Biden mining proposal

By Ernest Hoffman  The Biden administration is proposing a dramatic overhaul of a 151-year-old law […]
September 17, 2023

Europe Must Get Serious About Critical Minerals

By WERNER HOYER Access to strategically important raw materials has been a key […]
September 16, 2023

A Visual Guide to AI Adoption, by Industry

By Alan Kennedy As more and more businesses pour resources into artificial intelligence, […]
September 16, 2023

Fed Money Magicians Running Out of Rabbits

By Peter Schiff Most people think everything is fine. The Fed is getting […]
September 16, 2023
silver bars

Precious Metals Summit Presentation with Shawn Khunkhun

CEO Shawn Khunkhun presented this week at the 2023 Precious Metals Summit Beaver […]
September 15, 2023

U.S. Dollar Defends Role as Global Currency

By Katharina Buchholz The de-dollarization of the world economy has been thrust back into […]
September 15, 2023

EPOW Announces Its Partner Company Graphite One Awarded $37.5m From US Government

ZIBO, China, Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Sunrise New Energy Co., Ltd. […]
September 15, 2023

What Electricity Sources Power the World?

By Chris Dickert In 2022, 29,165.2 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity was generated […]
September 15, 2023

Currency wars versus gold standards

Russia and the Saudis are driving up oil and diesel prices. But these […]
September 15, 2023

The Federal Reserve Is Losing Money and You’re Going to Foot the Bill

By Schiffgold The Federal Reserve is losing money. That means the American taxpayer […]
September 14, 2023

Dolly Varden Silver hits 1,898 g/t Ag from step-out drilling at Wolf Vein area – Richard Mills

2023.09.14 Dolly Varden Silver Corporation (TSXV: DV) (OTC: DOLLF) has put out more […]
September 14, 2023

Why Economists See Signs of ‘Soft Landing’ for US

By Rich Miller US policymakers led by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell have been […]
September 14, 2023

Why has uranium rallied while every other energy commodity has collapsed?

By Goehring & Rozencwajg Over the past twelve months, spot uranium advanced 12% […]
September 13, 2023

US banking crisis has gone quiet, but not away – Richard Mills

2023.09.13 It was exactly six months ago when the US regional banking crisis […]
September 13, 2023

Visualized: Seaport Trade Traffic by Country

By Winifred Amase According to the World Bank, global seaport trade traffic reached […]
September 12, 2023

How Global Currencies End

By Barry Eichengreen Whether the dollar retains its global role will depend not […]
September 12, 2023

US lags behind China, India, EU when it comes to battery recycling – report

By Mining.com China, the EU, and India are likely to take the lead […]
September 11, 2023

Is gold still a worthy investment? – Richard Mills

2023.09.11 After a hot start to the year, gold’s performance has somewhat subdued […]
September 11, 2023


2023.09.11 在经历了今年的火热开局之后,尽管高通胀和熊市等通常的支撑因素保持不变,但近几个月黄金的表现有所减弱。 今年迄今为止,现货黄金仅小幅上涨 6%,与我们 5 月份看到的两位数回报率和接近历史高位相比,这是相当低迷的。与据称疲软的股市相比,这也相当平淡。例如,标准普尔 500 指数今年迄今的涨幅为 16.1%。纳斯达克指数甚至更好,为 27%。 显然,在此过程中发生了一些事情,使得黄金不再像以前那样有利可图。现在引出了一个问题:金条是否仍然是一项有价值的投资,或者其受欢迎程度是否有所下降。 坦率地说,答案取决于我们正在讨论的投资组合类型以及投资的时间框架。正如 Investopedia […]
September 11, 2023

Drought ‘a sleeping giant of a natural disaster,’ says B.C.’s emergency minister

By The Weather Network More than 80 per cent of B.C.’s water basins […]
September 11, 2023

China’s Belt and Road Initiative will keep testing the West

By The Economist In many ways the bri has lived up to the hype. More […]
September 8, 2023

Momentum builds for US soft landing with no recession – Richard Mills

2023.09.08 A while ago, we insinuated that the Federal Reserve may just be […]
September 8, 2023


2023.09.08 不久前,我们暗示美联储可能能够实现其传说中的“软着陆”,而从目前美国经济的发展情况来看,这一预测看起来相当精明。 正如我们在之前的文章中详述的那样,线索一直存在:作为经济活动很大一部分驱动力的美国大公司正在赚取巨额利润,这意味着更高的就业率和消费者的可支配收入。 仅仅通过提高价格来适应通胀主题,不断上升的利率除了提高利润外什么也没做。事实上,利息支付占税后利润的百分比实际上处于 60 年来的最低水平!因此,标普 500 指数收复了 2022 年熊市一半以上的损失也就不足为奇了,而且正如华尔街所声称的那样,现在正处于牛市。 正如我们之前多次讨论过的,央行不能仅仅因为无力承担而继续加息(请注意,目前美国联邦债务的年度支付额为 32.6 万亿美元,即将达到 […]
September 8, 2023

Ghost Sharks

By David Lague In U.S.-China AI contest, the race is on to deploy killer […]
September 8, 2023

Natural Resource Market Commentary: Q2 2023

By Goehring & Rozencwajg Commodities and related natural resource markets were broadly weak […]
September 7, 2023

India Should Quit the BRICS

By ARVIND SUBRAMANIAN and JOSH FELMAN Following the BRICS’ recent announcement that it will add […]
September 7, 2023

How the G20 Power Dynamic Shifted

By Katharina Buchholz The G20, which is meeting this weekend in New Delhi, India, […]
September 7, 2023

How Mine Permitting Delays Impact the Transition to a Green Economy

By Visual Capitalist The US reliance on copper is expected to increase from […]
September 7, 2023

Max Resource Corp With Vice President Exploration – Bruce Counts, September 6, 2023

September 6, 2023

August was hottest ever recorded, third straight month to set record

By Reuters Last month was the hottest August on record globally, the third […]
September 6, 2023

Corporate profit-taking is greasing the runway for a “soft landing” – Richard Mills

2023.07.28 For over a year now, the financial talking heads have been discussing […]
September 6, 2023

Mining industry risks another lost decade – Richard Mills

2023.09.06 Mining — like any other sector — has experienced its fair share […]
September 6, 2023


2023.09.06 与任何其他行业一样,采矿业在过去十年中也经历了相当多的问题,影响了其整体声誉和效率。 现在面临着为全球能源转型提供足够矿物的艰巨挑战,该行业必须深入挖掘——无论是字面上还是隐喻上——以提高其绩效。 但问题的根源是多方面的,阻力来自各个方面。关键问题包括全球技能短缺、环境和人权问题以及资金的可用性和使用。 在这些问题得到解决之前,采矿业的价值将无法最大化,并且该行业可能在未来十年遭受同样的命运。 下面,我们将探讨采矿业长期可持续发展的每一个主要障碍,以及该行业已经(或尚未)采取哪些措施来减轻这些风险。 关键技能差距 采矿业面临的最大挑战之一是劳动力老龄化和后继人才缺乏造成的技能差距日益扩大。 科罗拉多矿业学院研究和技术转让副总裁沃尔特·科潘 (Walter Copan) 表示,采矿业正面临着严重的技能差距,再加上即将到来的预期退休人数方面的所谓“灰色海啸”,情况更加严重。 德勤今年早些时候发布的一项研究显示,近 […]
September 6, 2023

Graphite’s dominance of anode market likely to continue in the mid-term – report

By Mining.com A recent report by IDTechEx forecasts that graphite will remain the […]
September 5, 2023

The canary in the icefield

By Paula Duhatschek and Dan McGarvey Things are not as they’ve always been. […]
September 5, 2023

Debt-Driven Growth is Not Growth, but a Slow Death Trap

By Matthew Piepenburg For years and years, I have tried to make one point […]
September 5, 2023

BYD and Tesla Dominate Global EV Sales

By Felix Richter Some of the world’s leading car makers are among the exhibitors […]
September 5, 2023

3 Reasons A “Nasty Recession” Will Soon Arrive

By Quoth the Raven Yet while mildly “bad news” may be “good news” (or may not be, as stocks […]
September 5, 2023

Graphite One Welcomes Strategic Investment from Bering Straits Native Corporation (“BSNC”); Creates Regional & Community Development Program

September 5, 2023 BSNC will make an initial investment of US$2.0 million in […]
September 4, 2023

The world has a metals theft problem, and it’s here to stay – Richard Mills

2023.09.04 Scandals involving industrial metals are becoming a common occurrence, and it appears […]
September 4, 2023


2023.09.04 涉及工业金属的丑闻正在变得司空见惯,而且似乎没有采取任何措施来阻止此类事件一次又一次发生。 本周,欧洲最大的铜生产商 Aurubis 发现其库存中缺少价值数百万美元的废金属,成为最新的受害者。该公司认为,失踪金属的背后是供应商和员工之间的阴谋,目的是操纵其回收业务中的废金属原木,该业务原定于 9 月底结束。 该公司本身并不开采矿石,而是购买大量含铜废料,从近乎全新的制造边角料到旧电缆、管道和电子电路板。然后,它每天加工数千吨这些材料以生产精炼金属。 其网站称该公司从“30 多个采矿合作伙伴和一些贸易商”采购金属精矿。 “我们目前所知的是,我们的一些回收供应商似乎操纵了他们向我们提供的原材料的细节,他们一直在与我们采样部门的员工合作,向我们隐瞒短缺情况,” 投资者关系和企业沟通副总裁安吉拉·塞德勒 (Angela […]
September 4, 2023

A new nuclear arms race looms

By The Economist From offices in America’s State Department and Russia’s Ministry of Defence, officials […]
September 4, 2023

This Cold War Is Different

By Mark Leonard Contrary to how it may appear to many, not least […]
September 2, 2023

Max to fly geophysical survey over CESAR’s AM District – Richard Mills

2023.09.02 Max Resource Corp (TSX.V: MAX; OTC: MXROF; Frankfurt: M1D2)  continues to advance […]
September 2, 2023

Renforth Resources well funded for fall/winter exploration at Surimeau – Richard Mills

2023.09.02 Great news just came out of Renforth Resources Inc. (CSE: RFR) (OTCQB: […]
September 2, 2023

Renforth 为秋冬勘探提供了充足的资金

2023.09.02 Renforth Resources Inc. (CSE: RFR) (OTCQB: RFHRF) (FSE: 9RR) 刚刚传出好消息,宣布已完全清算其在 Radisson Mining […]
September 2, 2023

The Science of Climate Change Explained: Facts, Evidence and Proof

By Julia Rosen The science of climate change is more solid and widely agreed […]
September 1, 2023

What previous warming cycles tell us about current global warming – Richard Mills

2023.09.01 If you listen to mainstream media, climate change (a misnomer, the correct […]
September 1, 2023

Gold Is Natural Money; Fiat Is Fake

By Michael Maharrey Gold is nature’s money. Aristotle listed four characteristics of sound money: […]
September 1, 2023

The Upcoming Gold Bull Market: How High Will Gold Prices Go?

By Goehring & Rozencwajg Gold is no different than any other asset class: […]
August 31, 2023

How global warming and El Niño will affect commodities – Richard Mills

2023.08.31 There’s no getting around it: our planet is warming at a terrifying […]
August 31, 2023


2023.08.31 这是无法回避的事实:我们的星球正在以可怕的速度变暖,其特点是极端天气事件现在看来是正常现象。 今年夏天,我们继续看到强烈的风暴、灼热的热浪和长期的干旱袭击世界各地,并在 2023 年 7 月达到有史以来最热的月份。德国莱比锡大学的一项研究发现,该月连续 23 天全球气温创纪录,比四年前创下的纪录高出了“相当大的差距”(即 0.2 摄氏度)。 当月,世界各地多个地点出现破纪录的热浪,特别是美国西南部、墨西哥、中国和地中海周边地区。 《科学美国人》杂志称,这些记录主要与人类燃烧化石燃料导致大气中的多余热量导致全球气温总体上升有关。 […]
August 31, 2023

U.S. Job Openings Drop to Lowest Level Since March 2021

By Felix Richter The number of job openings in the United States continued […]
August 30, 2023

America’s debt problem is only getting bigger- Richard Mills

2023.08.30 The US officially has a debt problem, in the present and in […]
August 30, 2023


2023.08.30 美国目前以及未来都正式存在债务问题。截止到目前,美国的国债总额略低于 33 万亿美元,占国内生产总值(GDP)的 122%!然而,更大的问题在于其增长速度,导致利息支付不断膨胀。 根据国会预算办公室(CBO)的预测,未来 30 年的利息支付将达到约 71 万亿美元,并在 2053 年占据所有联邦收入的 35%。 […]
August 29, 2023

Ukraine — Victory Is Closer Than You Think

By Jan Kallberg Ukraine’s counteroffensive is making substantial progress. Russia’s generals will know this, […]
August 28, 2023

Will the BRICS Dethrone the U.S. Dollar?

By Daniel Lacalle The summit of the so-called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and […]
August 28, 2023

Electric cars and solar cells rely on Chinese minerals. Here’s how to curb the risks.

By The Washington Post Editorial Board The U.S. transition to cleaner energy technology […]
August 28, 2023

How First Nations in B.C. are taking back control of stewardship and access in their traditional territories

By Emily Vance Despite thousands of years of caring for these lands and […]
August 28, 2023

El Niño has started

By The Economist California rarely sees the types of hurricanes and storms that […]
August 27, 2023

Import ban on goods made with Chinese slave labor extended to electric car batteries – Richard Mills

2023.08.27 US auto manufacturers that source their components from a region in China […]
August 27, 2023

Where are North America’s battery anode plants being built? – Richard Mills

2023.08.27 The electrification of the global transportation system doesn’t happen without graphite. That’s […]
August 27, 2023

Does an Expanded BRICS Mean Anything?

By JIM O’NEILL Now that the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South […]
August 27, 2023

Doug Casey on the Battle for Strategic Resources in Africa

By Doug Casey International Man: Since 2020, coups have replaced pro-Western governments in Guinea, […]
August 26, 2023

Inflationary Incoherence

By Alexander William Salter “Predictions are hard, especially about the future,” the old […]
August 26, 2023
Why are central banks buying gold and dumping dollars?

Efforts to Protect US Intensify Amid Global Shift From Dollar

The Epoch Times Calls from Congress and state houses to the private sector […]
August 25, 2023

Copper now classified as US critical mineral, and rightly so – Richard Mills

2023.08.25 Before we realize it, the global copper market is approaching an inflection […]
August 25, 2023


2023.08.25 在我们意识到之前,全球的铜市场正接近一个拐点。 一方面,作为地球上使用最广泛的金属之一,铜的需求一直稳步增长,与经济的增长步伐相匹配。现在,由于电气化需求的增加,铜的需求更加迫切。 这是因为铜具有出色的电导性能,因此成为可再生能源设施(如风能、太阳能、水能和热能)以及电动汽车建设的关键组成部分。 另一方面,供应问题已经成为普遍关注的焦点,因为能源基础设施对铜的需求增加,使全球生产商不得不赶上迅速增长的需求。 很有可能,我们很快将会看到铜供应不足的情况,这将严重影响全球减碳努力。事实上,一些世界上最大的矿业公司和金属交易商已经警告,供应短缺可能会在2025年甚至更早出现。 铜在电气化中的需求 这一预测的基础是未曾见过的、可观的铜需求在未来几年中的预期增长。 除了铜在建筑电线、管道、交通运输、电力传输和通信等传统应用领域外,现在还有额外的电气化需求。 为了推动能源转型,据估计,将需要数百万英尺的铜电线来强化全球电力网,还需要数百万吨的铜来建设风能和太阳能发电场。 根据铜发展协会 (CDA) 的数据,一个 […]
August 25, 2023

Deficit Surge Will Lead To Lower Rates, Not Higher

By Lance Roberts Fitch’s recent downgrade of the U.S. debt rating alarmed investors […]
August 25, 2023

Growing National Debt Menaces Our Prosperity and Our Liberty

By Schiffgold The national debt has climbed to a staggering $32.7 trillion. In […]
August 25, 2023

Headwinds mount in quest for stable copper supplies

By Henry Lazenby In an era of energy transitions and economic shifts, global […]
August 24, 2023

A summer of extreme weather: Why global warming can’t be denied – Richard Mills

2023.08.24 Climate change, a misnomer, and the correct term, global warming, are cited […]
August 24, 2023

Blood factor can turn back time in the aging brain

By University of California, San Francisco Platelets are behind the cognitive benefits of young […]
August 24, 2023

Preventing a US-China War

By Nouriel Roubini China and America both need to pursue policies that will […]
August 23, 2023

Copper Road kicks off 2023 drill program to confirm copper mineralization at JR Zone – Richard Mills

2023.08.23 Copper Road Resources Inc. (TSXV: CRD) is kicking off its 2023 summer […]
August 23, 2023

Copper Road 启动 2023 年钻探计划,以确认 JR 地区的铜矿化情况

203.08.23 Copper Road Resources Inc. (TSXV: CRD) 正在极具前景的 JR 区启动 2023 年夏季钻探计划,该计划是位于安大略省巴彻瓦纳湾地区的 Copper […]
August 23, 2023
hand holding lightbulb

Canada Powers Up EV Push as Auto Giants Fuel Battery Boom

By Rimmi Singhi Amid heightening climate concerns, countries worldwide are fast transitioning to […]