May 16, 2023

Dolly Varden Silver 准备在贵金属看涨的一年中斩获新发现

围绕美国债务谈判出现的更多问题让公众怀疑是否该为最坏的情况做准备。 美国从未拖欠过债务,但如果发生 “不可想象的” 结果(正如财政部长珍妮特·耶伦所描述的那样),经济肯定会陷入衰退,其速度比大多数人预期的要快。这使得贵金属成为当前环境中的必备品。 看涨白银 虽然黄金通常在经济不确定时期作为避险资产而备受关注,但其姊妹金属白银也同样引人注目。 事实上,它通常在牛市期间开始缓慢,但最终超过黄金。今年 3 月至 4 月,白银价格上涨超过 20%,轻松超过黄金和标准普尔 500 […]
May 15, 2023

The Devaluation of Rome: Roman Inflation and the Demise of the Empire

Inflation is a common economic phenomenon that can have a significant impact on […]
May 15, 2023

ChatGPT Is the Most Tried AI Tool and Users Stick to It

Ever since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, AI tools have been […]
May 15, 2023

How EV Adoption Will Impact Oil Consumption

A standard combustion engine passenger vehicle in the U.S. uses about 11 barrels […]
May 14, 2023

What Canada’s new Modern Slavery Act means for miners

On May 3, Canada’s Parliament passed Bill S-211, the Modern Slavery Act, aimed at […]
May 13, 2023

Victory Battery Metals: Smokey lithium project moves from early-stage to advanced-stage with completion of spring drill program – Richard Mills

2023.05.13 Victory Battery Metals: Smokey lithium project moves from early-stage to advanced-stage with […]
May 12, 2023

Copper Road exploring two large-scale, near-surface mineralized zones in Ontario’s famed district – Richard Mills

2023.05.12 For years, we have been reporting on how a decline in productivity […]
May 12, 2023

Copper Road 探索安大略著名地区的两个大型近地表矿化带

多年来,我们一直在报道现有铜矿的生产率下降,加上缺乏勘探投资导致缺乏新发现,导致目前对全球经济至关重要的矿产出现供应短缺。 据估计,建筑、发电/输电和电子产品制造等各个行业每年消耗超过 2000 万吨。事实上,铜金属被认为是所有电气相关技术的基石。 近年来,全球向清洁能源的转变进一步扩大了对铜的需求,因为需要更多的金属来满足我们的可再生能源基础设施,例如用于太阳能发电和风力涡轮机的光伏电池。 BloombergNEF 估计,到 2040 年,在各种清洁能源计划的推动下,铜需求将增长 53% 至 3900 万吨。标准普尔全球分析师预计,到 […]
May 12, 2023

Two dominant investment themes and the metals required for each – Richard Mills

2023.05.12 When looking for an investment, the approach I take involves looking at […]
May 12, 2023

Copper Demand Soars: Is a Price Surge Coming?

By Goehring & Rozencwajg Copper demand remains strong. According to the World Bureau […]
May 11, 2023

5 reasons food will get scarcer and more expensive – Richard Mills

2023.05.11 The days of affordable food may now be a distant memory. Following […]
May 11, 2023


负担得起的食物的日子现在可能已成为遥远的记忆。经过数月的稳步下跌后,食品商品的价格仍远高于大流行前的水平,目前正出现反弹迹象。 4 月份,联合国粮食机构的世界价格指数在一年内首次上涨,反映糖、肉和大米价格上涨。尽管联合国的指标仍比 2022 年 3 月创下的纪录低 20%,当时俄罗斯入侵乌克兰中断了粮食出口,但人们对通胀的担忧从未消失。 许多地区的杂货价格仍处于历史高位,使消费者预算紧张并加剧了饥饿危机。 许多人认为,虽然食品商品可能不会很快达到 2022 年的高位,但在可预见的未来,我们的食品杂货账单不会变得更便宜。这是由于几个相互交织的因素在起作用: 投入成本上升 […]
May 11, 2023

Net Zero grid batteries alone would bankrupt America

Achieving “net zero” carbon dioxide emissions will be painless, they assure us.  Costs will […]
May 11, 2023

Uranium: The Fuel for a Utopian Energy Economy

In 2021, global uranium requirements from reactors totaled 62,496 tonnes. By 2040, that […]
May 11, 2023

Victory Battery Metals – Mark Ireton interview

Mark Ireton, Victory President & CEO – interview with Mari-Len Guzman from Investing […]
May 10, 2023

5 reasons gold and silver will soar – Richard Mills

2023.05.10 Under a certain market environment, precious metals are considered must-haves in a […]
May 10, 2023


2023.05.10 在一定的市场环境下,贵金属被认为是现代投资组合中的必备品。 到目前为止,2023 年发生的事情已经证实,黄金和白银的飙升已经具备了条件。它们的价格今年都出现了令人印象深刻的上涨,黄金最近距离历史最高点只有几美分,白银也接近十年前的价格水平。 但一些人认为,贵金属的反弹才刚刚开始。分析师认为,这两种金属刷新纪录只是时间问题。 “我认为我们很可能会在未来几个月看到黄金的强劲表现。众星似乎都在看好黄金,不久之后它可能会突破新高,”外汇公司 Oanda 的一位高级市场分析师最近表示。 白银也遵循类似的路径创出新高。大宗商品咨询公司 CPM Group 的执行合伙人 Jeff […]
May 10, 2023

Extreme weather arrives early in Western Canada; another hot, dry summer expected -Richard Mills

2023.05.10 Residents of rural British Columbia and Alberta are dealing with forest fires […]
May 10, 2023

Under the Spotlight: Brad Aelicks on exploration and development of Max Resource copper-silver CESAR project in Colombia

2023.05.09 Richard Mills, Publisher/ Editor, Ahead of the Herd: Brad, Max Resource’s copper-silver […]
May 9, 2023

China v America: how Xi Jinping plans to narrow the military gap

By The Economist Ever since British troops vanquished Qing dynasty forces in the Opium […]
May 9, 2023

The World at War in 2023

By Martin Armstrong May 8, 2023 marks 78 years since the end of the […]
May 9, 2023

Ottawa clamps down on China’s critical-minerals foray, but not prospecting

By Niall McGee  Last year, the federal government said that it would not […]
May 8, 2023

The Fed Is Moving Historically Fast to Tame Inflation

By Felix Richter Coming off historically low interest rates in the wake of […]
May 6, 2023

“Kill the Whales!”

By James Rickards Here are the facts: There was a slight warming trend from […]
May 6, 2023

Nevada regains position as most attractive mining jurisdiction

By The state of Nevada has recovered the world’s top-ranked jurisdiction spot […]
May 5, 2023

Mantaro picking up two new properties in Bolivia – Richard Mills

2023.05.05 Mantaro Precious Metals (TSXV:MNTR, OTCQB:MSLVF, FSE:9TZ) is strengthening its portfolio of South […]
May 5, 2023

All signs point to the early stages of a new “commodity supercycle” – Richard Mills

2023.05.05 The idea that commodity markets can only yield short-term gains isn’t entirely […]
May 5, 2023

Nuclear Fusion? Not so Fast

By Goehring & Rozencwajg On December 13th, 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy […]
May 3, 2023

EGR Exploration looks to follow Detour Lake’s footsteps – Richard Mills

2023.05.03 The gold market continues to experience tightness due to difficulties expanding existing […]
May 3, 2023

EGR 勘探公司希望追随 Detour Lake 的脚步, 在其西部的大型地产上取得成功

2023.05.03 由于近年来难以扩大现有矿床以及明显缺乏大型发现,黄金市场持续紧张。 投资者和央行在当前经济中都在囤积黄金,对贵金属的极高需求加剧了这一问题。 去年,全球黄金需求增长了 18%,达到了 2011 年以来的最高水平。与此同时,尽管停止了两年的连续下降,但 2022 年的供应量仅增长了 1%。 由于黄金需求迟早会超过供应,投资者和矿业公司正在政治稳定的管辖区寻求勘探项目,以包括水和电在内的基础设施的地区作为首选。 能够满足所有这些标准的一个地区是加拿大的 Abitibi […]
May 3, 2023

Biden’s South American Blind Spot

By Kenneth Rogoff Over the past few years, China has significantly expanded its […]
May 3, 2023

Copper Mine Flashes Warning of ‘Huge Crisis’ for World Supply

By James Fernyhough As demand for copper surges, supply is increasingly likely to […]
May 2, 2023

PRUD: Advancing ABE gold project within the prolific Middle Cauca gold belt, Colombia – Richard Mills

2023.05.02 Colombia continues to be one of Latin America’s most important gold miners, producing 1.96 million […]
May 2, 2023

Lithium nationalization bombshell – Richard Mills

2023.05.02 As countries gradually recover from the pandemic, substantially better economic growth rates […]
May 2, 2023

Is a new supercycle starting?

By Bruno Venditti In recent years, commodity prices have reached a 50-year low […]
May 2, 2023

The Economy Is A Powder Keg, Boiling Over And Ready To Blow

By Quoth the Raven I can sit back and watch those investments hopefully […]
May 2, 2023

Von Greyerz: Forecasting The Gold Price Is A Mug’s Game

By Egon von Greyerz Most investors are totally ignorant of the purpose of gold […]
May 1, 2023

Is mining set for a new wave of mega-mergers?

By The Economist Years of discipline, a surge in commodity prices and the […]
May 1, 2023

Getchell Gold: Era of M&As may spur gold industry convergence to proven hunting grounds like Nevada – Richard Mills

2023.05.01 As a major economic driver, gold mining has traditionally been a fragmented […]
May 1, 2023

Getchell Gold:并购时代会刺激黄金行业向内华达州等热门地区集中

2023.05.01 作为主要的经济驱动力,金矿开采历来是一个分散的行业,因为它的进入门槛低,而且任何规模的矿工都可以使用先进的加工技术。 根据麦肯锡 2021 年的一份报告,排名前五的黄金生产商贡献了不到全球总供应量的 20%。相比之下,该公司编制的数据显示,对于大多数其他金属而言,前五名生产商占全球产量的三分之一至三分之二(参见下图)。 然而,近年来全球供应链的中断意味着该行业的成本正在快速上升。 2022 年,采矿业的平均总维持成本 (AISC) 达到创纪录的 1276 美元/盎司,比上年增长 […]
May 1, 2023

How Deglobalization is Changing the Dynamics of Securing Critical Minerals

By Paul Wong and Jacob White As deglobalization accelerates, unfettered access to critical […]
May 1, 2023

MIT Scientists Create New Nanoparticle Sensors to Detect Early Cancer via Simple Paper Test

By Bill Pan Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have designed […]
April 30, 2023

U.S. Economy: Cloudy With a Chance of Stagflation

By Felix Richter Having proven surprisingly resilient in the face of the Fed’s aggressive […]
April 30, 2023

Visualizing the Growing Demand for Nickel and Copper

By Visual Capitalist Nickel and copper play a vital role in a clean […]
April 29, 2023

Graphite One achieves ‘milestone moment’ in providing anode material manufactured from Graphite Creek feedstock – Richard Mills

2023.04.29 Graphite One (TSXV:GPH, OTCQX:GPHOF) aims to become the first vertically integrated domestic […]
April 29, 2023

Renforth ready for pegmatite prospecting amid major shakeup in lithium industry- Richard Mills

2023.04.29 The lithium nationalization bombshell dropped last week by Chile is good news […]
April 29, 2023

Renforth 准备在锂行业的大重组中进行伟晶岩勘探

智利上周发布的锂国有化重磅炸弹对北美锂矿商来说是个好消息。这些矿商可能会变得更加重要,因为它们是制造电动汽车和卡车以及储能用锂离子电池所需的白色金属的潜在供应商以及一系列消费电子产品。 这一发展还可能进一步给电动汽车制造商带来压力,他们正争先恐后地确保锂供应。 加布里埃尔·博里克总统上周四宣布,他的政府将把该国的锂产业收归国有,国家计划与公司合作以促进当地产业的发展。据矿业媒体报道,国有铜业公司 Codelco 最初将与合作伙伴签订新合同,之后将由一家全国性锂公司负责。 此外,Codelco 和另一家国有矿商 Enami 将在目前有私人项目的地区获得勘探和开采合同。已经在智利的两家锂矿商 SQM 和总部位于美国的 Albemarle 将继续运营,直到他们的合同到期。 […]
April 29, 2023

Silver Prices Surge As ‘Perfect Storm’ Fuels Dollar Decline: Why The Precious Metal Could Still Rally Another 18%

By Jonathan Ponciano Precious metals have shot up in value this year as […]
April 28, 2023

QE-Light Forestalls Crisis…For Now

By Michael Pento First Quarter GDP increased at only a 1.1% seasonally adjusted […]
April 28, 2023

Gold Upleg Still Running

By Adam Hamilton Gold has carved an impressive upleg over this past half-year, […]
April 27, 2023

BC’s LNG boondoggle continues to lack critics – Richard Mills

2023.04.27 In 2020 British Columbia’s NDP government approved LNG Canada, the first megaproject […]
April 27, 2023

200 Years of Global Gold Production, by Country

By Govind Bhutada Although the practice of gold mining has been around for […]
April 27, 2023

So Many Open Signs of Financial Disaster Ahead and Gold Working

By Matthew Piepenburg From oil markets to treasury stacking, backdoor QE, investor fantasy and […]
April 27, 2023

“Dystopian” CBDCs will Allow Government to Track Purchases

By Paul Joseph Watson With eleven countries having already launched Central Bank Digital […]
April 27, 2023

Rickards: We’re Our Own Worst Enemy

By James Rickards I’ve said to the military and intelligence community, “I don’t think […]
April 26, 2023

Dolly Varden plans 40,000-45,000m of drilling in 2023, building on last year’s success – Richard Mills

2023.04.26 It’s official: the world’s silver supply is in a prolonged period of […]
April 26, 2023

Dolly Varden 计划在去年取得成功的基础上,在 2023 年进行 40,000-45,000 米的钻探

2023.04.26 毋庸置疑:世界白银供应正面临着长期短缺。 2022 年,该贵金属在供应过剩五年后连续第二年出现了供应短缺。 白银协会的新数据显示,2022 年全球需求激增 18%,而矿山产量停滞不前,供应缺口扩大至 2.377 亿盎司。该研究所表示,这个数字“可能是有记录以来最严重的短缺”。 白银市场基本面强劲,进入供应短缺新时代 更令人不安的是,我们仅仅用了这两年的供应不足——2022 年和 2021 […]
April 26, 2023

Victory Battery has expanded its lithium drill program in Nevada

Victory Battery Metals Corp. (CSE:VR) (FSE:VR6) (OTCPink:VRCFF), a diversified investment corporation with mineral […]
April 25, 2023

Chile’s lithium nationalization puts the squeeze on EV makers and shines a spotlight on North American juniors – Richard Mills

2023.04.25 The lithium nationalization bombshell dropped last week by Chile is good news […]
April 25, 2023

‘How to Buy Gold’ Hits a Google Record as Crypto Investors Chase World’s Oldest Asset

By Hardika Singh Mr. Day and a number of his cryptocurrency compatriots have since […]
April 25, 2023

A Higher Debt Ceiling Won’t Solve the Problem; It Will Make the Problem Worse

By Peter Schiff Democrats (and most Republicans) claim, “We must raise the debt […]
April 25, 2023

Visualizing Global EV Production in 2022, by Brand

By Marcus Lu 2022 was another historic year for EVs, with annual production […]
April 24, 2023

Silver market fundamentals strong as it enters new era of supply deficits – Richard Mills

2023.04.24 Silver, like gold, has returned to the spotlight this year with the […]
April 24, 2023


2023.04.24 与黄金一样,白银今年再次成为人们关注的焦点。该贵金属最近的交易价格达到了一年来的最高点,略低于每盎司 26 美元。 在过去的一个月里,白银价格上涨了近 20%,超过了标准普尔 500 指数同期约 5% 的涨幅,也超过了其他贵金属,包括黄金(9%)、铂(10%)和钯(12%)。 白银上涨之际,美元这一另类避险资产的价值一直在挣扎,在过去一个月里下跌了约 2%,自去年九月的 20 […]
April 24, 2023

Gold Stocks are Silly Cheap

By Quoth the Raven Please note that both of these charts suggest to […]
April 22, 2023

Mantaro unveils exploration plans at Golden Hill, Santas Gloria – Richard Mills

2023.04.22 Mantaro Precious Metals (TSXV:MNTR, OTCQB:MSLVF, FSE:9TZ) is progressing its South American gold […]
April 22, 2023

Base Metals: A Decade of Shortages Ahead

By Goehring & Rozencwajg Although the global mining industry, over the last decade, […]
April 22, 2023

U.S. Debt: Visualizing the $31.4 Trillion Owed in 2023

By Julie R. Peasley Can you picture what $31.4 trillion looks like? The […]
April 22, 2023

Copper industry warns of looming supply gap without more mines

By Ernest Scheyder, Fabian Cambero and Alexander Villegas The world’s appetite for copper […]
April 21, 2023

Gold Stocks Still Undervalued

By Adam Hamilton The gold miners’ stocks continue powering higher on balance, growing […]
April 21, 2023

Copper: indispensable but under-appreciated – Richard Mills

2023.04.21 For years AOTH has been reporting on how a decline in productivity […]
April 20, 2023

G-7 nuclear pact adds fuel to uranium’s already bullish outlook – Richard Mills

2023.04.20 It’s fair to say that the Russia-Ukraine war has now literally “gone […]
April 20, 2023


2023.04.20 毫无疑问,俄乌战争现已经迈入了 “核战争”的范畴。 3月下旬,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京透露了在白俄罗斯部署战术核武器的计划。白俄罗斯是一个夹在交战双方之间的盟友国家。此举虽是预料之内,但不可避免需要西方做出下一步的决策。 而现在回应已经到来。七国集团近期承诺要结束俄罗斯对原子燃料市场的主导地位。据彭博社 4 月 17 日报道,包括加拿大、法国、日本、英国和美国在内的西方盟友已承诺共同将俄罗斯逐出全球核供应链。 彭博社消息人士称,这一承诺是在日本札幌七国集团会议期间召开的核工业会议上形成的。 英国能源大臣格兰特·沙普斯 (Grant Shapps) […]
April 20, 2023

World could face record temperatures in 2023 as El Nino returns

By Kate Abnett The world could breach a new average temperature record in 2023 […]
April 20, 2023

Everything about carmaking is changing at once

By The Economist In future cars brands will be differentiated mainly by the […]
April 20, 2023

Record demand pushes silver into new era of deficits, Silver Institute says

By Peter Hobson Global demand for silver rose by 18% last year to […]
April 20, 2023

China’s GDP Growth Picks Up Pace Again

By Martin Armstrong China’s economy appears to have shaken off the effects of the […]
April 19, 2023

America: the good, the bad and the ugly

2023.04.19 Most people can remember what they were doing on the blue bird […]
April 19, 2023

There’s life growing on a giant patch of garbage in the ocean

By CBC Kids News A massive patch of garbage in the Pacific Ocean […]
April 19, 2023

The Six Major Types of Lithium-ion Batteries: A Visual Comparison

By Govind Bhutada Lithium-ion batteries are at the center of the clean energy […]
April 19, 2023

Copper Shortage Threatens Green Transition

By  Yusuf Khan Metal markets seem to think copper is the new lithium. […]
April 18, 2023

Who are behind the gold and silver buying – Richard Mills

April 18, 2023

Ascent of central bank digital currencies bodes well for gold – Richard Mills

2023.04.18 The days of paying for something with cold, hard cash may be […]
April 18, 2023


用现金支付的时代即将结束了。疫情加速了我们向无现金经济的过渡,如今消费者更喜欢手机银行或数字钱包的便利性。 皮尤研究中心的一项新调查显示,如今,大约 41% 的美国人表示他们在一周内的购物都不是用现金支付的,高于 2018 年的 29% 和 2015 年的 24%。 据加拿大领先的信用卡和借记卡处理公司 Moneris […]
April 16, 2023

Gold stands in sweet spot between inflation and interest rate “tug of war” – Richard Mills

2023.04.16 Gold prices are on the brink of setting another record as a […]
April 16, 2023


2023.04.16 近几个月来,市场力量的汇合促使投资者涌入黄金,金价即将创下另一个纪录。 从历史上看,黄金一直被视为抵御通胀的对冲工具,考虑到目前的高价格环境,金价上涨将是完全合理的。但真的是这样吗?黄金和消费品的价格走势真的同步吗? 一年多来,美联储一直试图通过紧缩货币政策来抑制高通胀。这在某种程度上起到了作用。最新数据显示美国三月份 CPI 仅上涨 0.1%,好于预期,与一年前的 5%相比更加健康。 由此可见,美国通胀出现降温迹象,而黄金的涨势依然强劲。这将违背黄金作为通胀对冲工具的普遍看法。事实上,通货膨胀与黄色金属之间的关系并不像我们想象的那么简单。 黄金与通货膨胀 与普遍看法相反,将黄金称为 “完美的通胀对冲工具” 可能有点牵强。 […]
April 16, 2023

Have Combustion Vehicle Sales Already Peaked?

By Marcus Lu Electric vehicle (EV) sales have grown rapidly over the past […]
April 15, 2023

Graphite is a key vulnerability in the US-China “electrification war” – Richard Mills

2023.04.15 The electrification of the global transportation system doesn’t happen without graphite. That’s […]
April 15, 2023

The tug-of-war between Glencore and Teck

By The Economist Glencore proposes a merger between it and Teck that would […]
April 14, 2023

Gold-Stock Upleg Immature

By Adam Hamilton With gold stocks’ powerful upleg gathering steam, more traders are […]
April 14, 2023

Building a Major Gold Asset in Nevada

The Getchell Gold team is actively planning our 2023 Exploration season, and that […]
April 14, 2023

Getchell Gold: Hitting the sweet spot between in-situ value and exploration upside at Fondaway Canyon – Richard Mills

2023.04.14 At AOTH, we see Getchell Gold Corp. (CSE:GTCH, OTCQB:GGLDF) as an excellent value play in […]
April 14, 2023

Critical minerals take center stage in US-China rivalry – Richard Mills

2023.04.14 Critical minerals have become the new frontline of the rivalry between the […]
April 14, 2023


关键矿产成为世界两大超级大国较量的新前线。 在 3 月下旬,美国与日本签署了涵盖电动汽车电池各种矿物的合作协议,似乎在这场军备竞赛中迈出了一大步。 根据这项迅速达成的协议,美国及其亚洲盟友将不对锂、钴、锰、镍和石墨征收出口关税。 一份声明称,这些国家还将分享有关这些关键矿产供应链中潜在劳工违规行为的信息,并“确定建立各自能力的机会”。 美国采取行动 美日协议签署之际,拜登政府正准备发布有关电动汽车制造商如何根据《降低通货膨胀法案》(简称 IRA)获得最大税收抵免的指南。该法案是美国国会去年为启动清洁能源生产而颁布的具有里程碑意义的气候立法。 IRA 代表了美国历史上对气候和能源的最大单笔投资。该法案旨在到 2030 年将排放量减少到 […]
April 14, 2023

Exclusive: Fed can ‘hit the mark and hold’ with one more rate hike, Bostic says

By Howard Schneider One more quarter-percentage-point interest rate hike can allow the Federal Reserve […]
April 14, 2023

Core Assets Sitting at the Sweet Spot with Massive CRD in BC

Bob Moriarty I looked around for what I think to be one of […]
April 13, 2023

CHARTS: Mining’s top 50 companies top $1.4 trillion value amid M&A fever

By Frik Els The world’s top 50 mining companies build on gains in […]
April 13, 2023

It’s all hotting up

By Alasdair Macleod Increasing numbers of national governments are abandoning the US sphere […]
April 13, 2023

Fed’s “Mild Recession” Prediction Will Be As Accurate As Their “Transitory Inflation” One

By Kenny – Quoth the Raven This is the latest, up to the […]
April 13, 2023

A BRICS Threat to the Dollar?

By Jim O’Neill The fact that a US-excluding group of emerging powers has […]