By Simone Fant – From Renewable Matter
The Atlantic Current circulation is getting closer and closer to collapse, and this could have devastating climate impacts. This is according to a study published in Science Advances that shows how global warming is undermining heat interchange between ocean currents. If the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) were to come to a halt, temperatures in Europe would drop dramatically, wet seasons in the Amazon rainforest would be reversed to dry seasons, and in coastal cities the sea would rise even faster by tens of centimeters.
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The worlds temperature is only now getting back to its pre ice age level so why would that affect the AMOC?
The Sun-Climate Effect: The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis (VI). Meridional transport is the main climate change driver
By Clintel Foundation|5 September 2022|
This says AMOC drives the climate not the climate drives AMOC.
Same argument with IPCC, they keep claiming CO2 drives temperature increase. Meanwhile, millennia of evidence show CO2 increase precedes temperature increase by over 100 years, as I recall.