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Copper: indispensable but under-appreciated – Richard Mills

…Glencore, currently the world’s largest mining company, launched a $23.1 billion hostile takeover bid. The deal would create two new companies combining their respective metals and coal businesses. However, it…


G-7 nuclear pact adds fuel to uranium’s already bullish outlook – Richard Mills

…uphold the uranium bull market for much longer. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com Subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as…



…从 50.85 美元小幅下跌至 50.70 美元,但今年迄今仍上涨 4.93%。而同期其它大宗商品则是下跌了 6.47%(以彭博商品指数 BCOM 衡量)。 Sprott 说,从长远来看,铀在商品领域表现出了更大的弹性。在截至 2023 年 3 月 31 日的五年中,U3O8 现货累计升值 140.95%,而 BCOM 的升值幅度为 20.62%。 (在过去五年中,实物铀和铀库存的表现优于其他资产类别。资料来源:Sprott) (铀现货与其他商品的相关性较低。资料来源:Sprott) Sprott Asset Management 的 ETF 产品经理…


World could face record temperatures in 2023 as El Nino returns

By Kate Abnett The world could breach a new average temperature record in 2023 or 2024, fuelled by climate change and the anticipated return of the El Nino weather phenomenon,…


Record demand pushes silver into new era of deficits, Silver Institute says

…Wednesday, predicting more shortages in the years to come. The silver market was undersupplied by 237.7 million ounces in 2022, the institute said in its latest World Silver Survey, calling…


America: the good, the bad and the ugly

News According to U.S. News, America’s improved perception abroad is linked in part to the change of president, quoting a June 2021 report from Pew Research Center showing that 75%…


Copper Shortage Threatens Green Transition

By Yusuf Khan Metal markets seem to think copper is the new lithium. A lack of new mining activity has added to worries that there won’t be enough of the…


Ascent of central bank digital currencies bodes well for gold – Richard Mills

newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or read the newsletter….



…(资料来源:标普全球) 有趣的是,世界黄金储备委员会的可用数据显示,在最近的购买模式中,黄金确实存在从西向东的迁移,中国罕见的黄金购买报告突显了这一点,目前已连续四个月。 据最新数据,2023 年前两个月最大的采购来自非西方国家:新加坡(51.4 吨)、土耳其(45.5 吨)、中国(39.8 吨)、俄罗斯(31.1 吨)和印度(2.8 吨)。 许多分析人士认为,中国的大部分购买行为仍未报告,中国是近年来为尽量减少对美元的敞口而囤积黄金的 “神秘买家”。 投资者也可能仅仅因为对政府发行的数字货币的蔑视,甚至是不信任,而倾向于黄金。正如我们之前所讨论的,CBDC 和法定货币一样,都是由信托支持的,没有任何硬资产支持是没有意义的。 中国似乎是第一个意识到这一点的国家,并正在尽可能多地积累黄金。中国已 “正式” 成为第五大黄金持有者,但由于很少公开购买,谁知道北京到底持有多少黄金? 虽然我们只能在这个时候进行推测,但中国最终使用其黄金储备来支持其数字货币是有意义的,自 2019 年开始试验以来,电子人民币的进展一直都备受关注。 总的来说,全球对央行数字货币的推动似乎可以为金价提供进一步的支撑,金价正接近历史新高。 各国央行将继续购买这种贵金属,作为其多元化战略的一部分,而投资者将喜欢它在法定货币和数字货币的命运都带来风险的环境中的对冲吸引力。 Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com 点击订阅 法律声明/免责声明 – Ahead of…


Gold stands in sweet spot between inflation and interest rate “tug of war” – Richard Mills

…economy closer to a recession, supporting gold’s appeal as safe haven. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com Subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com,…



…指出。 展望未来, Popatlal 表示,市场越来越关注增长停滞和通胀上升(也称为滞胀)的前景。在这种环境下,风险资产往往表现不佳,因此黄金对投资者应该具有相对吸引力。他解释说:“大多数资产类别都会亏损,因此投资者会从糟糕的资产中寻找最好的”。 (资料来源: Schroders) 如上图所示,黄金在这种情况下确实表现良好。虽然从历史数据来看并没有太多的滞胀期,但有很多经济放缓,在此期间黄金与实际收益率呈正相关。 “令人鼓舞的是,黄金再次不受央行行动的影响。由于加息周期通常会导致经济衰退,黄金开始表现是通过预期即将到来的降息和经济衰退环境所必需的宽松金融条件,” Popatlal 总结道。 总结 尽管我们喜欢将某些规则归因于黄金的起伏,但事实是,有很多动态在起作用,可以进行归纳;一切都取决于上下文。 然而,今年黄金的表现告诉我们,在通货膨胀和实际利率之间的“拔河”中,贵金属将从两方面受益。一方面,它可以对冲不断上涨的价格水平;另一方面,利率上升将使经济更接近衰退,支持黄金作为避险货币的吸引力。 Richard (Rick) Mills Aheadoftheherd.com 点击订阅 法律声明/免责声明 – Ahead of the Herd (以下简称 AOTH) 在使用本网站或阅读通讯之前,请仔细阅读整个免责声明。 如果您不同意所有的AOTH/Richard Mills的免责声明,请谢绝访问/阅读本网站/新闻通讯/文章或其任何页面。通过阅读或使用AOTH/Richard Mills网站/新闻/文章,无论您是否实际阅读此免责声明,均被视为已接受。…


Graphite is a key vulnerability in the US-China “electrification war” – Richard Mills

…battery market. The company in April, 2022 announced an MOU with Sunrise New Energy Material Company, a China-based lithium-ion battery anode producer. The intent is to develop an agreement to…


Gold-Stock Upleg Immature

…Should contrarians like our newsletter subscribers with massive unrealized gains be looking to sell?  No one can know in real-time when uplegs will die, but precedent and probabilities argue this…


Building a Major Gold Asset in Nevada

The Getchell Gold team is actively planning our 2023 Exploration season, and that includes introducing the Fondaway Canyon story to new investors. This week, President Mike Sieb presented at the…


Getchell Gold: Hitting the sweet spot between in-situ value and exploration upside at Fondaway Canyon – Richard Mills

…Cdn$32.4m GTCH website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer…


Critical minerals take center stage in US-China rivalry – Richard Mills

…rare earths, and amid the heightened trade tensions, it would be fascinating to see what unfolds next. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com Subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer…



…的国家是印度尼西亚。据报道,该国正在寻求一项有限的自由贸易协定,将一些矿物运往美国,以帮助其公司服务于电动汽车电池供应链。这个东南亚国家目前拥有世界上最大的镍储量。 中国的主导地位 美国贸易战略背后的动机有据可查——摆脱对中国的依赖,同时放松其主要竞争对手对全球关键矿产供应链的控制。 在电动汽车行业的原材料方面,中国无疑是地球上最强大的力量。 例如,如今电动汽车电池中使用的几乎所有金属都可能来自那里,无论是开采还是加工。由于在精炼方面的技术实力,中国已成为电池金属加工业务的全面领导者(参见下图)。 (资料来源:视觉资本家) 根据国际能源署 (IEA) 的数据,到 2022 年,中国约占全球锂化学品供应量的 60%,并生产了四分之三的锂离子电池。 它还通过其在刚果民主共和国的采矿业务牢牢控制着全球钴供应。据总部位于英国的钴贸易商 Darton Commodities 称,在未来两年,中国钴产量占全球产量的比例预计将从目前的 44% 上升到一半。 (资料来源:金融时报) IEA 预计,尽管直接参与的矿山产量仅为一小部分,中国在锂和钴的精炼中所占份额约为 50-70%,镍为 35%,锰为 95%。 中国还生产了近 90% 的稀土元素,稀土元素是用于风力涡轮机和电动汽车电机的永磁体的重要原材料,以及 100% 的电动汽车电池负极材料石墨。 “独立”之路…


It’s all hotting up

…[iii] See World Economics: https://www.worldeconomics.com/Indicator-Data/Economic-Size/Revaluation-of-GDP.aspx [iv] See the FDIC’s spreadsheet on Ratios by asset size group. The chart is for all insured institutions. https://www.fdic.gov/analysis/quarterly-banking-profile/index.html [v] See this from Moody’s: https://cre.moodysanalytics.com/insights/cre-news/whats-the-real-situation-with-cre-and-banks-doom-loop-or-headline-hype/…


Fed’s “Mild Recession” Prediction Will Be As Accurate As Their “Transitory Inflation” One

…banking crisis remained an issue – we knew that too. Some members had cautioned and thought about pausing, but then didn’t – and we knew that too. I think the only thing…


Capitalize on junior’s delta – Richard Mills

…herd reacts. Reasons why a metals supply crunch is coming Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter…


Fast-shrinking Arctic sea ice means more extreme weather patterns – Richard Mills

…the unusual weather we are experiencing today may not seem too odd anymore, regardless of where we are in the world. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com Subscribe to my free newsletter…



…(与1956-1976年的平均气温相比,2011年至2021的平均地表气温。来源:美国国家航空航天局) 日益严重的气候危机 NSIDC 主任 Mark Serreze 告诉彭博社,也许最大的问题是北极冰层的消失对世界其他地区的天气模式意味着什么。“最重要的是,天气模式是由地球试图平衡高纬度和低纬度之间的温差所驱动的”。 NSIDC 副首席科学家 Twila Moon 也认为,北极的环境条件正在对世界各地的天气系统产生深远影响。Moon 在2021告诉 ABC News,北极和南极是 “全球系统的冰库”,有助于全球海水的循环,从而有助于维持陆地上的气候。 “北极发生的事情并不局限于北极”, 气候科学家 Jessica Moerman 补充道,她目前是 Evangelical Environmental Network 负责科学和政策的副总裁。 急流是由冷空气与暖空气相遇产生的一股由西向东移动的强风,有助于调节全球天气。但 Moerman 说,随着北极气温的升高,由温差推动的急流会减弱。 NSIDC 的…


Is a New Gold Standard Possible?

…Maynard Keynes decried as the “barbarous relic” just keeps coming back. The worse government policies become, and the more deranged and dysfunctional the Federal Reserve is revealed to be, the…


Who are behind the gold and silver buying – Richard Mills

free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or read the…



…Shares 也增加了 8.55 亿美元(13 吨),领跑北美地区。 世界黄金协会表示,到 3 月底,全球黄金 ETF 管理的总资产达到八个月以来的最高水平,这得益于这些资金流入和金价上涨。 同样,白银支持的 ETF 的资金流入也大幅增加。交易所数据显示,最大的基金 iShares Silver Trust 在 3 月份的管理总资产增加了 10 亿美元。 Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com 点击订阅 法律声明/免责声明 – Ahead of…


Max kicks off 2023 exploration with six priority drill targets – Richard Mills

…(Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use…


Top 10 Reasons to add Getchell Gold Corp to your portfolio

The Getchell Gold team is actively working to get the Fondaway Canyon story in front of new investors, and the strengthening gold market is perfectly timed as we work to…


CHARTS: There is a chasm between gold price and gold mining stock valuations

By Frik Els A chartbook released on Tuesday (ahead of the day’s action in New York) by Merk Investments, an investment advisor and manager of ASA Gold and Precious Metals…


Status of US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency

By Wolf Richter The share of the US-dollar as global reserve currency dropped to 58.4% at the end of Q4, according to the IMF’s new COFER data. This was the…


Graphite One bolsters management team, has resources updated ahead of feasibility work – Richard Mills

…website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully…


Graphite One 加强管理团队,在可行性工作之前更新资源

…Creek 可行性研究 (FS) 的设计产能的可能性。 如果一切按计划进行,FS 报告结果将使 Graphite One 的矿床更接近于成为美国唯一的石墨开采来源,从而帮助其摆脱进口依赖。 该项目已经得到了阿拉斯加最高级别政府的支持,预计将有资格获得美国《通胀削减法案》规定的税收优惠。根据其初步经济评估,即使不考虑税收优惠的利益,该项目的税后价值仍将超过10亿美元。 在一个石墨等电池矿物需求越来越大、对大多数国家来说很难获得的世界里,这样一个项目的开发应该引起更多的关注。 公司名称:Graphite One Inc. 股票代码:TSXV:GPH, OTCQX:GPHOF 股票价格:每股1.47加元 (2023年4月4日收盘价格) 流通股: 1亿980万 市值: 1亿6140万加元 GPH 网址 Richard (Rick) Mills aheadotherd.com 点击订阅 法律声明/免责声明…


Why the Fed must pivot – Richard Mills

…Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use…



…“在经历了几十年的投资不足后,只能努力挖掘其老化矿床的新领域”。今年,Codelco 再次预计产量将下降 7%,将达到 135 万至 142 万公吨之间。 与此同时,在第二大生产国秘鲁,所有大型的矿业公司陆续承认,他们的铜业务随时可能受到政治动荡的威胁。一个行业组织估计,今年的暴力抗议活动可能会使全国 30% 的产量面临风险。 即使世界各地所有现有的矿山作业都在顺利进行,并发挥出最大潜力,但由于缺乏对新采矿项目的投资,供应增长仍受到抑制。 BMO Capital Markets 最近发布的一份新报告指出:“全球矿业对棕色和绿地项目的热情在过去十年中逐渐消退,尽管几乎普遍认为未来几十年金属和矿物的需求将因绿色能源转型而激增。” 根据 BMO 的说法,虽然公司“已经开始更公开地谈论投资”,但到目前为止,他们“在这方面做得很少”。 报告发现,在过去 20 年中,整个行业的扩张资本支出通常超过 EBITDA 的 20%,但现在,这一指标在过去几年中已下滑至 10% 左右。 资料来源:MINING.COM,改编自 BMO 数据 BMO…


Reasons why a metals supply crunch is coming – Richard Mills

…everything from the sustainability of mining operations to the functioning of the manufacturing base,” Kearney predicts. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead…


How Governments Use Global Crises to Take More Control

by Doug Casey Throughout history, governments have used crises—real or imagined—to eliminate freedoms, expand the power of the State, and justify all sorts of things the populace would never accept in…


Central Bank Digital Currencies: A Tyranny Worse Than Prison

…2000, this new economics covertly claims private human experience as free raw material for translation into behavioural data. Some data are used to improve services, but the rest are turned…


Renforth 在 Surimeau 矿产的西部边界钻探发现了关键矿物

…网址 Richard (Rick) Mills aheadotherd.com 点击订阅 法律声明/免责声明 – Ahead of the Herd (以下简称 AOTH) 在使用本网站或阅读通讯之前,请仔细阅读整个免责声明。 如果您不同意所有的AOTH/Richard Mills的免责声明,请谢绝访问/阅读本网站/新闻通讯/文章或其任何页面。通过阅读或使用AOTH/Richard Mills网站/新闻/文章,无论您是否实际阅读此免责声明,均被视为已接受。 任何属于AOTH/Richard Mills的文章与资料都不应被视为出售邀约, 或征求购买或认购任何投资的邀约。 AOTH/Richard Mills的文章资料都基于从他所认为的可靠的信息来源,却尚未经过独立验证。 AOTH/Richard Mills不作任何保证,陈述或担保,并且对其准确性或完整性不承担任何责任。 文中所表达的意见仅属于AOTH/Richard Mills个人。如有更改,恕不通知。 对于本文中提供的任何信息的当下相关性,正确性或完整性,AOTH/Richard Mills不承担任何保证,责任或担保,并且对于依靠本文中包含的任何意见或陈述或任何遗漏而导致的后果不承担任何责任。 此外,对于因使用AOTH/Richard…


Renforth encounters critical minerals from drilling at western boundary of Surimeau property – Richard Mills

…aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this…



…Escarcha 坑区。 2022 年, Mantaro 在 Golden Hill 完成了 21 个金刚石岩心钻孔,共计 3000米。最好的化验包括从井下 87 米取得长度 5 米的 7.57 克/吨黄金品位; 来自井下 67.6 米取得 3.4 米的 8.27 克/吨黄金;和来自井下 105 米取得 14 米的 3.57…


Mantaro Precious Metals strategically positioned to unlock value from high-grade deposits in Latin America – Richard Mills

…Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use…


Copper is the missing ingredient of the energy transition

…supply is unlikely to keep up. Besides new copper mines coming on stream in Mongolia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, such projects are thin on the ground Read More…


Gold Stocks’ Spring Rally 8

…avoided relapsing into a new bear despite a serious correction.  Later the yellow metal started powering higher again, coming within 0.5% of a new nominal record in early March 2022…


CHART: Demand is soaring, but global mining is not expanding

By Frik Els A new report by BMO Capital Markets has a trenchant chart showing just to what extent mining companies – flush with cash – are opting to return money to shareholders rather…


The Fed Knew – Richard Mills

…of 1935 which created the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) who were charged with controlling the money supply through open market operations using government securities. After a mid-1930s recovery from…



…吨黄金流入。 中央银行购买 不仅仅是交易员押注黄金并推高了金属需求。 世界黄金协会的最新数据显示,各国央行也一直在囤积黄金。2022 年各国央行购买了创纪录的 1136 吨。这趋势延伸到了 1 月份,期间全球黄金储备又增加了 77 吨。 据世界黄金协会称,黄金购买背后有两个主要驱动因素:危机时期的表现及其作为长期保值手段的作用。研究主管 Juan Carlos Artigas 最近告诉 Kitco News,鉴于 2022 年是地缘政治不确定性和通货膨胀猖獗的一年,各国央行选择以更快的速度向其金库中添加黄金也就不足为奇了。 展望未来 WGC 预测 “几乎没有理由”怀疑各国央行将对黄金保持积极态度,并在 2023 年继续成为黄金的净购买者。该机构强调黄金仍然是全球货币体系中的重要资产,而各国央行的大量购买凸显了这一点。 “尽管黄金不再支持货币,但它仍在被利用。为什么?因为它是一项真正的资产,“ Artigas 解释道。 经济衰退恐慌…


Five reasons gold and silver could rally soon – Richard Mills

…Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use…


B.C. Interior gets economic boost with new gold mines

By Nelson Bennett It has been six years since the last new gold mine – Brucejack – went into production in B.C. Now, as many as three could be pouring…



…CNBC 的《亚洲路标》节目中表示:“美元和瑞士法郎很容易成为主要货币中最弱的。” 3. 潜在的国债违约 尽管实际发生的可能性很低,但美国政府拖欠国债的想法可能会引起投资者的焦虑。自疫情以来,美国一直在增加债务,为各种支出项目提供资金,以至于其债务与 GDP 的比率一度创下历史新高。 资料来源: Pew Research Center 由于乔·拜登总统和共和党控制的众议院在某些国债政策上的持续摩擦,这一前所未有的支出很可能会困扰他们;拜登希望提高债务限额,而共和党则希望前者接受削减开支。 无党派的国会预算办公室表示,如果没有达成协议,联邦政府最早可能在今年 7 月违约。 尽管一些人认为这是一场“小鸡游戏”,一方最终会屈服,但债务上升的问题仍然挥之不去。皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)在一项关于公众政策优先事项的新调查中,57% 的美国人认为减少预算赤字是总统和国会今年要解决的首要任务,高于一年前的 45%。 对国债的担忧,加上最近的银行业崩溃,将增加经济进一步不确定性的风险,从而削弱美元作为主要储备货币的地位。 4. 中央银行多元化 美元面临的另一个问题不仅仅是投资者有顾虑。全球央行也开始质疑美元在国际舞台上的价值。 这是因为美国在使用制裁和其他经济惩罚时过于 “一触即发”。全球安全分析研究所表示,由于这些严厉的措施,一些央行现在可能决定使其外汇储备组合多样化,而不是严重依赖美元。 据总部位于华盛顿的智库联合主任 Gal Luft 称,目前世界上每…


5 Reasons the US Dollar Will Head Lower – Richard Mills

…Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before…


Should the US ban TikTok?

…best global politics newsletter every day on top of my weekly email. Did I mention it’s free? Also, be sure to sign up for GZERO North, a new weekly newsletter…


Victory Battery 在 Smokey Lithium 开始第 2 阶段钻探,旨在扩大矿化

…Mills文章中的信息不是出售邀约,也不是购买任何证券的邀约。AOTH/Richard Mills不提供任何金融凭证的交易的建议。 我们的出版内容不用于建议您购买或出售证券 — 本网站上所发布的任何信息均不应被视为投资建议,任何关于您财务或金钱事宜请咨询您个人的注册经纪人/财务顾问。 AOTH/Richard Mills建议您在投资任何证券之前,请先咨询专业的财务规划师或顾问,并且在谨慎考虑所有相关风险之后,应在投资任何证券之前进行完整且独立的调查。 AOTH非注册经纪人,交易商,分析师或顾问。AOTH不持有投资许可证,也不会出售,邀约出售或邀约购买任何证券。 Richard 不持有 Victory Battery Metals Corp. (CSE:VR) 任何股份。VR 仅是他的网站aheadotherd.com的广告商。 This article is issued on behalf of VR subscribe to my free newsletter…


Victory Battery gets Phase 2 drilling started at Smokey Lithium, aiming to extend the mineralization – Richard Mills

…subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website…


Gold Upleg Rockets Back

…cyberattack taking down its critical reporting systems. Without that data, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission suspended publishing its all-important weekly Commitments of Traders reports!  Among many other markets, these detail…


Gold is the Rodney Dangerfield of metals – Richard Mills

…leverage to rising gold and silver prices. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH….


Drought conditions improving across Western Canada, US – Richard Mills

…the planet’s great carbon stores into new sources of greenhouse-gas emissions, with devastating consequences for the climate. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of…


Volkswagen to invest in mines in bid to become global battery supplier

…the supply chain traditionally left to third parties, from energy generation to raw material sourcing, as they compete for scarce resources they urgently need to meet electrification targets. Read More…


Hold gold, buy silver – Richard Mills

newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or read the newsletter….


New Video- Getchell Gold Coverage on CEO.ca and Investing News.com

By Investing News Watch Video…


Gold Mid-Tiers’ Q4’22 Fundamentals

…driver.  But big composition changes among the GDXJ top 25 components really distorted aggregate results, leaving year-over-year comparisons challenging to analyze. As a professional gold-stock speculator and financial-newsletter guy for


Renforth resumes drilling at its Surimeau Battery Metals Project – Richard Mills

…Outstanding 325m Market cap Cdn$11.4m RFR website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH….


Getchell Gold an excellent value play in a rising gold price environment – Richard Mills

…enough that you should you should own Getchell.” A Cipher Research Report published in 2015 examined a 24-year history of mergers and acquisitions to determine the real value of gold in the…


Dolly Varden Silver drills 25m of 46g/t Au – Richard Mills

…Corp. TSXV:DV, OTC:DOLLF Cdn$0.85, 2023.03.14 Shares Outstanding 230m Market cap Cdn$216.1m DV website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter,…


Opportunity knocking for North American lithium explorer – Richard Mills

…in new supply, said Weir, head of the commodities trading house. He warns higher prices are needed to incentivize miners to bring new production online, and cautions that delayed permitting…


Graphite One’s Graphite Creek deposit a generational graphite resource USGS says among largest in the world – Richard Mills

…cap Cdn$181.2m GPH website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the…


Big Plastic suing Canada over single-use plastics ban- Richard Mills

newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or read the newsletter….


Gold Miners’ Q4’22 Fundamentals

complex audited annual reports are prepared. American companies have 60 days after year-ending quarter-ends to file their formal 10-K reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  But GDX includes the…


Solar could devour most of the world’s silver reserves by 2050 – Richard Mills

reliable buy indictor for silver. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read…


US consumers are getting crushed by high-interest debt and inflation – Richard Mills

…Food Bank in New Mexico told Business Insider. “A lot of people aren’t really thinking in terms of that, that this is really, really going to hurt some of the…


The link between commodities and inflation – Richard Mills

…(Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you…


The Russia-Ukraine war remapped the world’s energy supplies, putting the U.S. at the top for years to come

…energy-exporting nations. This week new data from the U.S. government showed the U.S. exported a record 11.1 million barrels a day of oil and refined products. “It’s amazing to think…


Firms search for greener supplies of graphite for EV batteries

By The Econimist Despite probable bumps in the road ahead, caused by faltering economies and component shortages, more than 13m plug-in fully electric or hybrid passenger cars are likely to…


Prudent Minerals ABE Project multiple high grade gold vein intercepts and open pit potential – Richard Mills

…Market cap Cdn$2.4m PRUD website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read…


Why China won’t go to war with Taiwan – Richard Mills

…Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use…


New drugs could spell an end to the world’s obesity epidemic

By The Economist A new type of drug is generating excitement among the rich and the beautiful. Just a jab a week, and the weight falls off. Elon Musk swears…


Interest rates: The silent killer

…rate of two per cent or so. But the expansion of credit during the covid pandemic changed that, with prices subsequently leaping above the two per cent target. The new


Prudent Minerals Independent Technical Report Discloses Exploration Target of up to 6.3 MT and Potential High Grades at its ABE Project

…2022. The Technical Report is available for review on SEDAR (www.sedar.com) and on the Company’s website (www.prudentminerals.com). The ABE Project is under option to Berlin Precious Metals Corp., which is…


Monumental shift in way junior mining stocks are valued is coming – Richard Mills

…aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this…


Serious Cases of Covid Increase Long Covid Risk

By Florian Zandt According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), long Covid symptoms “are a wide range of new, returning, or ongoing health problems that people experience…


The Golden Age of critical materials – Richard Mills

…electrification and decarbonization trend intensifies. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read…


Gold Investors Still MIA

…That naturally moderates and reverses excessive buying or selling! Unbelievably on January 31st these CoTs went dark.  The Commodity Futures Trading Commission that regulates US futures trading and collates positioning…


The worsening plight of the global consumer – Richard Mills

…global consumer.   Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire…


The Future Value of Disruptive Materials

By Aran Ali A select number of materials have a critical role to play in the expansion of next generation technologies. This could lead to a surge in demand and


Combustion Going Bust: Global Phase-outs of Gasoline Cars

By Katharina Buchholz The European Union last week approved a law that will ban the sale of combustion engine cars in its member states from 2035. For Germany and Italy…


2023 will be the year the auto industry secures manganese

…January 2023.   Until these recent announcements there were no public supply arrangements for battery-grade manganese products, which left manganese an ‘odd one out’ amongst battery raw material peers. Read More…


Gold’s return as money

…destruction of the global fiat currency system. According to evidence which is widely ignored in western capital markets, a move by Russia to put a new trade settlement currency and


Victory Battery Metals acquires 17,792 hectares in the James Bay Lithium District – Richard Mills

…(Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you…


Lithium market booming as supply chases demand – Richard Mills

…cars by 2040. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire…


Renforth’s polymetallic Surimeau Project has battery, critical and precious metals – Richard Mills

…Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use…


Gold Futures Stealthed

…Friday afternoon, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission publishes Commitments of Traders reports current to preceding Tuesday closes.  They reveal what specs as a herd are doing in gold futures. …


Electric vehicle sales top $1 trillion in wake-up call for carmakers

…year will break records again, with passenger EV sales likely to comfortably exceed $500 billion. This is now a very material, very fast-moving part of global auto sales. Read More…


Getchell Gold, a case study of “gold in the ground” – Richard Mills

companies are actively out searching for new projects, but really because of the lack of resources in the next few years, we need companies that can provide a lot of…


Russia’s Grip on Nuclear-Power Trade Is Only Getting Stronger

By Jonathan Tirone Russia’s nuclear exports have surged since the invasion of Ukraine, boosting the Kremlin’s revenue and cementing its influence over a new generation of global buyers, as the…


Ahead of the Herd Newsletter 2023 Issue 13 GRAPHITE Special Edition

…Reduction Act (IRA) is expected to offer subsidies to only EVs with battery materials sourced from America or free-trade agreement countries and processed in the US. Graphite companies are responding…


Declining Global Consumer Confidence

By Gilbert Fontana Our plans to buy new things, travel, invest, and save money, all rely on one crucial factor—our ability to pay for it. This ability in turn is…


Massive filament swirls into a ‘polar vortex’ on the Sun, wowing scientists

By Scott Sutherland This is apparently the first time such a phenomenon has been seen on the Sun. New images from NASA have revealed an immense band of plasma apparently…


S&P report on copper supply is misleading – Richard Mills

…under metals prices. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire…


Rates Could Go To 6% And Stay There For “Years”

…why it’s possible. Friend of Fringe Finance and well known financial news contributor – as well as 38 year veteran of markets – Kenny Polcari has been kind enough to share his…


Zinc: the essential element in increasingly short supply – Richard Mills

…my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or read…


Sharp Gold Pullback Healthy

…in the competing US dollar.  Its benchmark US Dollar Index had just made a new downleg low the prior day after the Fed, as gold carved that new upleg high. …


“Graphite is Powering the Future” – A Special Report on Graphite Processing & Sourcing in North America

…with battery materials sourced from America or free-trade agreement countries and processed in the US. Graphite companies are responding to the IRA. This special report profiles three graphite players in…