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Copper Road Resources announces summer drill program – Richard Mills

…TSXV:CRD Cdn$0.075, 2023.06.23 Shares Outstanding 47.3m Market cap Cdn$3.5m CRD website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known…


Mantaro closes Bolivian asset purchases, expects Golden Hill maiden resource by month-end – Richard Mills

…qualified person has completed the necessary site visit and data verification necessary to complete the project’s technical report. Accordingly, the company now expects to have the maiden resource estimate completed…


Mantaro 完成玻利维亚资产收购,预计 Golden Hill 首个资源将于月底发布

…9TZ 股票价格:每股0.08加元 (2023年6月21日收盘价格) 流通股: 6980万 市值: 560万加元 MNTR 网址 Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com 点击订阅 法律声明/免责声明 – Ahead of the Herd (以下简称AOTH) 在使用本网站或阅读通讯之前,请仔细阅读整个免责声明。 如果您不同意所有的AOTH/Richard Mills的免责声明,请谢绝访问/阅读本网站/新闻通讯/文章或其任何页面。通过阅读或使用AOTH/Richard Mills网站/新闻/文章,无论您是否实际阅读此免责声明,均被视为已接受。 任何属于AOTH/Richard Mills的文章与资料都不应被视为出售邀约, 或征求购买或认购任何投资的邀约。 AOTH/Richard Mills的文章资料都基于从他所认为的可靠的信息来源,却尚未经过独立验证。…


Renforth’s spring drill program at Surimeau demonstrates analog to Finland’s Outokumpu polymetallic district, Talvivaara mine – Richard Mills

…Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website…


Cashed up with a fresh new look, EGR sets off to make new gold discoveries on familiar grounds – Richard Mills

newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or read the newsletter….


EGR 焕然一新,开启在熟悉的土地上发现新的黄金

…地区现在拥有金矿开采和勘探领域的几家主要公司,包括去年合并为一家公司的加拿大 Kirkland Lake Gold 和 Agnico Eagle,以及世界领先的金矿公司 Newmont。 新整合的 Agnico 投资组合包括加拿大最大的 Detour Lake 黄金生产业务,其矿山寿命约为 22 年,预计平均黄金产量为每年 659000 盎司。 除了 Detour Lake,Agnico 还拥有位于魁北克西北部的 Canadian Malartic 矿,该矿在 2022 年之前一直是加拿大最大的露天金矿。该公司还在 Abitibi 带内开发 Macassa…


Evanesce takes ‘dirt-to-dirt approach’ to replace plastic packaging for a truly circular economy – Richard Mills

free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or read the…


Nevada-focused Getchell Gold moving towards updated resource estimate and PEA at Fondaway Canyon – Richard Mills

…OTCQB:GGLDF Cdn$0.15, 2023.06.19 Shares Outstanding 106m Market cap Cdn$16.3m GTCH website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com,…


New copper supply offset by multiple hits to existing operations – Richard Mills

…that the mining industry has to address with new copper mines. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com,…


US DOE draft report reaffirms urgent status of six critical minerals including graphite – Richard Mills

…technology and sub-technology/component importance, but the lowest score for material importance to the technology (each would receive scores of 21 in this example). For this reason, a threshold value of…



…根据美国能源部的说法,筛选方法的开发正是为了筛选出具有特别大商品市场特征的材料或那些在个别应用中使用量可忽略不计的材料(例如,用于 NdFeB 磁体的铁或用于涂覆它们的镍)。 此类材料可能在技术和子技术/组件重要性方面获得高分,但在材料对技术的重要性方面得分最低(在此示例中,每种材料的得分均为 21)。出于这个原因,选择了 22 的阈值以包含在整体关键性评估中。 筛选和评估结果 共 37 份候选材料得到的筛选分数如下图所示。位于 “铁“左侧的所有材料都符合被视为关键材料的阈值,而其余材料则为低风险材料。 在关键性评估中,总共选择了 22 种材料进行进一步评估。 (资料来源:美国能源部) 请注意,某些材料(即铝、钴、石墨、锗、锂、镁、铂和硅)用于多种应用,因此它们的分数范围很广。其他元素(例如镝和铀)仅评估其在一种或两种技术中的使用情况,并获得单一分数。 在评估 22 种突出材料的关键性时,美国能源部采用了一种由美国国家科学院 (NAS) 开发的方法,重点关注两个主要方面:1) 供应中断的影响; 2)供应风险。这两个维度按 1 到 4 的等级进行评级,并以矩阵形式呈现,以说明各种矿物的相对重要性。 DOE 评估专门解决了与能源技术相关的问题。首先,材料对能源部门的重要性取代了…


The inevitability of rising food prices, global famine – Richard Mills

News, warns of “long-term, significant drought” unless there is substantial and sustained rainfall over the coming months. The province this year is on pace to be the earliest snow-free ever…


Arctic Sea Ice Cover Hits Record Lows in 2023

By Anna Fleck New research has found that the Arctic could be almost free of floating sea ice during summer by the 2030s – roughly a decade sooner than previously…


Victory Battery Metals delivers encouraging results from Phase 2 drilling at Smokey lithium project – Richard Mills

free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or read the…


Victory Battery Metals 在 Smokey 锂项目的第 2 阶段钻探取得了令人鼓舞的成果

…此前表示,如果收到在 Smokey 钻出的四个孔的有利化验结果,将导致第 3 阶段钻探计划,钻孔深度为 600 英尺。 “只是为了继续证明我们目前的发现。去年的最后一个洞真正帮助我们重新关注当前的项目,我们非常乐观地认为,根据岩芯的外观,我们可能会获得一些有利的实验室结果。” 公司名称:Victory Battery Metals Corp. 股票代码:CSE:VR, FWB:VR61, OTC:VRCFF 股票价格:每股0.055加元 (2023年6月12日收盘价格) 流通股: 6600万 市值: 396万加元 VR 网址 Richard (Rick) Mills Aheadoftheherd.com 点击订阅 法律声明/免责声明 –…


Why Graphite One is essential to a green future

…of a proposed graphite material manufacturing facility in Washington State. The source material would come from the company’s Graphite Creek deposit it is developing in Alaska. In December 2022, Graphite…


Gold and silver mining stocks aren’t keeping pace with metals – Richard Mills

and should be on every investor’s radar screen. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as…


Rest of Canada, parts of US sharing in BC’s wildfire misery – Richard Mills

…unimpressed. If there was any doubt of Canada’s culpability in climate change, these late-spring wildfires will surely dispel it. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice…


Copper mining profits top $100 billion a year, but where are the new mines?

By Frik Els Despite two consecutive years of bumper topline earnings north of $100 billion, expansion budgets haven’t budged, hovering in the early double digit billions. Barely more than 12%…


Visualizing gold price and US debt (1970-2023)

By Mining.com Gold has long been considered a store of value and a hedge against economic uncertainty. Over the past five decades, its price has been closely intertwined with concerns…


Who are behind the gold and silver buying — part II – Richard Mills

…added, referring to the ongoing banking crisis as well as the potential fallout from rising debt. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com Subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead…


黄金和白银买盘的幕后推动 — 第二部

2023.06.07 在我们之前概述贵金属市场关键参与者的文章中,我们强调全球央行是黄金需求上升的主要驱动力之一。 自 2007-08 年金融危机以来,各国央行作为各自国家的最后贷款人,一直在囤积黄金以履行其金融义务。彭博社此前报道称,自 1971 年美国放弃金本位制以来,银行购买的黄金数量最多。 截至今天,各国央行正在享受最长的黄金购买期,这代表着自 20 世纪 90 年代和 21 世纪初以来态度的急剧转变。 (资料来源:标普全球) Strong Central Bank Buying 世界黄金协会 (WGC) 的最新数据进一步证实了近期观察到的各国央行不懈购买黄金的趋势。今年第一季度,这些银行在全球储备中总共增加了 228 吨黄金,这是自 WGC 于 2000 年开始记录数据以来第一季度的最高购买率。 继 2022…


Victory starts exploring Georgia Lake lithium project in Ontario; geologists on site identifying lithium-bearing pegmatites – Richard Mills

…Shares Outstanding 47.3m Market cap Cdn$3.9m VR website  Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH….


Four drills turning at Dolly Varden’s Kitsault Valley – Richard Mills

…to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or…


Gold revaluation & the hidden motive behind central banks’ gold buying – Richard Mills

…Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com Subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before…



…年代银行出售黄金时确实暗示了这一指导方针的存在。 (资料来源: Gainesville Coins) 更深入地研究显示欧元区国家持有的黄金相对于其储量的数量,以及总储量与 GDP 的比率的数据,支持了 Nieuwenhuijs 的假设,即:黄金储量与 GDP 成比例地均匀分布在各国之间,可以顺利过渡到全球金本位制。 总结 长话短说,在全球央行遭受重大损失之际,以目前的速度购买这么多黄金,这不仅仅是巧合。 我们可以得出结论,黄金重估至少必须在央行行长的公式内,即使他们没有/不能公开表示。 毕竟,这不会是历史上第一次黄金重估。 例如,在 20 世纪 30 年代初,美国政府要求公民以每盎司 20.67 美元的价格上缴黄金,然后在第二年将其重新估价至每盎司 35 美元,这最终成为布雷顿森林体系中使用的价格。 就在过去几年里,土耳其要求其公民向政府出售黄金,以帮助支持暴跌的土耳其里拉(记得土耳其去年也是最大的黄金净买家)。同样的事情可能发生在任何地方,甚至在全球范围内。 Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com 点击订阅…


Anticipating 2,500m drill program, Mantaro builds 10 drill pads at Santas Gloria, Peru – Richard Mills

…km from Lima, has excellent access, is at a relatively low altitude of 3,300m, and has a community access agreement valid until 2028. This week, the company announced the completion…


Renforth identifies three lithium targets based on 11 rare element-enriched anomalies at Surimeau – Richard Mills

…aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this…


Copper Road Resources – Richard Mills

free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or read the…


Mapped: Renewable Energy and Battery Installations in the U.S. in 2023

By Alan Kennedy Renewable energy, in particular solar power, is set to shine in 2023. This year, the U.S. plans to get over 80% of its new energy installations from…


Prudent Minerals sitting on high-grade gold exploration target in Colombia – Richard Mills

…subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website…


Prudent Minerals 坐拥哥伦比亚高品位黄金勘探目标

…240万加元 PRUD 网址 Richard (Rick) Mills aheadotherd.com 点击订阅 法律声明/免责声明 – Ahead of the Herd (以下简称 AOTH) 在使用本网站或阅读通讯之前,请仔细阅读整个免责声明。 如果您不同意所有的AOTH/Richard Mills的免责声明,请谢绝访问/阅读本网站/新闻通讯/文章或其任何页面。通过阅读或使用AOTH/Richard Mills网站/新闻/文章,无论您是否实际阅读此免责声明,均被视为已接受。 任何属于AOTH/Richard Mills的文章与资料都不应被视为出售邀约, 或征求购买或认购任何投资的邀约。 AOTH/Richard Mills的文章资料都基于从他所认为的可靠的信息来源,却尚未经过独立验证。 AOTH/Richard Mills不作任何保证,陈述或担保,并且对其准确性或完整性不承担任何责任。 文中所表达的意见仅属于AOTH/Richard Mills个人。如有更改,恕不通知。 对于本文中提供的任何信息的当下相关性,正确性或完整性,AOTH/Richard…


The rise of geopolitical swing states

By Goldman Sachs As the U.S. and China coexist, compete, and confront each other to determine who will set the geopolitical rules, they will either court or thwart an emerging…


America and China Are on a Collision Course

By Nouriel Roubini The G7 countries may have set out to deter China without escalating the new cold war, but the perception in Beijing suggests that they failed to thread…


Dollar collapse will happen ‘gradually, then suddenly’ – Richard Mills

…sentiment. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully…


The Day They Killed the Dollar

…their money right now. But Gold Stock Analyst editor John Doody says history shows gold has consistently served as a reliable safe haven during times of economic turmoil. Read More…


Colombia’s new mining policy to be water-focused

By Mining.com Colombia’s Minister of Mines and Energy, Irene Vélez, said that the country’s new mining policy will consider reorganizing the country’s development areas around the conservation of water resources….


Max Resource discovers another significant copper-silver zone at its massive CESAR project in Colombia – Richard Mills

…subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website…


Max Resource 在其位于哥伦比亚的大型 CESAR 项目中发现了另一个重要的铜银矿区

…在其 CESAR 矿区的发现数量不断增加告诉我们,哥伦比亚至少有机会成为安第斯山脉的另一个新兴铜矿国家。 在短短两年多的时间里,该公司沿着 90 公里的矿带绘制出了三个不同的区域,更重要的是,确认那里的矿化可以追溯到地球上两个最大的铜矿系统。 Max 现在有多达 21 个目标正在评估以进行钻探测试,这表明其项目的地区规模性质以及我们对未来勘探的期待。 公司名称:Max Resource Corp. 股票代码:TSXV:MAX; OTC:MXROF; Frankfurt:M1D2 股票价格:每股0.125加元 (2023年5月26日收盘价格) 流通股: 1亿6190万 市值: 2020万加元 MAX 网址 Richard (Rick) Mills aheadotherd.com 点击订阅 法律声明/免责声明…


Graphite One is building America’s first graphite source ahead of EV materials supply squeeze – Richard Mills

…Cdn$1.45, 2023.05.24 Shares Outstanding: 125.8m Market cap: Cdn$182.4m GPH website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter…


Graphite One 在 EV 材料供应紧缩之前正在建设美国第一个石墨源

…Richard (Rick) Mills aheadotherd.com 点击订阅 法律声明/免责声明 – Ahead of the Herd (以下简称 AOTH) 在使用本网站或阅读通讯之前,请仔细阅读整个免责声明。 如果您不同意所有的AOTH/Richard Mills的免责声明,请谢绝访问/阅读本网站/新闻通讯/文章或其任何页面。通过阅读或使用AOTH/Richard Mills网站/新闻/文章,无论您是否实际阅读此免责声明,均被视为已接受。 任何属于AOTH/Richard Mills的文章与资料都不应被视为出售邀约, 或征求购买或认购任何投资的邀约。 AOTH/Richard Mills的文章资料都基于从他所认为的可靠的信息来源,却尚未经过独立验证。 AOTH/Richard Mills不作任何保证,陈述或担保,并且对其准确性或完整性不承担任何责任。 文中所表达的意见仅属于AOTH/Richard Mills个人。如有更改,恕不通知。 对于本文中提供的任何信息的当下相关性,正确性或完整性,AOTH/Richard Mills不承担任何保证,责任或担保,并且对于依靠本文中包含的任何意见或陈述或任何遗漏而导致的后果不承担任何责任。 此外,对于因使用AOTH/Richard Mills提供的信息而可能造成的任何直接或间接损失或利润损失,AOTH/Richard…


Getchell Gold expands exploration program at Fondaway Canyon – Richard Mills

…my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or read…


Interest on the debt on track to exceed military expenditures – Richard Mills

…surpassing even the true, bloated defence/ war-making budget. And who is to blame? Both the GOP and Dems. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice /…


Graphite: An Essential Material in the Battery Supply Chain

…vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy storage systems. What many people don’t realize, however, is that the key component of these batteries is not just lithium, but also graphite. Read More…


Renforth drilling at Surimeau hits visible net-textured sulphides commonly seen on magmatic deposits – Richard Mills

…Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before…


Renforth 在 Surimeau 钻探发现了岩浆矿床中常见的可见网状硫化物

…Surimeau 矿产,尤其是南部,都具有伟晶岩的前景。 2023 年,该团队计划寻找新的伟晶岩,并继续对该地产上现有的伟晶岩进行测绘和采样,这是另一条需要关注的发展。 公司名称:Renforth Resources Inc. 股票代码:CSE:RFR, OTCQB:RFHRF, FSE:9RR 股票价格:每股0.02加元 (2023年5月22日收盘价格) 流通股: 3.26亿 市值: 650万加元 RFR 网址 Richard (Rick) Mills aheadotherd.com 点击订阅 法律声明/免责声明 – Ahead of the Herd (以下简称…


U.S. Consumer Debt Piles Up to $17 Trillion

By Felix Richter U.S. consumers are sitting on a historically high pile of debt themselves, as the following chart illustrates. According to the New York Fed’s Quarterly Report on Household…


EGR moves forward with Detour West exploration plan after airborne magnetics, financing completed – Richard Mills

…to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or…


EGR 在航空磁测、融资完成后推进 Detour West 勘探计划

…Lake 及其 Detour Lake 矿。 2022 年最大的交易之一还涉及 Agnico,该公司购买了 Yamana Gold 持有的加拿大资产,包括著名的 Canadian Malartic 矿。 并购活动在 2023 年变得更加火爆,Newmont 以 192 亿美元收购 Newcrest Mining,成为迄今为止全球最大的金矿商。这样一来,我们已经超过了去年的总交易价值。Barrick 首席执行官也不愿落后于竞争对手,最近向英国《金融时报》承认,他的公司正在寻求收购。 今年 2 月份,Endeavour Mining 首席执行官 Sébastien de…


Mantaro Precious Metals – Richard Mills

…TSXV:MNTR, OTCQB:MSLVF, FSE:9TZ Cdn$0.04, 2023.05.19 Shares Outstanding 69.8m Market cap Cdn$ 3.1m MNTR website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd…


The latest developments in nuclear technology – Richard Mills

and a high percentage of surveyed companies believe that commercial fusion will be a reality by the next decade. One of the leading lights is Commonwealth Fusion, set up in…


Rise of ChatGPT: A new era of AI that has people both excited and terrified – Richard Mills

…worst case, destruction. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com Subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire…


ChatGPT 的崛起:让人既兴奋又恐惧的人工智能新时代

…从中期来看,专家们担心新的人工智能系统可能会成为工作杀手。目前,像 GPT-4 这样的技术往往是对人类工作者的补充,但 OpenAI 已经承认,它们可以取代一些工作者。OpenAI 研究人员撰写的一篇论文估计,百分之八十的美国劳动力至少有百分之十的工作任务会受到语言学习模型的影响。 从长远来看,专家们担心失去对人工智能系统的控制。回到 “小行星” 的主题,一些签署这封信的人认为人工智能可能会超出我们的控制范围或摧毁人类,尽管大多数人说这太夸张了。 总结 然而,我们不能做的一件事是睁一只眼闭一只眼,就像我们多年来对气候变化所做的那样;我们中仍有相当一部分人否认 “厄运和悲观” 的情况。 我们更不能在现实生活中重演2021年网飞黑色喜剧电影《别抬头》,这部上映只是为了嘲笑我们在面临生存威胁时的无知的影片。 现在,科技公司有责任确保人工智能产品对公众的安全,政策制定者有责任确保有监管来确保安全。这是美国总统乔·拜登在本周与科技顾问会面前采取的立场,他表示 “人工智能是否危险还有待观察,但强调科技公司有责任确保其产品在公开之前的安全。” 白宫已经召集了包括 OpenAI 的 Sam Altman 在内的顶级技术首席执行官来解决人工智能问题。美国立法者也在寻求采取行动,在限制其滥用的同时,进一步提高该技术的效益和国家安全。 周二,Altman 首次在国会发表讲话,公开承认他的公司的生成人工智能需要政府监管,因为它干预选举的能力可以被视为 “一个值得关注的重要领域”。 讨论的中心是一张人工智能生成的前总统唐纳·特朗普被纽约警察局逮捕的照片,该照片在网上疯传,议员们认为这是一个可能损害 2024 年大选完整性的错误信息案例。 (人工智能生成的特朗普被捕照片) Altman…


Sell in May and Go Away?

…proven more useful than not. Every January, for example, I remember the “five-day rule,” which holds that if the S&P 500’s accumulated performance is positive over the first five days…


Bill S-211 the Modern Slavery Act has profound implications for Canadian listed mining companies – Richard Mills

…that will become the world’s next mines. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH….


Dolly Varden Silver primed for discovery in bullish year for precious metals – Richard Mills

newly acquired Homestake deposits, Khunkhun said this acquisition was “crucial for solidifying the company’s position in the prospective Kitsault trend and added critical mass to the combined Kitsault Valley project.”…


Dolly Varden Silver 准备在贵金属看涨的一年中斩获新发现

…来自为白银研究协会准备数据的 Metals Focus 的 Philip Newman 说。 Newman 在最近接受 Kitco News 采访时表示:“白银需求在 2022 年是前所未有的,我们这么说并不是为了引起轰动,这是描述市场的唯一方式。” 到 2023 年,我们很可能会看到去年的重演,需求强劲且矿山产量略有增加 (2%)。 白银协会预测今年的需求量将增加 11.7 亿盎司,而预计供应量为 10.2 亿盎司。虽然这将使缺口缩小至 1.421 亿盎司,但仍将是二十多年来的第二大缺口。 Newton 还告诉 Kitco News:“即使某些市场不如去年强劲,但预计需求仍将非常强劲。” 为了满足未来的需求,显然必须开发更多的银矿来扭转这一趋势。重点必须放在有前途的白银勘探者和矿山开发商身上,他们可以为未来的供应链做出贡献。…


What Canada’s new Modern Slavery Act means for miners

On May 3, Canada’s Parliament passed Bill S-211, the Modern Slavery Act, aimed at combating forced labour and child labour in supply chains. This new legislation has far-reaching implications for


Victory Battery Metals: Smokey lithium project moves from early-stage to advanced-stage with completion of spring drill program – Richard Mills

…Metals  (CSE:VR,FWB:VR61,OTC:VRCFF) Cdn$0.06, 2023.05.12 Shares Outstanding 47.3m Market cap Cdn$4.2m VR website  Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com,…


Copper Road exploring two large-scale, near-surface mineralized zones in Ontario’s famed district – Richard Mills

…Shares Outstanding 47.3m Market cap Cdn$3.8m CRD website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as…


Copper Road 探索安大略著名地区的两个大型近地表矿化带

…在 Keweenaw 开采的铜矿形成于地球历史上一个壮观的时期——当时北美大陆正在分裂(一种称为 “裂谷” 的地质过程)。这种分离开始于大约 11 亿年前,其高峰期的长度超过 3000 公里。 (资料来源:美国地质调查局) 在裂谷期间,大量的熔岩从地壳中涌出,形成了数千英尺厚的岩层。如今,这些巨大的洪水玄武岩只暴露在苏必利尔湖 (Lake Superior) 地区。在美国其他地区,它们被埋在数千英尺深的沉积物中。 在苏必利尔湖地区,与裂谷有关的岩石含有丰富的矿产资源,这些矿产资源是在约 3000 万年的裂谷发育过程中通过岩浆和热液作用形成的。这些裂谷岩石是密歇根著名的原生铜矿床的所在地,并含有大量在不同阶段沉积的铜(和镍)。 (中大陆裂谷系的广义地质图。资料来源:美国地质调查局) 研究证实,北美中大陆裂谷系统在苏必利尔湖地区拥有多种多样的岩浆和热液矿藏,裂谷岩石暴露在地表或附近。从历史上看,热液矿床,如密歇根州的原生铜矿床和白松沉积物托管的层状铜矿床,是主要的生产商。 明尼苏达州 Duluth Complex 所在的铜镍硫化物矿床的持续勘探和潜在开发以及密歇根州 Eagle 镍矿的开工表明人们对这些岩浆矿床的兴趣不断扩大。 与此同时,Keweenaw 安大略一侧的铜矿开发项目很少,这为矿业公司提供了巨大的机会,可以在关键矿物需求旺盛的时代做出激动人心的新发现。 Copper Road Resources…


Two dominant investment themes and the metals required for each – Richard Mills

…2023. Dawn of a new commodity supercycle Commodity supercycles occur because of the lag between commodity price signals and changes in supply. While each commodity is different, the following is…


5 reasons food will get scarcer and more expensive – Richard Mills

…journalists earlier this year. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com Subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the…



…8.2%。联合利华和可口可乐等其他消费巨头也已标明价格今年增加。 联合利华首席财务官 Graeme Pitkethly 今年早些时候告诉记者:“我们可能已经过了通货膨胀高峰,但我们还没有达到价格高峰。” Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com 点击订阅 法律声明/免责声明 – Ahead of the Herd (以下简称 AOTH) 在使用本网站或阅读通讯之前,请仔细阅读整个免责声明。 如果您不同意所有的AOTH/Richard Mills的免责声明,请谢绝访问/阅读本网站/新闻通讯/文章或其任何页面。通过阅读或使用AOTH/Richard Mills网站/新闻/文章,无论您是否实际阅读此免责声明,均被视为已接受。 任何属于AOTH/Richard Mills的文章与资料都不应被视为出售邀约, 或征求购买或认购任何投资的邀约。 AOTH/Richard Mills的文章资料都基于从他所认为的可靠的信息来源,却尚未经过独立验证。 AOTH/Richard Mills不作任何保证,陈述或担保,并且对其准确性或完整性不承担任何责任。 文中所表达的意见仅属于AOTH/Richard…


Net Zero grid batteries alone would bankrupt America

…subsidies, and the transformation to “clean” energy will just happen.  Almost like in a fairy tale. Here in the real world, however, we would need literally millions of weather-dependent wind turbines,…


5 reasons gold and silver will soar – Richard Mills

…from the start of 2023. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com Subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read…



…‘下一个是谁?’ 的对话,但投资者显然继续关注被认为最弱的剩余参与者”,瑞银分析师在给客户的一份报告中写道。 不过,更大的担忧是,银行倒闭可能会导致人们对相对健康的银行产生怀疑,从而造成可能影响更广泛经济的金融蔓延。 这对黄金的前景来说是个好兆头,黄金对投资者恐惧加剧引起的市场恐慌做出了积极反应。周四,黄金期货触及每盎司 2072 美元的历史高位,而现货黄金距离创下新纪录仅差几美分。 美联储的下一步 同样需要关注的是美联储对利率的最终决定。在本周普遍预期的举措中,美联储宣布了一年多来的第 10 次加息,同时还初步暗示当前的紧缩周期即将结束。 我们之前已经确定,实际利率而非通胀才是真正决定黄金长期表现的因素。如果美联储决定暂停加息,那将进一步加强金价,因为它通常与实际利率呈负相关。 更有希望的是,即使美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔 (Jerome Powell) 对暂停加息持不确定态度,金价仍保持在每盎司 2000 美元附近,打破了之前加息的模式。鲍威尔表示,央行仍需要评估近期银行倒闭的影响,等待美国债务谈判的结果,并监控通胀进程。 话虽如此,市场仍预计 5 月将是本次紧缩周期中的最后一次加息,并预计最早可能在 9 月降息。 分析师告诉 Kitco News,这种重大经济不确定性的环境 “将对黄金保持相当积极的影响,即使市场波动确实因美联储加息预期不稳而加剧。” 一些人还指出,即使美联储保持强硬的态度, 由于存在如此多的不确定性,黄金市场应该能够在每盎司 2000 美元至…


Extreme weather arrives early in Western Canada; another hot, dry summer expected -Richard Mills

…metals.  Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully…


Under the Spotlight: Brad Aelicks on exploration and development of Max Resource copper-silver CESAR project in Colombia

…re-ignited. RM: Thank you Brad, as always extremely informative. BA: Thank you Rick, it was a pleasure speaking with you. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal…


Nevada regains position as most attractive mining jurisdiction

By Mining.com The state of Nevada has recovered the world’s top-ranked jurisdiction spot for mining and exploration it yielded last year to Western Australia, the Fraser Institute’s 2022 annual survey…


Mantaro picking up two new properties in Bolivia – Richard Mills

…all directions. (see the Jan. 12 news release for full results of the initial drill program) The Golden Hill team has obtained a new environmental license covering the entire property, allowing open


All signs point to the early stages of a new “commodity supercycle” – Richard Mills

newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or read the newsletter….


EGR Exploration looks to follow Detour Lake’s footsteps – Richard Mills

…Outstanding 32m Market cap Cdn$3.2m EGR website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH….


EGR 勘探公司希望追随 Detour Lake 的脚步, 在其西部的大型地产上取得成功

…因平均品位高于全球平均水平,该地区发现的金矿被公认为是 “世界级” 的。 Abitibi 地区现在拥有金矿开采和勘探领域的几家主要公司,包括去年合并为一家公司的加拿大的 Kirkland Lake Gold 和 Agnico Eagle,以及世界领先的金矿公司 Newmont。 新整合的 Agnico 投资组合包括加拿大最大的 Detour Lake 黄金生产业务,其矿山寿命约为 22 年,预计平均黄金产量为每年 659000 盎司。 除了 Detour Lake,Agnico 还拥有位于魁北克西北部的 Canadian Malartic 矿,该矿在 2022…


PRUD: Advancing ABE gold project within the prolific Middle Cauca gold belt, Colombia – Richard Mills

…Shares Outstanding 24.9m Market cap Cdn$1.7m PRUD website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH….


Lithium nationalization bombshell – Richard Mills

…clean and green heats up, prices can only go higher. Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter…


Is a new supercycle starting?

…a 50-year low relative to overall equity markets (S&P 500). Historically, lows in the ratio of commodities to equities have corresponded with the beginning of new commodity supercycles. Read More…


Is mining set for a new wave of mega-mergers?

For growth-hungry firms, the high costs and risks of developing new projects and relatively cheap valuations for companies in the sector mean that buying looks more attractive than digging. Last…


Getchell Gold: Era of M&As may spur gold industry convergence to proven hunting grounds like Nevada – Richard Mills

company has in store. Getchell Gold Corp. CSE:GTCH, OTCQB:GGLDF Cdn$0.26, 2023.04.28 Shares Outstanding 106m Market cap Cdn$27.6m GTCH website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice…


Getchell Gold:并购时代会刺激黄金行业向内华达州等热门地区集中

…在储量枯竭、新发现少的时代,并购是黄金企业的典型出路。 自 2019 年 Barrick-Newmont 合资公司成立以来,无论是交易数量还是交易总金额,黄金行业的并购活动都出现了大幅增长。去年,前 10 大黄金交易总额达到 175 亿美元,超过了 2021 年创下的纪录。 黄金并购活动的势头一直持续到 2023 年:Newmont 有望以 169 亿美元的价格收购澳大利亚的 Newcrest。行业高管一致认为,无论这笔交易的结果如何,采矿业都将迎来新一轮整合浪潮。 今年 2 月,Endeavor Mining 的首席执行官 Sébastien de Montessus 在接受路透社采访时表示,今年金矿行业可能会出现更多的合并,当时纽蒙特公司的大型合并提议消息传出几天后。 “我认为我们可能会看到更多[交易],仅仅是因为一些公司缺乏明确的战略,”de Montessus…


How Deglobalization is Changing the Dynamics of Securing Critical Minerals

…world is moving from a system of free and fair access to commodities to one likely marked by interregional competition, and unstable availability and pricing of critical minerals. Read More…


MIT Scientists Create New Nanoparticle Sensors to Detect Early Cancer via Simple Paper Test

By Bill Pan Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have designed nanoparticle sensors that could diagnose early-stage cancer through a simple urine test on a strip of paper….


U.S. Economy: Cloudy With a Chance of Stagflation

…the first three months of 2023. Annualized real GDP growth slowed to 1.1 percent in Q1 2023, the Bureau of Economic Analysis said on Thursday, down from 2.6 percent in…


Visualizing the Growing Demand for Nickel and Copper

…wind turbines. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), an average EV can contain around 53kg of copper compared to 22kg in a combustion vehicle. As a result, copper demand


Graphite One achieves ‘milestone moment’ in providing anode material manufactured from Graphite Creek feedstock – Richard Mills

…announced an MOU with Sunrise New Energy Material Company, a China-based lithium-ion battery anode producer. Graphite is the only material in the world that conducts electricity other than metals, and


Renforth ready for pegmatite prospecting amid major shakeup in lithium industry- Richard Mills

newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website or read the newsletter….


Renforth 准备在锂行业的大重组中进行伟晶岩勘探

…Fastmarkets NewGen 电池原材料分析师 Jordan Roberts 在与 Mining.com 电子邮件通信中表示:“在进一步细节公布之前,投资智利锂领域可能会有些犹豫,而且公司对稳定性以及公私合作伙伴关系的运作方式充满信心。” 随着周五智利锂公司的股价暴跌,矿业巨头 Robert Friedland 表示,这一公告将“对国际资本构成相当大的挑战,这使得在智利投资变得更加困难。” “金钱是胆小鬼——它一遇到麻烦就逃跑,” 他打趣道。 身为艾芬豪矿业 (Ivanhoe Mines) 主席的他还表示,圣地亚哥的举动将破坏智利作为拉丁美洲外国投资者更安全的地方之一的声誉,他告诉彭博社: 这“可能会让政府退缩很长一段时间——阻止像力拓、泰克和必和必拓这样的公司进入那里投资。据我估计,这不会有好结果。” 他说,政府是效率低下的矿工,鼓励私营部门投资 “效率要高得多”,并补充道,“考虑不周”的民族主义政策有可能破坏清洁能源转型。“ 与此同时,汽车行业高管警告称,到本世纪中期供应链将出现紧缩,这主要是由于计划花费近 1.2 万亿美元生产数百万辆电动汽车。 根据 Benchmark Mineral Intelligence (BMI) 的数据,为满足需求,到本十年末,全球锂行业需要投资高达…


QE-Light Forestalls Crisis…For Now

…to combat that inflation, it causes these same asset bubbles to collapse. So no, you don’t have to be a hyperbolic perma-bear to compare today’s crisis with that of the…


Gold Upleg Still Running

…gold price action, I analyze the latest CoT data in every issue of our subscription newsletters.  In order to quickly provide perspective on this complex data, I recast total spec…


BC’s LNG boondoggle continues to lack critics – Richard Mills

…subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you use this website…


So Many Open Signs of Financial Disaster Ahead and Gold Working

By Matthew Piepenburg From oil markets to treasury stacking, backdoor QE, investor fantasy and hedge fund prepping, it’s becoming more and more clear that the big boys are bracing for


Dolly Varden plans 40,000-45,000m of drilling in 2023, building on last year’s success – Richard Mills

…(Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice / Disclaimer Ahead of the Herd newsletter, aheadoftheherd.com, hereafter known as AOTH. Please read the entire Disclaimer carefully before you…


Dolly Varden 计划在去年取得成功的基础上,在 2023 年进行 40,000-45,000 米的钻探

2023.04.26 毋庸置疑:世界白银供应正面临着长期短缺。 2022 年,该贵金属在供应过剩五年后连续第二年出现了供应短缺。 白银协会的新数据显示,2022 年全球需求激增 18%,而矿山产量停滞不前,供应缺口扩大至 2.377 亿盎司。该研究所表示,这个数字“可能是有记录以来最严重的短缺”。 白银市场基本面强劲,进入供应短缺新时代 更令人不安的是,我们仅仅用了这两年的供应不足——2022 年和 2021 的 5110 万盎司短缺——就消除了前十年的累积盈余。 (资料来源:白银研究所) 在可预见的未来,白银可能仍将存在大量的供应不足。 “我们正在进入一种不同的市场范式,一种持续的短缺,” 来自为白银研究所准备数据的 Metals Focus 的 Philip Newman 说。 为了满足我们未来的金属需求,必须在世界范围内开发更多的银矿以扭转这一趋势。重点必须放在有前途的白银勘探者和矿山开发商身上,他们可以为未来的供应链做出贡献。 Dolly Varden Silver…


Chile’s lithium nationalization puts the squeeze on EV makers and shines a spotlight on North American juniors – Richard Mills

…released and companies are confident on stability and in how the public-private partnerships will operate,” Jordan Roberts, battery raw materials analyst at Fastmarkets NewGen, told Mining.com in an email. As…


EGR Exploration Ltd

TSX-V: EGR Website: http://egrexploration.com/ Company Description EGR Exploration Ltd. is exploring for gold in the Detour-Fenelon Gold Trend, approximately 300 kilometers north of Timmins, Ontario. EGR’s 40,255 hectare Detour West gold project…


Silver market fundamentals strong as it enters new era of supply deficits – Richard Mills

…with silver looking to play a special role, especially considering how cheap it is relative to other commodities.” Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com Subscribe to my free newsletter Legal Notice /…



…年和 2002 年那样回调只是时间问题,大宗商品价格会出现大幅反弹。” 存在的逆风因素 尽管如此,一些分析师还是倾向于对白银的短期前景持谨慎态度,因为白银价格已经突破了每盎司 20 美元的关键水平,利率也在上升。 世界银行在 2022 年 10 月发布的《商品市场展望》中显示,白银价格全年平均为 21 美元,然后在 2024 年保持不变。 白银研究所在其年度调查中表示,由于投资需求下降,今年的平均价格应为每盎司 21.30 美元,比去年的平均价格 21.73 美元低 2%。 “正如我们所认为的那样,我们认为机构投资最终会失去动力。目前市场一致认为美联储将被迫在下半年降息将被证明是错误的,” 该研究所表示。 此外,MKS PAMP 还表示,对经济衰退的担忧可能导致工业需求疲软,这可能导致白银价格跌至每盎司 18 美元。白银协会还预计,白银价格将在年底前跌至这一水平。 ABC…


Mantaro unveils exploration plans at Golden Hill, Santas Gloria – Richard Mills

…in its April 19 news.  Mantaro Precious Metals Corp. TSXV:MNTR, OTCQB:MSLVF, FSE:9TZ Cdn$0.05, 2023.04.21 Shares Outstanding 69.8m Market cap Cdn$3.4m MNTR website Richard (Rick) Mills aheadoftheherd.com subscribe to my free newsletter…


Copper industry warns of looming supply gap without more mines

…exceed supply over the next decade and imperil climate targets unless dozens of new mines are built, executives and analysts said this week at a key industry conference. Read More…


Gold Stocks Still Undervalued

forward P/Es, which are based on guesses of future EPS. After every quarterly earnings season, I analyze the latest results reported by the 25 largest component companies of the leading…